Product Development Director
Hatch Early Childhood Inc.
Susan Gunnewig, the presenter for The Influences Changing Instruction in the Prekindergarten Classroom, was a teacher in the Houston Independent School District for 28 years. An additional 5 as a senior administrator in the district’s reading department. In 2001, she joined the faculty of the University of Texas Medical School, Division of Developmental Pediatrics. Division Chief, Susan H. Landry and Susan joined to create the CIRCLE/STEP Head Start training and the Texas School Readiness Project which has received national acclaim. Susan has presented at a number of national conferences and was a participant in the Dept of Ed.Early Childhood Academies. She led the revising of the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines and was a consultant for Florida and California’s revisions. Retiring from UT in 2008, she joined Hatch Early Childhood on a quest to develop product that is appropriate and tied to strong research findings aligned with national and state standards.