View full profileECE Tech: Beyond Debate-How To Evaluate Children’s Interactive Technology Tools and Media
It’s easy to find fierce debate about using technology with young children. As multi-touch screens flood our classrooms, minivans and playrooms, some have gone as far to say that technology causes health problems, developmental delays and imply that there could be frightening long-term implications. But what exactly is “technology?” In this webinar, we’ll unpackage the […]Full Description
Session Resources & SlidesConnect, Inspire & Empower Teachers Through Personal “Sticky Notes Storytelling”
“Sticky Note Storytelling” is a tool used by life coaches and CEO’s of organizations to facilitate personal growth and development and forge authentic and supportive relationships in an organization. It is a powerful process that leads people to self discovery and more meaningful relationships with others. This session will explain the process of “Sticky Note Storytelling” and how to prepare staff for the process.Full Description
Session Resources & Slides05/11/2011
Pierce, Debra
Professor, Early Childhood Education , Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
View full profileThe CDA Credentialing Process & The Role of ECE Directors
If you have asked your teachers to get the CDA Credential, your responsibility has really only just begun. As the administrator, you must be a source of support and help to your staff as they earn a CDA. In this session, you will learn the best ways to be an advocate, mentor, and active participant in the CDA process. Full Description
Session Resources & SlidesBuilding a Multicultural Multilingual Community in Your Early Childhood Program
Early Childhood Education Resources for Teaching Dual Language Learners http://www.languagecastle.com Karen@languagecastle.com Twitter: KarenNemethEdM Facebook: Karen Nemeth at Language Castle LLC Many Languages, One Classroom: Teaching Dual and English Language Learners Karen Nemeth 2009 – Gryphon House Meeting the Home Language Mandate: Practical Strategies for All Classrooms Karen Nemeth March 2009 Young Children One Child, […]Full Description
Session Resources & Slides04/06/2011
Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD
Child & Family Therapist and ECE Behavioral and Menntal Health Consultant, Kidluitons:Solutions for Kids and Preferred Product Awards for Social-Emotional Developement
View full profileTime-Out for Exclusionary Tactics in ECE Settings: Leading with Heads and Hearts
Early childhood teachers and administrators often use time-out as a guidance method for challenging behaviors. Time-out was originally developed as a positive guidance technique, yet we often miss the mark when we use it. This webinar will explain how early childhood administrators and teachers can do things differently to help ALL students succeed.Full Description
Session Resources & SlidesHitting, Pushing and Name-calling: Bully-proofing Your ECE Program
Is it possible to eliminate aggressive acts and bullying during the early years? The answer to this question is critical for anyone involved in early childhood education. In this webinar, we will discuss ways to eliminate aggressive acts during the early years. Full Description
Session Resources & Slides03/23/2011
Ehlers, Vicki
Teacher Educator/Family Life Educator, Oklahoma State University
View full profileEngaging Outdoor Play: The ECE Administrator’s Role
The outdoor learning environment has the potential to be a special space for nurturing the minds, bodies, and spirits of all young children and adults. Play that occurs in the outdoor environment is an important part of a high quality early childhood program. What does it take to have a quality outdoor space and engaging outdoor play? It starts with the adults who create those spaces and experiences.Full Description
Session Resources & SlidesMultilingual ECE Programs: How Preschool Children Learn Languages and How Administrators Can Help
US classrooms are increasingly more multilingual. We can either ignore our students’ linguistic needs, or we can position ourselves to provide the best possible education for our children’s global future. In this webinar, we will talk about the importance of thematic learning, the tremendous power of bilingual books when used with storytelling techniques, and why play is king of the classroom. Full Description
Session Resources & SlidesOnline Learning for Early Childhood? How young children learn online
This webinar will showcase how children learn and why it is important to provide developmentally appropriate, engaging, and interactive activities for young children. This interactive, innovative presentation will showcase how children learn online. Participate in this session and try out some new Web 2.0 tools that work with young children. Full Description
Session Resources & Slides02/16/2011
Gunnewig, Susan
Product Development Director, Hatch Early Childhood Inc.
View full profileThe Influences Changing Instruction in the Prekindergarten Classroom
. This session will briefly examine the 2009 releases of the federally funded reports for early literacy and mathematics, and the survey of technology use in the prekindergarten settings to develop a backdrop for understanding the impact and implications for early childhood professionals. Susan will also share practical ideas about how to manage your programs using alignments with the new Pre-K Common Core Standards.Full Description
Session Resources & SlidesDeveloping Early Literacy: The Report of the National Early Literacy Panel
What literacy skills and abilities should preschools and kindergartens aim to develop? What instructional practices have been proven, by research, to confer literacy learning advantages to young children? This webinar will provide answers to these questions based upon the most comprehensive review yet conducted with research on early literacy. The chair of the National Early Literacy Panel will provide participants with a guided tour of their findings.Full Description
Session Resources & Slides01/19/2011
Siegel, Bob
National Director of Easter Seals Children's Services , Easter Seals
View full profileQuality ECE Inclusion Programs for ALL Children: Operating Standards for High Quality Inclusive Child Care
Join Bob Siegel, National Director of Easter Seals Children’s Services in this 1 hour session devoted to providing you with an overview of the Easter Seals Operating Standards for Quality Inclusive Child Care. Full Description
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