Early Childhood Consultant
Cate Heroman, LLC
Cate Heroman is passionate about helping young children become successful learners and socially competent. She is an early childhood consultant with 40 years in the field as a teacher, Louisiana state early childhood administrator, trainer, keynote speaker, corporate vice president and author. She has authored numerous early childhood publications including The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool, Teaching Strategies GOLD®, Coaching to Fidelity, Building Your Baby’s Brain, Helping Children Rebound: Strategies for Preschool Teachers, Helping Children Rebound: Strategies for Infant Toddler Teachers and more. She is especially interested in the maker education movement and is author of a soon-to-be-released publication for NAEYC called Making and Tinkering with STEM: Solving Design Challenges with Young Children. Cate previously served on the NAEYC Consulting Editor Panel and has been guest author for blogs on their website. She is currently volunteering as Board Education Chair of Knock Knock Children’s Museum, an emerging museum for children birth to age eight. Cate was recently recognized as the 2016 Alumnus of the Year for the LSU College of Human Sciences and Education and received the 2015 Excalibur Volunteer Recognition Award.