Laura-Henry-150We were fortunate to have Laura Henry present a webinar  about ECE Program Quality: Your Leadership Role in Pushing the Boundaries on June 10, 2015. Many of the participants had questions that we were unable to ask Laura.  She was kind enough to answer them and they are posted below.  Here is a link to the recording:  ECE Program Quality: Your Leadership Role in Pushing the Boundaries


Q.1. Do we have handouts with this webinar? I did not get a link to print them.

A.1. Click here  for the slides from the webinar. Handouts: Article_Languages of training and Handout_Observation Feedback


Q.2. How often should an educator have professional development courses throughout the year?

A.2. My thoughts are that professional development comes in many shapes and forms. See the attached article that I wrote.

I think it depends on their level of expertise, knowledge and skills. It’s also important that the educator is able to reflect on their CPD and show an impact on children’s learning and development.


Q.7. The state of Nevada, USA adopted the Next Generation Science Standard in January 2015. Our class is to introduce the Engineering Design process in Kindergarten. The EDP require teamwork. How do you rally teachers who may not be familiar with the material of NGSS to work together rather then just having one person be a dominant leader who is well versed in the NGSS content?

A.7. Good point. I think you need staff to ‘buy in’ to the concept. Arrange a staff meeting and ask staff their views. Set up a working forum with a small group of staff. In your staff room have a ‘board of ideas’, linked to NGSS, with staff adding their ideas and views. It’s essential that staff have a sense of ownership.


Q.9. How do you move the (job ) staff to the career staff?

A.9. You need to have frequent one-on-ones with staff and focus on their skills and talents. The key is to give them the opportunity to shine. Start with delegating an achievable task that links to their skills and talents, which will create a sense of belonging. Make sure that staff feel included within the setting. Think about how you praise staff and reward them. Ask staff to complete a staff survey to gauge their thoughts.


Q.10. When you empower the staff, do they in turn empower the children?

A.10. Yes, if staff are empowered they then indeed go on to empower, and I would say enhance, the relationship between educator and child and inspire children to reach their full potential.


Q.11 How do you attract quality teachers – those in it as a calling – when only short-term contracts are offered?

A.11 Even on a short-term contract, it’s important to treat staff as if they were permanent staff.


Q.12. What are your thoughts on a memo or morning memos to staff with quotes or inspirational sayings?

A.12 I like this, as I love inspiring quotes! Be mindful not to have too much overload. Personally, I would do once a week and also place in the staff room, classrooms and communal areas.


Q.13. How do you respond as a new director to the centre and have the majority of staff members performing poorly?

Q.13 Have clarity on your values, mission and vision at the start. Quality assure the practice against your standards. Have whole staff meetings, outlining your standards and approach to quality. Have individual one-on-ones with staff. Prioritize professional development against what you seek to achieve.


Please feel free to email me if you have additional questions or queries:


Twitter: @LauraChildcare