
Wisdom from Karen Nemeth and Session Participants: Building Multicultural Multilingual Communities in ECE Programs

On April 27, 2011, we were fortunate to have Karen Nemeth present Building a Multicultural Multilingual Community in Your Early Childhood Program. She shared strategies for supporting teachers, resources to equip diverse classrooms, and ideas for engaging families. The session participants were very enthusiastic and shared amazing ideas on how to build a classroom community based on diversity. Take a

Q&A for Wendy Young’s webinar, “Time-Out for Exclusionary Tactics in ECE Settings: Leading with Heads and Hearts”

On April 6, 2011, we were delighted to have Wendy Young, present an engaging and thought-provoking webinar “Time-Out for Exclusionary Tactics in ECE Settings: Leading with Heads and Hearts“. She shared amazing insight about the misuse of exclusionary tactics and tips about how to use proactive practices to replace the need for time-out.  The participants asked great questions, but we

Q and A from the Webinar by Dr. Timothy Shanahan: Literacy Implications of the NELP Report for Early Childhood Administrators

On February 9, 2011, we were honored to host an engaging and information-packed webinar by Dr. Timothy Shanahan that reviewed the results and highlighted key implications in the report of the National Early Literacy Panel. There were so many great questions, we could not answer them all in the allotted 1.5 hours, so Dr. Shanahan kindly responded to the questions in writing.

Understanding the changes to the Head Start Outcomes Framework by Karen Nemeth

Learn more about the changes to the Head Start Outcomes Framework In early January, Head Start grantees across the country received a revised outcomes framework, now called the Child Development and Early Learning Framework: Promoting Positive Outcomes in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children 3-5 Years Old with an introduction from Head Start director, Yvette Sanchez

Thought leadership: Why We All Benefit When A Few Share Knowledge

There are smart people. There are people who are are happy to tell you everything they think you need to know. Then there are thought leaders. Thought leaders are a different breed altogether. They are typically smart, informed, and passionate. But what makes thought leaders so special is their willingness to share ideas and information