National Trainer and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist
Devereux Center for Resilient Children
Rachel received her Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Sociology from Ithaca College and received her Master’s in Social Work from the University of Albany. Rachel is a Lead National Trainer and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist for the Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC). She is the author of FLIP IT! Transforming Challenging Behavior. She is also the co-author of Your Journey Together: Building the Resilience of Children and Families, and the Devereux Resilient Leadership Survey (DERLS). Rachel travels the country speaking to groups on topics related to social-emotional health and resilience. Rachel began her career as a preschool teacher and then worked as a teacher and counselor at a therapeutic preschool. She also served as an Early Childhood Mental Health Coordinator and Consultant for several Head Start programs. Later in her career, Rachel began one of New York’s first early childhood mental health consultation services. In her work at DCRC, Rachel enjoys a variety of responsibilities including adult learning design, live and web-based professional development, resilience resource creation, technical assistance, and long distance reflective supervision to groups and individuals providing early childhood mental health consultation, coaching and leadership services. Rachel embodies the characteristics of a great reflective practitioner as she helps others explore the emotional content of their work in order to grow and improve their practices and confidence. Rachel currently resides in the Syracuse, NY area with her family. She is a passionate speaker, a dedicated listener and an advocate for children who communicate in unique ways.