New Videos: Tips for Webinar Newbies Series– Registering and Preparing to Attend

Watch this 15 minute video to learn about registering and preparing to attend webinars! Hey there, webinar lover! We're kicking off a new series of videos to provide you with on demand support for commonly asked questions about Early Childhood Investigations Webinars. We get email every day with questions about Early Childhood Investigations Webinars and

Does This Child’s Behavior Warrant Hiring a Consultant?

Does This Child’s Behavior Warrant Hiring a Consultant? by Barb O’Neill, Ed.D Trainer, Coach, and Founder of Transform Challenging Behavior Let’s consider Brandon. He’s four. He has his good days and his bad days, but the bad days are really bad. At center time he often rushes into the block area, smashing the other children’s