You may have missed the live webinar of Beyond COVID-19: Supporting Children, Families, & Staff to Reintegrate to the New Normal, by Barbara Kaiser, but you can still participate! Here’s what you missed: A comprehensive set of strategies for helping all of the people in the early childhood education triad to manage the stress of re-entry to life in your program. Barbara, one of our most frequent and beloved presenters offered insight into the trauma all of us may have experienced and techniques for gently bringing children, staff and children back together when programs reopen. As promised we just want to let you know the recording is now available.
Wonderful presentation- I will be sharing with our staff so that they feel better equipped as we re-open – where do we find the slides?
Thanks for the kind words. I hope the webinar helps. All of our slides are located on the Recordings, Slides, and Handouts page on our website.