Scroll down to find the recordings, slides, and handouts from each session-
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In addition to their slides. presenters often provide additional resources that may include handouts, and links. The slides and handouts are posted by 8 am Eastern Time prior to the session, but only when made available by the presenter in time.
Recordings are posted within 24 to 48 hours after the session concludes.
The resources are listed in reverse order, with the most recent session listed first.
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Rogow, Faith
PhD, Founder and Media Literacy Specialist , Insighters Educational Consulting
View profileTeaching Critical Thinking About TV, Videos, Online Games, and Apps in Early Childhood, by Faith Rogow, Ph.D.
12/04/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory Young children growing up in today’s digital world face unique challenges and opportunities. Many early childhood professionals respond to that reality from a place of anxiety and resistance. But what happens if, instead of resistance, our strategies are grounded in joyful learning and discovery? The answer is magic. […]Full Description
Varouhas, Ashley
Childcare Business Coach and School Owner , Child Care Success Company
View profileEvidence-Based Protocols for Effective Staff Supervision in Early Childhood, by Ashley Varouhas, M.A.
11/14/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by The Child Care Success Company Leading an early childhood program is a joy, but it is labor-intensive and human-centric. You must intensively work with families, staff, and children, all of which require energy, patience, and specific know-how. One of the most demanding aspects of the job is supervising staff. Because may come to […]Full Description
Perez, Kelly
Vice President Education Programs and Preschool Director , Smart Love Family Services
View profileThe Happiest Preschool: The Transformation and Future of Early Childhood Education, by Martha Heineman Pieper and Kelly Perez
11/07/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory What more could anyone want for children than a happy early childhood? The lively session will describe how preschool programs and classrooms can offer a joyful culture of caring, cooperation, creativity, learning, and social-emotional health. Presented by psychotherapist and acclaimed author Martha Heineman Pieper and Director of The […]Full Description
Building a Financial Framework for Your ECE Program’s Future, by Kathy Ligon
11/06/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by our 2024 Ultimate Sponsor, Procare Solutions In the childcare industry, profit can sometimes be viewed as a bad word. But you must carry out the mission you got into this industry for with financial stability. Quality and profitability aren’t at odds with each other—you must be financially healthy and thriving to provide excellent […]Full Description
Beyond the Shelves and Manipulatives: Learning Environments That Nurture Young Children, by Berna Artis, MA. Ed.
10/30/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute Look around your program: Is the environment conducive to exploration, sparking creativity, and meeting the group and individual needs of the children? Learning environments are paramount for young children as they are dynamic, interactive spaces pivotal in their holistic development. Great spaces for infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children don’t have […]Full Description
Ostberg, Raelene
National Keynote Speaker, Curriculum Specialist, Published Writer, Trainer Coach and Mentor , Thriving Together, LLC
View profileCalming Terrific Toddlers: Evidence-Based Strategies That Reduce Aggression and Promote Self-Regulation, by Raelene Ostberg, M.Ed.
10/24/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Thriving Together Despite the best efforts of early childhood educators, some older infants and toddlers naturally hit, bite, and otherwise display aggressive behaviors. These common tiny-tot behaviors challenge caregivers and parents and are among the biggest stressors they encounter. Because it is so complicated to understand what drives toddler behavior and redirect it, it’s hard […]Full Description
Rethinking Relationships and Bias in Early Childhood, by Olga Lacayo and Eliana Elias
10/17/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press What are teachers hungry for? Are they excited to work on compliance and standardized quality measures? Veteran teacher Olga Lacayo was hungry for much more than that. When her coach, Eliana Elias laid her eyes on her, she recognized that hunger. Olga wanted to seek authentic ways to involve other professionals […]Full Description
Entrepreneurial Processes That Optimize Your Program’s Operations, Lauren M. Small
09/26/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Early Education Business Consultants If you are in the business of offering early learning programs for children and families, your ultimate goal is to provide the best care and educational services possible. To achieve that goal, your program needs a firm foundation of sound operational strategies and practices and a leader with an entrepreneurial mindset. […]Full Description
Large Physical Art Activities for Energy Release to Calm Squirming Bodies and Minds, by Anna Reyner, MA, ATR, LMFT
09/18/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Jessica Kingsley Publisher Physical art is an active mind-body engagement with sensory materials that channels energy. It is a highly effective tool for channeling excess energy and pent-up emotion that many young children carry. Active engagement with art materials and loose parts builds the brain in early childhood and serves to both calm […]Full Description
Nurturing Transitions: Supporting children and families in the new school year, by Amanda Higgins and Sharon Carlson
09/11/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark Prepare for the upcoming school year by strengthening transition practices to ensure new children and their families feel a strong sense of belonging in your Early Childhood Education program. Join us for a comprehensive webinar where we will explore the pedagogy surrounding transitions for children and families in ECE settings, with […]Full Description
Getting and Keeping Insurance for Your Early Childhood Program, by Samantha Phillips
08/15/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by our 2024 Ultimate Sponsor, Procare Solutions As a dedicated early childhood program leader or owner, you understand the importance of providing a safe and nurturing environment for the children in your care. But what happens when you can’t get insurance? In this enlightening webinar presented by the go-to expert for business insurance in […]Full Description
Handout_ Child Care Insurance Checklist
The Power of Leadership: Transform Yourself to Transform Your Team, by Ben Poswalk
08/14/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by The Child Care Success Company What is a leader’s value? What purpose do leaders really serve in groups? How does having a great leader give a group an advantage? It’s easy to be a manager in your ECE business. You can train staff, deal with difficult parents, gain enrollments, and keep your program […]Full Description
A Calm Brain is a Thinking Brain: Designing calm, engaging early learning environments, by Dr. Kathryn Murray
08/08/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Future Strong Education Brains develop over time and respond to experiences and interactions. Playful interactions in an environment that supports brain development build security, confidence, and resilience and open opportunities for learning. Join award-winning early childhood education and environmental design specialist Dr. Kathryn Murray to unpack the reasons why classroom design is much […]Full Description
Using Everyday Conversations to Nurturing Play and Creativity in Young Children, by Rebecca Rolland, Ed.D.
08/07/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute This webinar, presented by Rebecca Rolland, Ed.D., will offer specific, concrete strategies for nurturing children’s play and creativity through everyday conversational prompts, scaffolds, and questions. Rebecca, the author of The Art of Talking with Children, lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Education, and an oral language specialist, will reveal why […]Full Description
Building Blocks for Supporting all Children in Inclusive Settings, by Ariane Gauvreau, Ph.D., BCBA-D and Ilene Schwartz, Ph.D.
06/12/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing Are you wondering how to support children with disabilities in your early childhood setting? Or maybe you are thinking about how to meaningfully include children with disabilities in the routines and activities in your program? Join us as we explain how The Building Blocks Framework helps teachers, teams, and providers […]Full Description
Maximize Your Program’s Business Potential with Procare Solutions, by Zach Merritt
06/06/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Solutions THIS SPECIAL PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION WILL BE ONE HOUR, from 2 pm to 3 pm eastern. Whether you’re struggling with day-to-day inefficiencies in managing your child care program, are looking to expand your services, or simply curious about the latest trends in child care management software, this webinar is for you! We […]Full Description
A Guide to Tackling the Top 4 Challenges Faced in Child Care in 2024
Cultivating Creativity: Leveraging Process Art + Play to Prioritize Agency, Flow and Belonging, by Shannon Merenstein, Bar Rucci and Dahlia Rao
06/05/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute As early childhood educators, we all know that play-based, open-ended experiences in preschool set the stage for literacy, strengthen vocabulary, and engage the brain in higher-level thinking, like asking questions, generating ideas, and problem-solving. Most of all, programs in which children feel safe to explore and have agency over their […]Full Description
for Cultivating Creativity: Leveraging Process Art + Play to Prioritize Agency, Flow and Belonging, by Shannon Merenstein, Bar Rucci and Dahlia Rao
Designing Nature-Rich Spaces That Support Community Connection and Change, by Jeff Lindstrom and Heather Fox
05/08/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore It’s magical when nature and children come together, and what better place to make this happen than in the spaces where children spend their days? As early childhood programs make the shift to learning outdoors, comprehensive benefits include improved health and wellbeing, creative problem solving, and an increased connection to and […]Full Description
for Designing Nature-Rich Spaces That Support Community Connection and Change, by Jeff Lindstrom and Heather Fox
Co-regulation or Compliance? Supporting Teachers’ Use of Co-regulation Strategies With Children, by Prerna Richards
05/01/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Early childhood teachers are expert problem solvers. But often, they issue many instructions and demand compliance, missing the big opportunities to build regulation skills with children. This is where supervisors can have enormous influence in coaching teachers to refine their understanding and skills to refocus on social-emotional development. In this paradigm-shifting webinar, […]Full Description
for Co-regulation or Compliance? Supporting Teachers’ Use of Co-regulation Strategies With Children, by Prerna Richards
Multicultural Tools & Strategies for Nature-Based Program Leaders, by Ashley Brailsford, Ph.D.
04/11/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Unearthing Joy Together Operating nature-based programs centered on diverse cultural perspectives can be challenging but necessary to transform our early childhood spaces into inclusive places. Join Ashley Brailsford, founder of Unearthing Joy, for an overview of multicultural strategies and tools that create culturally centered curricula and programs. First, Ashley will share a multicultural […]Full Description
for Multicultural Tools & Strategies for Nature-Based Program Leaders, by Ashley Brailsford, Ph.D.
Outdoor Loose Parts! Spark Creativity, Problem-Solving, Communication, and Self-Confidence With Loose Parts Play, by Rusty Keeler
04/10/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Rusty Keeler Join natural playscape designer and author Rusty Keeler on a journey of ideas and inspiration, all about the benefits of adding Loose Parts to your outdoor environment to support children’s play and learning! From “beginner to best practice,” Rusty will teach you what the best materials are for Outdoor Loose Parts, […]Full Description
In the Heat of the Moment: Strategies for De-escalating Children’s Challenging Behaviors, by Barbara Kaiser
03/28/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step We’ve all been there: A child is beginning to melt down or heat up! What do you do next? In the heat of the moment, has your response ever escalated a child’s challenging behavior? Children’s behavior can escalate quickly. Your feelings about that escalation can erupt just as quickly. De-escalation – […]Full Description
for In the Heat of the Moment: Strategies for De-escalating Children’s Challenging Behaviors, by Barbara Kaiser
Make Program Assessment a Superpower for Teachers and Administrators, by Lyneé Lopez
03/27/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute Implementing program assessments like ECERs can be an incredibly powerful journey for everyone in your program. Empowering yourself and the teachers in your program to fully understand what high-quality environments look like, how they are measured, and the inside scoop on what an assessor is looking for are the first […]Full Description
for Make Program Assessment a Superpower for Teachers and Administrators, by Lyneé Lopez
Award-Winning Nature Books for Teachers, Children and Families in Your Program! by Betsy Bird, Martha Meyer and Bridget Petrites
03/20/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Are you looking for great books to spark young children’s interest in nature, inspire impactful green actions for children to take, or looking for books to inspire nature-based STEM experiences for your program? This is the webinar for you! Join three experienced librarians with a passion for nature books to hear about the […]Full Description
for Award-Winning Nature Books for Teachers, Children and Families in Your Program! by Betsy Bird, Martha Meyer and Bridget Petrites
Coaching Strategies that Empower Teachers to Lead From Within, by Jennifer Slavin, M.Ed. and Tasha Santistevan
03/14/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by The Child Care Success Company As an owner or program leader of an early childhood program, you might not realize the potential that lies within your staff. There is so much potential in the teams you have assembled! Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the children’s learning environment and the culture and […]Full Description
for Coaching Strategies that Empower Teachers to Lead From Within, by Jennifer Slavin, M.Ed. and Tasha Santistevan
Nature-Based Learning: Inspiring & Supporting Staff to Help Children Learn With Nature, by Dr. Rachel A. Larimore
03/06/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Samara Early Learning Early education program leaders around the world are becoming more enthusiastic about nature-based learning. Many leaders find themselves wanting to jump in wholeheartedly but find shifting the culture of their organization as well as the practices of individual teachers is incredibly challenging. But the reality is that change won’t happen […]Full Description
for Nature-Based Learning: Inspiring & Supporting Staff to Help Children Learn With Nature, by Dr. Rachel A. Larimore
Supporting Teachers to use Learning Stories for Rich Documentation, Teaching, Learning, and Connection, by Sharon Carlson and Amanda Higgins
02/28/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark Be reinspired and energized to document children’s learning! Use learning stories as a formative assessment tool that makes valued learning visible. Educators in New Zealand and globally use learning stories to find out about and document what children know and can do, what interests them, how they are progressing, and where additional […]Full Description
Learning Stories Reflection Sheet
POSTER - Quality Practice Guide - Photography Tips
Lopes, Amanda
Learning & Quality Improvement Manager , UMass Boston Institute for Early Education Leadership & Innovation
View profileThink, Try, Fix, Share: Inclusive Engineering with Young Children Using Universal Design, by Angi Stone-MacDonald, Ph.D. and Amanda Lopes, Ph.D.
02/22/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing In this unique webinar, authors Angi Stone-Macdonald, Ph.D , and Amanda Lopes, Ph.D., will explore, model, and share resources to use the engineering process to design learning experiences that support STEM development for children 0-5 in inclusive settings. Based on their book, Engaging Young Engineers: Teaching Problem-Solving Skills Through STEM, […]Full Description
for Think, Try, Fix, Share: Inclusive Engineering with Young Children Using Universal Design, by Angi Stone-MacDonald, Ph.D. and Amanda Lopes, Ph.D.
How Perspective-Taking Nurtures Empathy, Kindness, & Justice in ECE
02/21/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step What the world needs now is a large dose of benevolence and altruism. How do early childhood educators contribute to this aspirational vision of a better world? The first thing you can do is learn how to introduce the foundations of these characteristics into your classroom. Join us to explore the […]Full Description
for How Perspective-Taking Nurtures Empathy, Kindness, & Justice in ECE
Making Informed Business Decisions for Early Childhood Program Operations, by Tara Franklin
02/07/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare In the dynamic world of early care and education, program leaders like you often find yourselves donning multiple hats, juggling various responsibilities, and managing a whirlwind of tasks. This presentation delves into the intricacies of operating programs, emphasizing the multitude of roles and challenges you face every day. In this webinar, presented […]Full Description
for Making Informed Business Decisions for Early Childhood Program Operations, by Tara Franklin
Ramirez, Thelma
Researcher , Ecological Approaches to Social and Emotional Learning (EASEL) Lab
View profileExploring Early Relational Health: A New Perspective on Your Role as an ECE Professional, Junlei Li and Thelma Ramirez
01/17/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar was funded by a grant from the Burke Foundation If you think about it, as an early childhood professional, building and strengthening relationships is part of what you do every single day. Early Relational Health (ERH) is an emerging concept that organizes the cumulative understanding of the relational foundation of children’s and adults’ […]Full Description
for Exploring Early Relational Health: A New Perspective on Your Role as an ECE Professional, Junlei Li and Thelma Ramirez
Creating a Culture of Appreciation for a Thriving Engaged Workplace, by Susan MacDonald
01/11/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Inspiring New Perspectives Join this inspiring webinar to kick off the New Year by embracing authentic ways to acknowledge and validate the unique strengths of each staff member in your program. It is no secret that resilient and motivated teachers are better equipped to offer children joyful learning environments. To help teachers stay […]Full Description
Handout_Creating a Culture of Appreciation for A Thriving Engaged Workplace
The Power of “Rich Talk”: Conversational Strategies to Bond With and Build Young Children’s Skills, by Rebecca Rolland, EDD
01/10/2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute We all want the best for the children in our care –and everyday conversation offers one of the most profound and underused opportunities to help build relationships and help them thrive. But how can we make the most of these opportunities? This webinar, presented by the author of The Art […]Full Description
for The Power of “Rich Talk”: Conversational Strategies to Bond With and Build Young Children’s Skills, by Rebecca Rolland, EDD
Drolette, Ellen
author, early childhood educator, consultant, trainer, keynote speaker , Positive Spin VT, LLC
View profileOvercoming Burnout in the ECE Workplace, by Ellen M. Drolette
12/06/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press. Most professionals in every field occasionally experience flagging motivation and workplace frustration, but in early childhood education, rates of burnout have skyrocketed. We’re all looking for the magic answer to banish the blues, rejuvenate educators, and inspire program leaders. Join keynote speaker, author, and experienced early childhood leader, Ellen Drolette to […]Full Description
for Overcoming Burnout in the ECE Workplace, by Ellen M. Drolette
Healing Play Strategies for Preschool Children Who Have Experienced Adversity, by Steve Gross, MSW
11/29/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Life is Good Playmaker Project. In every community, 1 in 3 children experience some form of life-threatening adversity like homelessness, abuse, or violence. Research shows that a positive relationship with just one caring adult in early childhood can change that child’s life entirely. As an early childhood educator, you are in a prime […]Full Description
for Healing Play Strategies for Preschool Children Who Have Experienced Adversity, by Steve Gross, MSW
Growing Leaders from Within – Nurturing Future Leaders for Organizational Excellence, by Jamarrion Tabor
11/09/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by The Child Care Success Company In today’s competitive early childhood staffing landscape, developing leaders within your organization has become vital for long-term success. Instead of actively seeking external leadership staff, you can invest time and resources in your current employees to support their development as effective leaders. This webinar, presented by experienced child […]Full Description
for Growing Leaders from Within – Nurturing Future Leaders for Organizational Excellence, by Jamarrion Tabor
Award-Winning Books for Infant through Preschool Classrooms, by Betsy Bird, Martha Meyer and Bridget Petrites
11/08/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Books are the gifts that never stop giving, especially for preschool children. What better time to hear about and see some of the best books curated by three passionate children’s librarians with hearts of early educators, just in time for holiday gift giving (and receiving), classroom wish lists, and maybe even treating yourself! Join our […]Full Description
for Award-Winning Books for Infant through Preschool Classrooms, by Betsy Bird, Martha Meyer and Bridget Petrites
Cannon, Beth
Key Note Speaker + Instruction Design Specialist , Beth Cannon Speaks + Leaders Lounge Solutions
View profileProgram Endurance: 3 Keys to Retaining Staff & Families, by Beth Cannon
11/01/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by LineLeader Employee and family turnover can take a toll on both your mental and physical health, as well as the financial health of your childcare organization. Do you have a staff or family retention strategy? If not, you’re probably losing valuable employees and enrollments. Fortunately, there’s a light at the end of […]Full Description
for Program Endurance: 3 Keys to Retaining Staff & Families, by Beth Cannon
Anxiety in Preschool Children: Identifying and supporting anxious young learners, by Dr. Sarah Taylor Vanover
10/26/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing Anxiety rates are skyrocketing among young learners—and their teachers urgently need explicit guidance on how to understand and support these children. This webinar, presented by author and child care advocate, Dr. Sarah Vanover, will prepare you to recognize anxiety in children ages 3–8, identify the associated behaviors, and work effectively with […]Full Description
for Anxiety in Preschool Children: Identifying and supporting anxious young learners, by Dr. Sarah Taylor Vanover
Kozlowski, Jani
, Early Childhood TA Center at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
View profileStrategies to Help Every Child Fly in Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms and Programs, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Jani Kozlowski, M.A.
10/25/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
It was produced in partnership with Equity Research Action Coalition at UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. We believe that by building secure relationships and trust with children and families, educators can facilitate a culture of belonging, caring, and kindness. Join acclaimed early childhood education researcher and author Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D., and […]Full Description
for Strategies to Help Every Child Fly in Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms and Programs, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Jani Kozlowski, M.A.
Beloglovsky, Miriam
Author, Speaker, Professor, and Consultant , Playful Transformation
View profileThe Power of Adult Play for ECE Professionals, by Miriam Beloglovsky, M.A.
10/05/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute Play is not just for children! The benefits of play are just as powerful for adults. In fact, research shows adult play enhances creativity, lessens stress, and enhances learning. Taking the time to focus on play can alleviate stress and relieve the exhaustion we often experience as early childhood educators. […]Full Description
for The Power of Adult Play for ECE Professionals, by Miriam Beloglovsky, M.A.
From Staff Manager to Inspiring Leader, by Evelyn Knight
10/04/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Do you look at great leaders and wonder what sets them apart from the rest? The answer is simple, they lead. Great leaders do not simply manage employees, they empower and inspire. Becoming a great leader that people want to follow requires simple traits and habits that anyone leading a team can […]Full Description
Building Confidence and Resilience Skills in Young Children, Claire Goss, M.A.
09/28/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Bright Horizons Facing challenges, small and large, is part of everyone’s life. While children are born with an innate level of resilience, caregivers can do so much to strengthen this set of critical life-long skills. In fact, according to the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, the most common factor for […]Full Description
for Building Confidence and Resilience Skills in Young Children, Claire Goss, M.A.
Gartrell, Dan
Emeritus Professor of Early Childhood and Foundations Education , Bemidji State University, Bemidji Minnesota
View profilePreschool Democracy for a Civil Society: Teaching Democratic Life Skills, Dan Gartrell, Ed.D.
09/27/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step You don’t often hear the word “democratic” when thinking about young children in preschool. But in fact, everything you do (or do not do) in your early learning program can impact children’s ability to become dynamic problem solvers who engage with others well and otherwise participate in democratic society. As you […]Full Description
for Preschool Democracy for a Civil Society: Teaching Democratic Life Skills, Dan Gartrell, Ed.D.
Exploring Beautiful Stuff: Loose Parts, Nature, and Art in Your ECE Classroom, by Cathy Weisman Topal
09/13/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute Exploring found materials and making meaningful experiences from them: what could be more intriguing for young children and their teachers? Cathy Weisman Topal, author, artist, art educator, and co-author with Lella Gandini of Beautiful Stuff! Learning with Found Materials, and Beautiful Stuff from Nature, will share stories of how teacher’s […]Full Description
for Exploring Beautiful Stuff: Loose Parts, Nature, and Art in Your ECE Classroom, by Cathy Weisman Topal
5 Key Tips to Improve Child Care Registration, by Lisa Henkel, CFE and Teddy Hook
08/24/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by LineLeader Tired of manual registration tasks that take longer than they should? Unfortunately, registration can be one of the most tedious and time-consuming processes in childcare administration – for you, your staff, and your families. Fortunately, there’s a better way! Modern digital registration tools are easier to use than ever before and since […]Full Description
for 5 Key Tips to Improve Child Care Registration, by Lisa Henkel, CFE and Teddy Hook
Gossip Be Gone! Strategies for Building Positive Strengths-Based Teams, by Susan MacDonald
08/23/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Inspiring New Perspectives. Children thrive in environments where the adults model positive relationships and create communities based on trust and respect. In this exciting webinar, presented by early childhood leadership experts, Susan MacDonald, will explore strategies for eliminating gossip and enhancing your professional communication skills with coworkers, parents, and administrators. Susan will also […]Full Description
Handout_Gossip Be Gone
Brinkerhoff, Monica
Associate Vice President for Early Childhood Education , United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
View profileReinvigorate Your ECE Program with 3 Innovative Leadership Approaches, Cassandra O’Neill and Monica Brinkerhoff
08/17/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark Finding the best way to help your early childhood program evolve can be art and science. This webinar will explore innovative leadership approaches that can propel your ECE leadership style to find your way. Because innovative leadership relies on power-with rather than power-over relationships, you will discover leadership styles that build on […]Full Description
for Reinvigorate Your ECE Program with 3 Innovative Leadership Approaches, Cassandra O’Neill and Monica Brinkerhoff
Hansinger, Kelly
Senior Director of Learning and Leadership Development , Bright Horizons Family Solutions
View profileLeading Program Culture Right From the Start: Create Positive Learning Culture in Your Early Childhood Program, by Kelly Hansinger and Melony Gibson, Ed.D.
08/16/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare. Early Childhood Education is a profession of learning; learning how to guide and support young children; learning how to lead programming and curriculum; learning how to lead a center; learning how to best support families. That list could go on and on about learning how to do something, but have you considered […]Full Description
for Leading Program Culture Right From the Start: Create Positive Learning Culture in Your Early Childhood Program, by Kelly Hansinger and Melony Gibson, Ed.D.
Play-responsiveness as a Teaching Practice: Using The Original Learning Approach, by Suzanne Axelsson M.A.
08/10/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press Join Swedish early childhood care and education expert, Suzanne Axelsson, M.A. to explore how weaving wonder, curiosity, joy, knowledge, imagination, interaction, risk, time, reflection, and listening can bring teaching closer to a state of play. In this thought-provoking webinar, you will explore the foundations of Suzanne’s book, The Original Learning Approach […]Full Description
for Play-responsiveness as a Teaching Practice: Using The Original Learning Approach, by Suzanne Axelsson M.A.
What Kind of Professional Development Trainer Are You? How Your Training Type Impacts Training Results, by Brian Washburn
08/09/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory Are you a content expert who is often asked to train others on one specific topic? Or are you more of a facilitator who is comfortable talking about a wide range of topics (even though you may not be able to go very deep into any one specific […]Full Description
for What Kind of Professional Development Trainer Are You? How Your Training Type Impacts Training Results, by Brian Washburn
Huber, Mike
Author, Curriculum Specialist , David's Center for Child and Family Development
View profileMaking Peace with War Play: Exploring Consent and Power in the Preschool Classroom, by Mike Huber, MAEd
08/03/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press Play is self-chosen, self-directed, and imaginative. But what if children choose to play in ways we are uncomfortable with? It is very common for preschool children to engage in gun play or war play. Children who have a hard time joining social play often find success in this type of play. […]Full Description
for Making Peace with War Play: Exploring Consent and Power in the Preschool Classroom, by Mike Huber, MAEd
Handout_ Exploring Consent and Power in Preschool
Becoming Legally Smart to Protect Your Early Childhood Program and Your Career, by Evelyn Knight
06/22/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Solutions It’s difficult and even scary to think about but working in a caring profession can be fraught with potential legal hazards. Becoming legally smart is essential for program leaders and owners because liability issues can be a threaten your career, business, and livelihood. In this important webinar, early childhood business […]Full Description
for Becoming Legally Smart to Protect Your Early Childhood Program and Your Career, by Evelyn Knight
Pursuing Bad Guys: Responding to Imaginative Violent Play Using a Transformative Approach, by Donna King and Pam Oken-Wright, M.Ed.
06/15/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press. In this fascinating webinar, Donna King, a preschool teacher, and author of Pursuing Bad Guys: Joining Children’s Quest for Clarity Courage and Community, and Pam Oken-Wright, M.Ed., a pedagogical consultant, will tell the story of their work together on a long-term investigation of “Bad Guys.” We have all observed children playing […]Full Description
for Pursuing Bad Guys: Responding to Imaginative Violent Play Using a Transformative Approach, by Donna King and Pam Oken-Wright, M.Ed.
Award-Winning Nature Books for Preschool Children and Families in Your Program
06/14/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Are you looking for great books to spark young children’s interest in nature, inspire impactful green actions for children to take, or looking for books that inspire you with nature experiences for your program? This is the webinar for you! In this webinar, you will join three experienced librarians with passion for the planet and […]Full Description
for Award-Winning Nature Books for Preschool Children and Families in Your Program
Gittleman, Pam
Early Childhood Music Specialist, Creator of Nursery Rhymes for Kinder Times® , For Kinder Times, LLC
View profileJoyful Music for Social-Emotional and Language Development, by Pam Gittleman
06/08/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute. Join this interactive and fun webinar to learn to connect social-emotional development and music for joyful classroom experiences. Early childhood music expert, Pam Gittleman will share examples that illustrate how both lyrics and melody impact social-emotional learning, literacy skills, and the role of songs in building those skills. You will […]Full Description
for Joyful Music for Social-Emotional and Language Development, by Pam Gittleman
Supalla, Rachel
Early Childhood Expert, Consultant and Multi-site owner , Discovery Kidzone Learning Centers
View profilePlan a Magical Teacher In-Service With Various Pedagogical Approaches, by Rachel Supalla, MA
06/07/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by brightwheel. You can never have enough professional development tools in your toolbox! Does it seem you are always looking for ways to plan engaging and productive teacher in-service experiences? You are not alone! Join early childhood program leader, business strategist, and popular keynote speaker, Rachel Supalla to explore diverse pedagogical approaches to learning […]Full Description
for Plan a Magical Teacher In-Service With Various Pedagogical Approaches, by Rachel Supalla, MA
Mean Girls (and Boys!): Why Young Children Act In Unkind Ways and How To Help, Claire Lerner, LICSW
05/25/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step. When children boss other kids around, say hurtful things, exclude peers, and act in other unkind ways, they are not acting mean on purpose. By and large, these kids are struggling with difficult feelings of insecurity/self-doubt and anxiety. These complex emotions are uncomfortable and hard to make sense of and cope […]Full Description
for Mean Girls (and Boys!): Why Young Children Act In Unkind Ways and How To Help, Claire Lerner, LICSW
Ponti Jauchius, Jena
Landscape Architect/Nature Play Expert , N is for Nature Play, LLC
View profileInclusive Sensory-Rich Nature Play for Children’s 7 Senses, by Jena Ponti Jauchius, PLA, CPSI
05/18/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore Nature play is one of the most powerful tools we have to give children the type of childhood they need to grow into thriving adults. Nature play calms children’s nervous system, offers the most beneficial sensory stimulation, and is an eager co-creator in play and learning. The benefits of nature play […]Full Description
for Inclusive Sensory-Rich Nature Play for Children’s 7 Senses, by Jena Ponti Jauchius, PLA, CPSI
Summer Nature! Offering Culturally-Centered Summer Nature-Based Programs, by Ashley Brailsford, Ph.D.
05/11/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Unearthing Joy Together It’s safe to say we all want our programs’ outdoor spaces to be inclusive and welcoming. Creating nature-based curriculum and programs that center diverse cultural perspectives can be challenging but is necessary for transforming outdoor spaces into inclusive places. Just in time for summer program planning, presented by early childhood […]Full Description
Handout_Creating Culturally-Centered Nature-Programs_Evaluation
Coaching Teachers for Family Engagement, by Lisa Henkel, CFE and Mike Hook
05/03/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by LineLeader. We all know family engagement is integral to children’s development, but It’s not always so obvious that the art and a science of family engagement is really a program-wide effort. From the classroom to the front office, every staff member has a role to play. It is also important to consider how critical family engagement […]Full Description
for Coaching Teachers for Family Engagement, by Lisa Henkel, CFE and Mike Hook
Family Engagement Template Bundle
From Enrollment to Management: How to Achieve Better Childcare Operations from A to Z
Coaching Early Educators for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging, by Anni K. Reinking, Ed.D. and Laycee Thigpen MS.Ed.
04/26/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. Are you an early education program leader who is ready to start transforming your program to be more equitable? Or are you already actively pursuing programmatic changes to ensure inclusion and justice? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, this energizing webinar will help you strategize and act […]Full Description
Natural Playscape Makeover! Practical Design Tips for Supporting Child-Directed Play In Natural Spaces on Any Budget, by Rusty Keeler
04/20/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Rusty Keeler. We all want to create beautiful outdoor natural play and learning environments for our children but isn’t it expensive? Difficult? Out of reach for the average caregiver and center? “No way!” says natural playscape designer and author Rusty Keeler, “You can do it!” Join Rusty as he shares 30 years of […]Full Description
for Natural Playscape Makeover! Practical Design Tips for Supporting Child-Directed Play In Natural Spaces on Any Budget, by Rusty Keeler
Learn the Secrets Recruiters Use to Find Staff Online! by Lauren M. Small and Virginia Marsh
04/19/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brightwheel. Nothing is more challenging in early childhood care and education right now than finding staff. With a little bit of insight to switch up your thinking and your strategies you can overcome interview no-shows and underqualified candidates. Learning a bit about how the algorithms in the search platforms work and a little […]Full Description
for Learn the Secrets Recruiters Use to Find Staff Online! by Lauren M. Small and Virginia Marsh
Curenton, Stephanie
Professor and Director of the Center on the Ecology of Early Development (CEED) , Boston University
View profileBenefits and Consequences of Racial Segregation in Early Childhood, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Stephanie Curenton, Ph.D.
03/30/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Produced in partnership with Equity Research Action Coalition at UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. Racial segregation permeates all facets of life including early care and education. (One example of structural racism in the U.S. is racial segregation in housing.) In this fascinating webinar presented by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Stephanie Curenton, Ph.D. […]Full Description
for Benefits and Consequences of Racial Segregation in Early Childhood, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Stephanie Curenton, Ph.D.
The Healing Power of Play and Optimism, by Steve Gross, MSW
03/23/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Life is Good Playmaker Project. Optimism is powerful. When human beings strengthen their ability to see and focus on the goodness and value in themselves, others, and the world around them, their social, emotional and cognitive superpowers emerge. Optimism, however, is fragile. Chronic stress, fear and overwhelming adversity can weaken and destroy our […]Full Description
for The Healing Power of Play and Optimism, by Steve Gross, MSW
Art in the Trauma Informed ECE Classroom: Process over Product, by Anna Reyner, MA, ATR, LMFT
03/22/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute. Open ended art is a creative process of self-discovery that literally grows the brain. Why then, do many teachers deliver cookie cutter crafts as art? Join this powerful webinar presented by Anna Reyner, MA, LMFT, to learn how to use art for self-expression and building community. Process art offers children […]Full Description
for Art in the Trauma Informed ECE Classroom: Process over Product, by Anna Reyner, MA, ATR, LMFT
Book Preview_Positive Solutions to Challenging Behaviors
Book Preview_ Art Inquiry Questions
Book Preview _ How to Be An Arts Advocate
Book Preview_ Learning to Self Regulate with Art
Book Preview_TI Art Promotes Safety Connection Calm
Hansinger, Kelly
Senior Director of Learning and Leadership Development , Bright Horizons Family Solutions
View profileLeading Multiple Programs With Purpose: Building Culture and Systems Mindset, by Melony Gibson, Ed.D. and Kelly Hansinger
03/16/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. Managing multiple early childhood programs is always a balancing act that involves pedagogical, supervisory, and people-centric skills. In this session, Melony Gibson, Ed.D. and Kelly Hansinger from Bright Horizons Family Solutions will discuss your unique needs as a multi-site child care administrator with an illuminating focus on building professional culture. Together with […]Full Description
for Leading Multiple Programs With Purpose: Building Culture and Systems Mindset, by Melony Gibson, Ed.D. and Kelly Hansinger
The Myth of School Readiness, by Ida Rose Florez, Ph.D.
03/15/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Early education is all about preparing young children for school, right? Or is it? Join me for a provocative discussion about school readiness. Is it really the end all and be all of early learning? Ready for what? Can we accurately assess readiness? Does school readiness even exist? […]Full Description
for The Myth of School Readiness, by Ida Rose Florez, Ph.D.
Complexity Thinking for Early Childhood Leaders
Rethinking Grade Retention and Academic Redshirting
NASP Position Statement: Grade Retention and Social Promotion
The Power of Stories: Selecting the Best Books and Related Activities for Preschoolers, by Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed.
03/09/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Barefoot Books. A preschooler’s experiences with books can shape their future! Throughout the early years, literacy development is intertwined with language, cognitive, social-emotional and motor growth. Join literacy expert Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed. to discover the building blocks for scaffolding preschoolers’ literacy skills and come away with practical tips and activities for the children […]Full Description
for The Power of Stories: Selecting the Best Books and Related Activities for Preschoolers, by Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed.
Handout _ The Best Books for Supporting Literacy Development, Preschool Age Children
Hichens, Molly
President, Molly Hichens Consulting , Co-owner and COO, Bright Beginnings Preschool
View profileStand Out and Grow: Make Your ECE Program a Magnet for Families and Staff, by Molly Hichens
03/01/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare. Hey, there, program leaders, are you looking to make your organization stand out while, saving time and simplifying systems? Need fresh ideas that will differential your program that you can implement by Monday? There’s no need to lose sleep or stress out as you grow your early childhood program! Here’s the to […]Full Description
for Stand Out and Grow: Make Your ECE Program a Magnet for Families and Staff, by Molly Hichens
Managing the Shift to a Nature-Based Approach in Your Program, by Dr. Rachel A. Larimore
02/23/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Samara Early Learning. It’s finally happening: Early education program leaders around the world are becoming more enthusiastic and enlightened about the benefits of nature-based programs. Many programs are beginning to jump in wholeheartedly but find shifting the culture of their organizations as well as the practice of individual teachers is incredibly challenging. After […]Full Description
for Managing the Shift to a Nature-Based Approach in Your Program, by Dr. Rachel A. Larimore
Magic Moments: Active Problem Solving with Young Children, by Ann Gadzikowski
02/22/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press. Every problem, large or small, is an opportunity for young children to learn and grow. From spilled glue to a conflict in the block corner, problems are an unlimited natural resource generated inside our own classrooms. This insight-building webinar, presented by author and inspirational speaker, Ann Gadzikowski, will explore how early […]Full Description
for Magic Moments: Active Problem Solving with Young Children, by Ann Gadzikowski
Handout_Magic Moments: Active Problem Solving with Young Children
Sing & Sign: Supporting Emerging Language through Music, Sign Language, and Play, by Anne Meeker Watson, Ph.D., MT-BC
02/16/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. Teaching hearing children to sign is an extension of the types of nonverbal communication they already use to get your attention, including facial expression, gesturing, making noise, crawling, toddling toward an object of desire, and more. Focusing on communication has never been more important given lost opportunities during the pandemic […]Full Description
for Sing & Sign: Supporting Emerging Language through Music, Sign Language, and Play, by Anne Meeker Watson, Ph.D., MT-BC
Handout _ Supporting Language through Music, Sign Language and Play
Stacey, Susan
Author/Teacher Educator , Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education
View profileReimagine Documentation to Support the Quest for Program Quality, by Susan Stacey
01/25/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. The last two years have been challenging in terms of holding on to our values and intentions for our programs and for ourselves as professionals. This inspiring webinar by Susan Stacey will explore how you can support the use of documentation to help educators refresh their thinking about practice, gain insight into […]Full Description
for Reimagine Documentation to Support the Quest for Program Quality, by Susan Stacey
Handout_ Rethinking Documentation Following the Pandemic & Becoming Re-inspired
Cannon, Beth
Key Note Speaker + Instruction Design Specialist , Beth Cannon Speaks + Leaders Lounge Solutions
View profileInterviewee to Employee: How to Craft Interview Experiences That Align With Your Vision and Values, by Beth Cannon
01/18/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brightwheel. In case you haven’t heard, there is a staffing crisis in early care and education! Oh, wait: You already know firsthand that even getting prospective employees to show up for an interview is a challenge! Even though you might be a little desperate for staffing, it’s still critical that you carefully […]Full Description
for Interviewee to Employee: How to Craft Interview Experiences That Align With Your Vision and Values, by Beth Cannon
Embrace the Energy of 2023 to Guide Transformational Change, by Susan MacDonald
01/12/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Inspiring New Perspectives. Embrace the energy of the new year and develop a plan for implementing positive professional transformation as an early childhood leader. In this inspiring and motivating webinar, author and professional coach, Susan MacDonald, will help you clarify a specific change you would like to make to enhance your work. Using […]Full Description
for Embrace the Energy of 2023 to Guide Transformational Change, by Susan MacDonald
Handout_ Embrace the Energy of 2023 Packet
Supporting Trauma-Informed Play to Facilitate Healing in Early Childhood Programs, by Dr. Barbara Sorrels
01/11/2023 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step. Play and play based learning are important for healthy growth and development of all children and is psychologically and physically restorative for children with a history of trauma. This session, presented by child development and trauma specialist, Dr. Barbara Sorrels, will focus on the benefits of play to healthy brains and […]Full Description
for Supporting Trauma-Informed Play to Facilitate Healing in Early Childhood Programs, by Dr. Barbara Sorrels
Gender, Expectations, and Social-Emotional Development in Early Childhood Programs, by Julie Nicholson, Ph.D., Nathanael Flynn, MA, and Mitali Purkayastha, AA
12/15/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step. What does it mean to be a boy or a girl–or something else? How do we support children to love their gender, and to talk about what can feel restricting or harmful about it? As early educators how do our own experience of and education about gender impact our ability to […]Full Description
for Gender, Expectations, and Social-Emotional Development in Early Childhood Programs, by Julie Nicholson, Ph.D., Nathanael Flynn, MA, and Mitali Purkayastha, AA
The Heart of Inclusive and Meaningful Assessment Practices with Young Children, by Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, Ph.D. Jennifer Grisham, Ed.D. and Lynn Sullivan, M.Ed
12/07/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. Authentic assessment, practiced well, can be one of the most beneficial tools for teaching all children in inclusive early childhood settings. The process of implementing authentic assessment, regardless of the tool, can help teachers connect deeply with children and families, as well as learn how to best support them as […]Full Description
for The Heart of Inclusive and Meaningful Assessment Practices with Young Children, by Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, Ph.D. Jennifer Grisham, Ed.D. and Lynn Sullivan, M.Ed
Spark a Revolution in Early Education: Speaking Up for Ourselves and the Children, by Rae Pica
12/01/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press. Hey! Are you eager for some real change in early care and education? In this inspiring webinar early childhood super-advocate and author Rae Pica will help you become an early childhood education changemaker! Yes, YOU! Dream big! Imagine the possibilities for early care and education if the policies were created by […]Full Description
for Spark a Revolution in Early Education: Speaking Up for Ourselves and the Children, by Rae Pica
Cannon, Beth
Key Note Speaker + Instruction Design Specialist , Beth Cannon Speaks + Leaders Lounge Solutions
View profileCreating Clear and Effective Policies and Procedures for Early Childhood Programs, by Beth Cannon
11/16/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare. The past few years have taught us that we need to learn how to pivot when faced with challenges. No profession knows this better than early childhood. Early childhood professionals have pivoted to change how they do business including marketing, recruiting, and in some cases teaching. Due to the frequent changes that […]Full Description
for Creating Clear and Effective Policies and Procedures for Early Childhood Programs, by Beth Cannon
Warden, Claire
Founder , Living Classrooms and International Association of Nature Pedagogy (IANP)
View profileWinter Inside, Outside and Beyond the Classroom Walls: Your Program’s Best Winter Ever, by Dr. Claire Warden
11/10/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Virtual Nature School Early educators around the world are increasingly embracing nature in our practice, but many find that venturing outside in winter can be a real challenge. For many teachers, the biggest barriers are planning for the right resources and their mindsets about being outside in all types of weather. In this […]Full Description
for Winter Inside, Outside and Beyond the Classroom Walls: Your Program’s Best Winter Ever, by Dr. Claire Warden
Handout_Winter Inside, Outside and Beyond the Classroom Walls
Exploring Professional Friendships as Communities of Support for Early Childhood Educators, by Dr. Diane Kashin
11/09/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. Even though you are surrounded by children, teachers, and families throughout the day at work, you might feel isolated as an early educator. In every profession people feel alone as they navigate their professional journeys. In fact, lot of your colleagues need to turn to others for inspiration and support.. Because working […]Full Description
for Exploring Professional Friendships as Communities of Support for Early Childhood Educators, by Dr. Diane Kashin
Resilient Relationships: Building Bridges Between Families and Programs, by Dr. Donna Housman and Emily Stone
11/02/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Housman Institute. As early childhood educators and caregivers, you are the first point of contact for parents for all things related to their children. From “good morning” to circle time, snack time to nap time, potty training to lunch, curriculum to playground time – you are the captain of their child’s ship during […]Full Description
for Resilient Relationships: Building Bridges Between Families and Programs, by Dr. Donna Housman and Emily Stone
Guiding Teachers to Use Technology with Young Children, by Brian Puerling and Gail Lovely
10/27/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Johnnie Max. In this lively yet practical webinar, early childhood technology experts Brian Puerling and Gail Lovely will present insights and ideas for administrators to help teachers implement meaningful uses of technology with young learners. Knowing that early childhood educators often face resistance, hurdles, and challenges when it comes to using technology with […]Full Description
for Guiding Teachers to Use Technology with Young Children, by Brian Puerling and Gail Lovely
Screening Bilingual Language Development for English–Spanish Speaking Preschoolers, by Aquiles Iglesias, Ph.D., Jill de Villiers, Ph.D. and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D.
10/26/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. Language learning is the key that opens almost every door for young children! This is especially try for dual language learners. Knowing how where all children are in their developmental trajectory is important for planning to meet their needs. Screening bilingual language learners is challenging. But, there are strategies you can […]Full Description
for Screening Bilingual Language Development for English–Spanish Speaking Preschoolers, by Aquiles Iglesias, Ph.D., Jill de Villiers, Ph.D. and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D.
Reclaim Your Joy: Paving Your Positive Path Forward as an Early Childhood Educator, by Erin Ramsey
10/19/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press. Happy, healthy, and joyful early educators make for happy, healthy, and joyful programs. In this refreshing and inspiring webinar, early care and education leader, author and inspirational speaker, Erin Ramsey will inspire you to pave a positive path forward with ways to claim your power, remove your roadblocks and find your […]Full Description
for Reclaim Your Joy: Paving Your Positive Path Forward as an Early Childhood Educator, by Erin Ramsey
Handout_Reclaim Your Joy
Boone Blanchard, Sheresa
Associate Professor , East Carolina University in the department of Human Development and Family Science
View profileLoving the Skin You Are In: Facts on Race & Disability in Early Childhood Programs, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Sheresa Boone Blanchard, Ph.D.
10/13/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Produced in partnership with Equity Research Action Coalition at UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. Our country is still reeling from the twin pandemics – coronavirus and racial reckoning. Furthermore, these dual pandemics have significantly impacted children with disabilities, especially Black and Brown children. In this paradigm-shifting webinar Dr. Iheoma Iruka will help you […]Full Description
for Loving the Skin You Are In: Facts on Race & Disability in Early Childhood Programs, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Sheresa Boone Blanchard, Ph.D.
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Books and Babies: Selecting the Best Books and Related Activities for Infants and Toddlers, by Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed. and Dr. Paula L. Jackson
10/12/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Barefoot Books. The foundation for literacy starts at birth! From babies’ first smiles to toddlers’ first steps, literacy development is intertwined with language, cognitive, social-emotional and motor growth. Join literacy experts Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed., and Dr. Paula L. Jackson to discover the building blocks for scaffolding early literacy skills in pre-mobile infants […]Full Description
for Books and Babies: Selecting the Best Books and Related Activities for Infants and Toddlers, by Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed. and Dr. Paula L. Jackson
Videos shared during the webinar:
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Happiness in the “Baby Room”: Supporting the Well-Being of Infant-Toddler Care Professionals, by Mary Benson McMullen, Ph.D.
10/06/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Childcare Education Institute. In this compelling webinar, author and professor Mary Benson McMullen, Ph.D., will offer insights about the importance of happiness and well-being in high quality infant-toddler care and education (ITCE) and how you may support this in your programs. You will learn key ideas from Mary’s two recent books, On Being […]Full Description
for Happiness in the “Baby Room”: Supporting the Well-Being of Infant-Toddler Care Professionals, by Mary Benson McMullen, Ph.D.
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Culture and Children’s Challenging Behavior, by Barbara Kaiser
09/29/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step. Like the children in our care, every teacher is different. We come from different contexts and cultures, and everything we think, say, and do is processed through the filter of our own culture. Culture influences our values, beliefs, gender roles, family structures, language, and even our teaching styles. The ability to […]Full Description
for Culture and Children’s Challenging Behavior, by Barbara Kaiser
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Connecting Reflection and Continuous Quality Improvement, by Kasey Kile, M.S. and Gabrielle DeLoach, M.S.
09/28/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Kodo Kids. Great early childhood programs are in a state of constant evolution. Achieving a program culture that values evolution requires continuous quality improvement is a top priority for program administrators. With growth and quality improvement, comes change, which is often challenging. Guiding staff to use reflection can assist them in becoming invested […]Full Description
for Connecting Reflection and Continuous Quality Improvement, by Kasey Kile, M.S. and Gabrielle DeLoach, M.S.
A Financial Checkup for Your Child Care Program, by Kathe Petchel
09/22/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare. Sigh! Your child care program’s finances: So critical, and yet often the hardest part of your job! If only there were a few key principles that could help making your budget easier to develop, manage, and most of all balance with reliable revenue growth! You are in luck because there are some […]Full Description
for A Financial Checkup for Your Child Care Program, by Kathe Petchel
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Centering Attachment: The Key to Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for 0-3, by Ruth Anne Hammond, M.A.
09/21/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute Oh, BABY! Infants and toddlers’ brains and capacities are on FIRE! Research shows time and time again that their development is exceptionally rapid, which means that as an infant and toddler educator you must carefully prioritize the time you spend together. Because secure attachment predicts healthy outcomes in numerous developmental […]Full Description
for Centering Attachment: The Key to Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for 0-3, by Ruth Anne Hammond, M.A.
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Warden, Claire
Founder , Living Classrooms and International Association of Nature Pedagogy (IANP)
View profileNature Based Programs: Planning, Documentation, and Family Engagement, by Claire Warden
09/14/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. We love emergent curriculum in nature-based programs. But even emergent approaches require some element of planning. Now is the time to explore ways to plan and document learning that are dynamic and motivating inside, outside and beyond! Join international early childhood natural program expert Dr Claire Warden to learn out how to […]Full Description
for Nature Based Programs: Planning, Documentation, and Family Engagement, by Claire Warden
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Social Media for Early Childhood Consultants: Reach New Clients, Create Wonder, and Build Community, by Abbey Haughey
08/24/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Some people love social media for social connectivity, and some don’t. But regardless of your feelings about using it personally, as an early childhood consultant, you must embrace it as an important tool for promoting your business. It’s a fact of life for business survival in 2022 and […]Full Description
for Social Media for Early Childhood Consultants: Reach New Clients, Create Wonder, and Build Community, by Abbey Haughey
Co-Regulation as the Path to Self-Regulation, by Dr. Donna Housman and Emily Stone
08/17/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Housman Institute. You do not need to check your newsfeed to see what the implications of the stress, uncertainty, disruption, isolation, trauma, and loss of the past two and half years have been – you just need to walk into your own classroom. Long before the pandemic and social and global unrest, we […]Full Description
for Co-Regulation as the Path to Self-Regulation, by Dr. Donna Housman and Emily Stone
Huber, Mike
Author, Curriculum Specialist , David's Center for Child and Family Development
View profileRemoving Barriers in Play to Include All Children, by Mike Huber, MAEd
08/11/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore. Play is the heart and heartbeat of early childhood programs, and it’s our job to offer environments and opportunities for healthy play. If all children are going to play, we need to make sure that we address barriers that may otherwise prevent some children from playing. These barriers can be physical, […]Full Description
for Removing Barriers in Play to Include All Children, by Mike Huber, MAEd
Handout- Removing Barriers in Play to Include All Children
Handout- Playground Social Story St. Davids Center
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Primak, Jill
Nature Explore Design Director , Dimensions Educational Research Foundation
View profileThriving Plants in Thriving ECE Programs, by Jill Primak, ASLA, CLARB
08/10/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore. Plants offer amazing opportunities for children to connect with nature, learn concepts and practice skills in every domain. From selecting and establishing new plants, to nurturing existing plants in your space, children can be included every step of the way. Join Jill Primak, a landscape architect and outdoor classroom designer who […]Full Description
for Thriving Plants in Thriving ECE Programs, by Jill Primak, ASLA, CLARB
Handout- Thriving Plants ECI Webinar Resources
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Ignite Motivation: Strategies for Fueling a Growth Mindset! by Susan MacDonald
07/27/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Inspiring New Perspectives. Creating professional learning experiences that truly engage and inspire adult learners can be challenging. You will need a clear plan to keep staff motivated and invested in their ongoing professional growth. Discover innovative and concrete strategies for designing and delivering impactful professional development. In this webinar, you will gain new […]Full Description
for Ignite Motivation: Strategies for Fueling a Growth Mindset! by Susan MacDonald
Handout_ IGNITE! Strategies for Fueling a Growth Mindset
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Equitable Family-Teacher Relationships for All Children, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Kamye Hugley, M.S.
06/16/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Produced in partnership with Equity Research Action Coalition at UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. Numerous evidence exists linking the influence of both home and school on children’s learning and wellbeing. The connection between teachers and parents is one way to ensure children are able to transition between these two critical contexts of their […]Full Description
for Equitable Family-Teacher Relationships for All Children, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Kamye Hugley, M.S.
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Born Selly, Patty
Assistant Professor of Environmental and STEM Education , Hamline University
View profileCreating an Earth-Friendly and Sustainable Preschool Classroom, by Dr. Patty Born Selly
06/15/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore. Wondering how to create a more sustainable, Earth-friendly environment for young learners? In this webinar, environmental education expert, Dr. Patty Born Selly offers an approachable, efficient entry point for educators who wish to instill eco-friendly values and practices in their programs. Get tips on how to assess your current environment and […]Full Description
for Creating an Earth-Friendly and Sustainable Preschool Classroom, by Dr. Patty Born Selly
Goloway, Stephanie
Professor Emeritus of Education , Community College of Allegheny County
View profileTaming the Trauma Dragon with the Ordinary Magic of Fairytales, by Dr. Stephanie Goloway
06/08/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press. What if you had a magic wand that could cast a sparkly protective cloak over young children facing adversity? With fairytales, you do! It’s no secret that early childhood programs struggle to address the needs of children impacted by toxic stress while also offering the rich learning opportunities all young children […]Full Description
for Taming the Trauma Dragon with the Ordinary Magic of Fairytales, by Dr. Stephanie Goloway
Starnes, Lauren
Author and Chief Academic Officer , Goddard Schools (Goddard Systems Inc)
View profileNEW!!! Supporting Families and Young Children in Times of Fear and Anxiety, by Dr. Lauren Starnes
06/01/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
The news story emerging from Uvalde, Texas has created fear ripples in schools and families across America. Teachers and parents are struggling to know how to manage their own fears and anxieties and how best to support their young children with questions that may be asked. While teachers and families try to shield their children […]Full Description
for NEW!!! Supporting Families and Young Children in Times of Fear and Anxiety, by Dr. Lauren Starnes
Hichens, Molly
President, Molly Hichens Consulting , Co-owner and COO, Bright Beginnings Preschool
View profileStrategic Curriculum Implementation, by Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens
05/26/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare. Curriculum implementation is more vital than ever in early childhood classrooms. The past two years has been entirely disruptive for children and families. In fact, many children have missed out on preschool entirely. Programs are suffering from severe staffing shortages and restricted operations. Now more than ever, every moment in a preschoolers’ […]Full Description
for Strategic Curriculum Implementation, by Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens
Complementary Curriculum Approach: Transform Your Practice through Intentional Teaching, by Lisa Porter Kuh, Ph.D. and Iris Chin Ponte, Ph.D.
05/25/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press. Complementary Curriculum Approach is a way of approaching curriculum that builds upon your ability to personalize the environment and understand your role in children’s learning. Join this engaging webinar by the authors, Lisa Kuh and Iris Ponte to learn about how to support children’s play and cultivate classroom environments with rich, […]Full Description
Handout_ Explicit Presentation
Let’s Play! Cooperative Games in Early Childhood Programs, by Suzanne Lyons, M.A.
05/19/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Childcare Education Institute. There is wide consensus that developmentally appropriate education for young children incorporates play-based learning. But play is more than free play, outdoor play, and dramatic play! Game play is also fun and enriching. In fact, you may already use many kinds of games in your classroom. But are all the […]Full Description
for Let’s Play! Cooperative Games in Early Childhood Programs, by Suzanne Lyons, M.A.
Principals as Early Learning Leaders: Effectively Supporting Our Youngest Learners, by Dr. Julie Nicholson, Dr. Thomas Williams Jr. and Dr. Helen Maniates
05/18/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Johnnie Max. Because of the expansion of preschool programs in public school districts, the majority of principals are now required to supervise early childhood teachers and classrooms. Unfortunately, information on child development and early childhood education is not a mandatory component of administrative training programs in most states nor is it a top […]Full Description
for Principals as Early Learning Leaders: Effectively Supporting Our Youngest Learners, by Dr. Julie Nicholson, Dr. Thomas Williams Jr. and Dr. Helen Maniates
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Power of Play to Address Trauma and Build Resilience
Power of Play to Address Trauma and Build Resilience, Spanish
Play, It's the Way Children Learn
10 Promising Practices in Early Learning for Black Boys
The Powerful Role of Play in Education
Childress, Dana
Early Intervention Professional Development Consultant and Author , Partnership for People with Disabilities at VA Commonwealth University
View profileSupercharge Home Visiting with Adult Learning Principles, by Dana Childress, Ph.D.
05/12/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. You know how to teach children; it’s your superpower. Do you know how to teach adults too? As an early interventionist or parent educator supporting families in-person and virtually, it is becoming increasingly essential that you have an understanding of how caregivers learn. Join this webinar, presented by expert early childhood […]Full Description
for Supercharge Home Visiting with Adult Learning Principles, by Dana Childress, Ph.D.
Handout_Supercharge Home Visiting with Adult Learning Principles_Childress
Self-Assessment: How Are You Supporting Adult Learning during Balanced Intervention Sessions_11-22-21
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Supalla, Rachel
Early Childhood Expert, Consultant and Multi-site owner , Discovery Kidzone Learning Centers
View profile3 Keys to Staff Retention Through Practically Perfect Performance, by Rachel Supalla, MA
05/05/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by 1Place Childcare Compliance and Best Practice Software. While every childcare center director wishes for ‘practically perfect’ performance, most know there is a learning curve involved in getting people up to a standard. An innate magic, akin to Mary Poppins, might exist in some but most require a measured approach to bring out their […]Full Description
for 3 Keys to Staff Retention Through Practically Perfect Performance, by Rachel Supalla, MA
Handout_ KPI Scorecard
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The Honeycomb Hypothesis: A Fresh Perspective on how Infants, Toddlers, and Two’s Learn, by Dr. Sandra Duncan, Sue Penix and Sally Haughey
05/04/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press. A Fresh Perspective on how Infants, Toddlers, and Two’s Learn Have you ever observed honey bees flitting around and nosing up to sweet smelling flowers? Pause to observe them and you may notice just how these little wonders of nature are busily gathering pollen to carry back to their hives. This […]Full Description
for The Honeycomb Hypothesis: A Fresh Perspective on how Infants, Toddlers, and Two’s Learn, by Dr. Sandra Duncan, Sue Penix and Sally Haughey
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Diversity Meets Picture Books! What You Need to Know to Select Inclusive Materials, by Dr. Paula Jackson, Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed, and Autumn Allen, EdM, MA
04/27/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Barefoot Books. Do you hear that rustling? It’s the sound of change. The children’s book publishing industry is slowly waking up from a long history of underrepresentation. And it’s about time. Recent research indicates that children exhibit racial preferences by the age of 6 months old. Perhaps you already have a desire to […]Full Description
for Diversity Meets Picture Books! What You Need to Know to Select Inclusive Materials, by Dr. Paula Jackson, Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed, and Autumn Allen, EdM, MA
Achieving Equity and Quality: 11 Simple Rules to Build Thriving Communities, by Judy Jablon, Nichole Parks and Lauren Carlisle
04/07/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Leading for Children. All children deserve the opportunity to thrive! For this to happen, every adult must embrace the critical role they play in ensuring that children grow and develop in communities where they feel safe and secure. How the adults in children’s lives see themselves, treat each other, and work together is […]Full Description
for Achieving Equity and Quality: 11 Simple Rules to Build Thriving Communities, by Judy Jablon, Nichole Parks and Lauren Carlisle
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Your Natural Playscape Makeover!—Designing for Outdoor Play on Any Budget, by Rusty Keeler
04/06/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Rusty Keeler. We all want to create beautiful outdoor natural play and learning environments for our children but isn’t it expensive? Difficult? Out of reach for the average caregiver and center? “No way!” says natural playscape designer and author Rusty Keeler, “You can do it!” Join Rusty as he shares his 30 years […]Full Description
Handout_ Your Playscape Makeover!
Strategies for Reading Aloud to Preschool Children, by Susan B. Neuman
03/31/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Johnnie Max. This empowering presentation by world-renowned language expert, Dr. Susan B. Neuman, focuses on how early childhood professionals can make reading aloud magically powerful for children. You will learn how strategies like reading non-fiction to improve children’s vocabulary, language development, and comprehension. Dr. Neuman will provide practical insights into how to teach […]Full Description
for Strategies for Reading Aloud to Preschool Children, by Susan B. Neuman
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Warden, Claire
Founder , Living Classrooms and International Association of Nature Pedagogy (IANP)
View profileUsing a Guide to Nature Kinship to Infuse Nature into Your Program, by Sheila Ridge Williams, M.A., Dr. Claire Warden, and Heather Fox, M.A.
03/30/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. FEATURING NATURAL LEARNING EXPERTS: Sheila Ridge Williams, Claire Warden, and Heather Fox In this inspiring webinar, the second in a series of two, authors from The Environmental Kinship International (EKI) will share tips, ideas, and aspirations related to their new free pedagogical framework designed specifically for early educators in nature-based programs. The […]Full Description
for Using a Guide to Nature Kinship to Infuse Nature into Your Program, by Sheila Ridge Williams, M.A., Dr. Claire Warden, and Heather Fox, M.A.
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A Guide to Nature-Based Pedagogy for Early Childhood Programs, by Megan Gessler, M.Ed., Anne Meade, M.Ed. and Amanda Higgins, M.Ed.
03/16/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. FEATURING NATURAL LEARNING EXPERTS: Megan Gessler, Anne, Mead, and Amanda Higgins This unique webinar, presented by authors from The Environmental Kinship International (EKI), will be the first of two that will share the concepts from their new framework for nature-based early childhood educators. The Children’s Environmental Kinship Guide presents an overarching nature-based […]Full Description
for A Guide to Nature-Based Pedagogy for Early Childhood Programs, by Megan Gessler, M.Ed., Anne Meade, M.Ed. and Amanda Higgins, M.Ed.
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Early Childhood Behavior Guidance Practices and the Role of Implicit Bias, by Ebonyse Mead and Jen Neitzel
03/10/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step. In this paradigm-shifting webinar, you will learn about implicit racial bias and its role in behavior management practices and policies in early childhood programs. Research reveals that Black children are disproportionally suspended or expelled in their earliest school experiences. The implications of the research demonstrate that teachers’ practices, and administrative policies […]Full Description
for Early Childhood Behavior Guidance Practices and the Role of Implicit Bias, by Ebonyse Mead and Jen Neitzel
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Inspirations from Reggio Emilia for a STEM-Infused Environment, Dr. Vicki Carper Bartolini
03/09/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press. From her recently published book, Creating a Reggio-Inspired STEM Environment for Young Children, award-winning educator Dr. Vicki Carper Bartolini offers practical suggestions and resources for teachers to re-envision their early learning environments with a focus on STEM. Using the Reggio Emilia lens that honors the right of children to a wondrous […]Full Description
for Inspirations from Reggio Emilia for a STEM-Infused Environment, Dr. Vicki Carper Bartolini
Promoting the Positive Racial Identity of Black Infants and Toddlers in Early Childhood Programs, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Kamye Hugley, M.S.
02/24/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Produced in partnership with Equity Research Action Coalition at UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. The first 1,000 days are a sensitive period in children’s development. This is critical period for language, emotional, and social development. Evidence is also accumulating about these early years as critical for positive ethnic-racial identity. Positive ethnic-racial identity is […]Full Description
for Promoting the Positive Racial Identity of Black Infants and Toddlers in Early Childhood Programs, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Kamye Hugley, M.S.
How to Lead a Nature-based Program Without Losing Your Purpose (or mind!) By Rachel A. Larimore, Ph.D.
02/23/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Samara Early Learning. Nature-based learning is growing in popularity, particularly in the time of COVID. Yes, there are many benefits to children and teachers alike by integrating nature into the preschool curriculum. Yet, many leaders find themselves facing challenges in supporting a shift to nature-based learning. These challenges are sometimes administrative related to […]Full Description
for How to Lead a Nature-based Program Without Losing Your Purpose (or mind!) By Rachel A. Larimore, Ph.D.
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Mind Mapping for Ideas in Early Childhood Programs, Dr. Diane Kashin
02/17/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. Have you ever used mind maps in your practice? Mind mapping is the process of graphically organizing emerging ideas and interests as they evolve, like they might if you were brainstorming ideas. Mind maps are intuitive frameworks that will help you build connections and see relationships. Referred to webs as they […]Full Description
for Mind Mapping for Ideas in Early Childhood Programs, Dr. Diane Kashin
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Engaging Presentations Everyone Will Love, by Brian Washburn
02/10/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we have a free webinar that will make you and the people who attend your presentations swoon! Whether you’re putting together a presentation for a small group or a keynote for a conference (conference season is right around the corner, after all), […]Full Description
for Engaging Presentations Everyone Will Love, by Brian Washburn
Handout - Interactive Elements Checklist
Handout - Geiger Counter (Radioactive Elements)
Handout - Air Quality Monitor (Gas-like Elements)
Handout - State of Liquid Elements
Handout - Solid Element or Shiny Object
Handout - Periodic Table
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Playful Learning, Not Play vs. Learning in Preschool: How Play Fosters Cognitive Development, by Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
02/02/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute. We hear it all the time: “All they are doing is playing.” As Profession Edward Zigler says, “play is under siege.” While school-age children suffer from the loss of recess and time on screen, educators in early care and education programs feel pressure to teach to standards for “school readiness.” […]Full Description
for Playful Learning, Not Play vs. Learning in Preschool: How Play Fosters Cognitive Development, by Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
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Vision-Focused Action Plans for Early Childhood Leaders, by Susan MacDonald
01/27/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Solutions. Now’s the time to refresh the vision for your program. Moving beyond the stress and challenges of the past year requires early childhood leaders like you to renew your enthusiasm and refresh your optimistic focus. Now is the time to be intentional and focused on all that is possible. This […]Full Description
for Vision-Focused Action Plans for Early Childhood Leaders, by Susan MacDonald
Handout_Now's The Time
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Even Superheroes Need Support: The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Early Childhood Educators, by Dr. Donna Housman and Emily Stone
01/26/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Housman Institute. Early childhood educators have always been Superheroes, tasked with the single most important role, aside from parents, in a child’s early development and education. Your work is one of the most rewarding in education, one most of us cherish, but one that also brings great stress. There is a lot of […]Full Description
for Even Superheroes Need Support: The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Early Childhood Educators, by Dr. Donna Housman and Emily Stone
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Delgado, Laura
Vice President of Curriculum & Professional Development , Learning Beyond Paper, Inc.
View profileIntentional Preschool Environments Set the Stage for Young Children, by Laura Delgado
01/05/2022 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Learning Beyond Paper. Every early childhood program’s physical environment, both indoor and outdoor, sets the stage for learning and engagement. The physical environment sends strong messages to children and adults about what is valued, who is valued, and what learning can occur within the spaces. It is up to family child care providers, […]Full Description
for Intentional Preschool Environments Set the Stage for Young Children, by Laura Delgado
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Your ECE Career Journey: From Teacher or Director to Beyond, by Rachel Robertson, MA
12/15/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Bright Horizons. If you are considering becoming an early childhood teacher or if you already are working as one, you may not have ever thought about what job you might hold in ten years or more. Many people start working as teachers or assistant teachers because they like children. No matter how you […]Full Description
for Your ECE Career Journey: From Teacher or Director to Beyond, by Rachel Robertson, MA
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Growing Natural Outdoor Preschool Classrooms to Scale: LA Unified School District’s Bold Approach
12/08/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore. Join Dr Dean Tagawa, Ranae Amezquita, and Kirsten Haugen to learn how and why the second-largest school district in the United States has committed to creating natural outdoor classrooms in every one of its early care and education centers. The presenters will share California’s Los Angeles Unified School District multi-year journey […]Full Description
for Growing Natural Outdoor Preschool Classrooms to Scale: LA Unified School District’s Bold Approach
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Rejuvenate Preschool Environments on a Budget: Tips, Ideas & Resources, by Michelle Pratt
12/01/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press. It is time to take a step back and assess your program or classroom’s environment! With a new year on the horizon, look around as if from a young child’s perspective. Bend down. See with fresh eyes. Hopefully you feel… a sense of welcoming, calm and order. inspired to work with […]Full Description
for Rejuvenate Preschool Environments on a Budget: Tips, Ideas & Resources, by Michelle Pratt
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Child Care Stabilization Grants and New Tax Changes for 2021, by Tom Copeland
11/11/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Learning Beyond Paper. This webinar, presented by child care business expert, Tom Copeland, will cover all the new tax changes affecting family child care providers for 2021. These include the Child Care Stabilization Grants, SBA forgivable loans, new child tax credit, what’s deductible in the era of COVID, calculating your Time-Space% if you […]Full Description
for Child Care Stabilization Grants and New Tax Changes for 2021, by Tom Copeland
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The Keys to Effective Practice-Based Coaching: A Framework for Early Childhood Leaders
11/10/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. As an early childhood program leader, you know coaching is the most powerful element of continuous quality improvement. Developing your coaching skills is critical to help your staff engage children nurture their development. Join this free eye-opening webinar to learn about a coaching framework for supporting early childhood practitioners’ use […]Full Description
for The Keys to Effective Practice-Based Coaching: A Framework for Early Childhood Leaders
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Coaching and Supervising Staff for Social Emotional Development Growth: Prioritizing SEL in Your Program, by Jacky Howell
11/03/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step. New Date – November 3, 2021 We all understand the importance of Social/Emotional Learning for children in early childhood programs. Yet, one of the biggest challenges administrators face is ensuring all children in their programs are offered the best opportunities for social-emotional development. Join this paradigm-shifting webinar by early childhood education […]Full Description
for Coaching and Supervising Staff for Social Emotional Development Growth: Prioritizing SEL in Your Program, by Jacky Howell
The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Children Birth Through Eight, by Dr. Donna Housman
10/27/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Housman Institute. In this time of uncertainty and anxiety, we need to focus on all that our littlest learners have experienced. Almost all pre-school-aged children made their first start to school carrying more than their backpacks with them this fall. They also brought loads of emotions- from separation anxiety to how to make […]Full Description
for The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Children Birth Through Eight, by Dr. Donna Housman
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Delgado, Laura
Vice President of Curriculum & Professional Development , Learning Beyond Paper, Inc.
View profileBoost Enrollment in Family Child Care: Curriculum Helps, by Laura Delgado
10/21/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Learning Beyond Paper At a time when it is more difficult than ever to offer high-quality home-based child care, every little detail counts. Offering a comprehensive and easy to use curriculum is not only great for children and families, but it is also an attractive selling point. From a pedagogical perspective and business […]Full Description
for Boost Enrollment in Family Child Care: Curriculum Helps, by Laura Delgado
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Secrets to Finding Talent Amidst a ECE Staffing Crisis: Think Outside the Toybox, by Lauren Small and Virginia Marsh
10/20/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. Have crippling staff shortages forced you out of the director’s office and back into the classroom? Are you struggling to recruit and train employees? Does your existing staff complain about burnout? Perhaps you’ve even turned away potential enrollments due to being short-staffed. As overwhelmed directors must ask more and more of […]Full Description
for Secrets to Finding Talent Amidst a ECE Staffing Crisis: Think Outside the Toybox, by Lauren Small and Virginia Marsh
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How Optimistic Leaders Can Create Equity in Early Learning Programs, by Judy Jablon and Nichole Parks
10/14/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Solutions. To create the next generation of critical thinkers and leaders, we must ensure that every child has a sense of agency — that they are problem solvers and decision makers! For this to happen, educators make a difference. Children must learn in equitable settings where power is shared and all […]Full Description
for How Optimistic Leaders Can Create Equity in Early Learning Programs, by Judy Jablon and Nichole Parks
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Starnes, Lauren
Author and Chief Academic Officer , Goddard Schools (Goddard Systems Inc)
View profileBig Questions, Worries, and Fears: How to have hard conversations with little children, by Dr. Lauren Starnes
10/13/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute. Join Dr. Lauren Starnes in this webinar to address the big adult questions young children often ask that often cause us to pause, silence the child, or deflect the response. This session will guide you to answer difficult question respectfully and developmentally appropriately with even the youngest children. The webinar […]Full Description
for Big Questions, Worries, and Fears: How to have hard conversations with little children, by Dr. Lauren Starnes
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Turn Challenging Behavior Into Prosocial Learning : A New Year Brings New Opportunities, by Jacky Howell
09/30/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute. The first few weeks of school mean everything! Being proactive and intentional is often the most effective strategy teachers can use to set children up for success. This is especially true when it comes to prosocial learning. Young children need teachers to help them navigate life in early childhood programs. […]Full Description
for Turn Challenging Behavior Into Prosocial Learning : A New Year Brings New Opportunities, by Jacky Howell
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New Options for Health Care for Early Childhood Professionals, by Louise Stoney, M.A., Sharon Easterling, B.A. and Jeremy Smith, M.A.
09/23/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Solutions. NEW DATE: September 23rd Very few child care centers can afford to offer employee benefits like health insurance and retirement plans. This workshop will explore ways that recent investments from the American Rescue Plan Act and other pandemic recovery measures may be used to expand access to employee benefits. Strategies […]Full Description
for New Options for Health Care for Early Childhood Professionals, by Louise Stoney, M.A., Sharon Easterling, B.A. and Jeremy Smith, M.A.
Handout_Navigator Awardee Summaries
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Pushing Past Bias and Challenging Classroom Behaviors: Changing Children’s Behavior Starts With Changing Ourselves, by Dr. Angela Searcy
09/22/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute. When children exhibit behaviors that are not compliant, early educators often label them “challenging.” But are they really? Teachers and administrators often jump to conclusions about the child or their family and community. However, behavior is complex so there is seldom one reason children don’t or cannot comply with our […]Full Description
for Pushing Past Bias and Challenging Classroom Behaviors: Changing Children’s Behavior Starts With Changing Ourselves, by Dr. Angela Searcy
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Play and Assessment? YES! Reciprocal Partners in the Early Childhood Classroom Dance, by Michelle Salcedo
09/15/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by COR Advantage. At times, assessment and play have been pitted against each other, considered to be at opposite ends of the “developmentally appropriate” continuum. In reality, both are not only essential, but they work together! Play informs authentic, observation-based assessment and assessment informs facilitation. In this session, we will examine both play and […]Full Description
for Play and Assessment? YES! Reciprocal Partners in the Early Childhood Classroom Dance, by Michelle Salcedo
Iruka, Iheoma
Research Professor & Fellow , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
View profileScreening to Identify Preschool Children’s Strengths and Challenges Using a Cultural Wealth Framework, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D.
08/26/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Produced in partnership with Equity Research Action Coalition at UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute It is that time of year when many educators and professionals will need to identify children’s strengths and challenges to provide needed support to meet their developmental and learning needs. The data, unfortunately, shows that many children of color, […]Full Description
for Screening to Identify Preschool Children’s Strengths and Challenges Using a Cultural Wealth Framework, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D.
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Engineering With Nature: Learning and Communicating through Construction Play, by Tina Reeble and Kirsten Haugen, M.A.
08/25/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore. Children communicate competency, ideas and emotions through block building and other three-dimensional work. In this energizing webinar, nature learning and universal design experts, Tina Reeble and Kirsten Haugen will share research, classroom stories and practical suggestions to support engineering play with natural and human-made materials for building. Join us to strengthen […]Full Description
for Engineering With Nature: Learning and Communicating through Construction Play, by Tina Reeble and Kirsten Haugen, M.A.
Handout_Nature Explore Typology
Poyner, Nefertiti
Early Childhood Specialist and National Trainer , Devereux Center for Resilient Children
View profileReady and Resilient! Promoting the Resilience of Children and Adults, by Dr. Nefertiti B. Poyner
08/04/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Each day, children and adults rely upon strong social-emotional skills as we navigate various life experiences. Learn strategies to support the resilience and social-emotional well-being of children and adults in this reflective webinar presented by Dr. Nefertiti B. Poyner. We will unpack key elements for creating early childhood environments […]Full Description
for Ready and Resilient! Promoting the Resilience of Children and Adults, by Dr. Nefertiti B. Poyner
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The Power of the Podcast: How Consultants and Other Experts Can Reach a Wider Audience, by Brian Washburn and Tim Waxenfelter
07/14/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory NO CERTIFICATES OFFERED FOR THIS WEBINAR Join Endurance Learning co-founders Brian Washburn and Tim Waxenfelter as they discuss lessons learned, benefits and even pitfalls of launching a podcast. Brian is the host of the Train Like You Listen podcast, a weekly podcast about all things learning and development […]Full Description
for The Power of the Podcast: How Consultants and Other Experts Can Reach a Wider Audience, by Brian Washburn and Tim Waxenfelter
Wonder of Wonders! Harnessing the Wonder of Play through Provocations, by Sally Haughey
06/10/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Fairy Dust Teaching. Let’s face it. Our educational system is built on the idea that children are empty vessels waiting to be filled. Think about any child you know. Are they empty? Of course not. From a very young age, children begin expressing their own unique views and ideas. Children are born with […]Full Description
for Wonder of Wonders! Harnessing the Wonder of Play through Provocations, by Sally Haughey
Provocation Reflection Practice
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Provocation Reflection Practice
Cannon, Beth
Key Note Speaker + Instruction Design Specialist , Beth Cannon Speaks + Leaders Lounge Solutions
View profileStaff Retention from Inception: Effective Interviews and Onboarding in ECE, by Beth Cannon
06/09/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Solutions. Do you ever wonder why recently hired staff don’t hang around for long, or worse, behave in ways that make you question your own judgment in hiring them? Every childcare business should have interview and onboarding/orientation processes that are streamlined, consistent and empowering for new staff members. From the moment you […]Full Description
for Staff Retention from Inception: Effective Interviews and Onboarding in ECE, by Beth Cannon
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Nature-based Learning Environments: What Every Early Childhood Program Leader Needs to Know, by Rachel A. Larimore, Ph.D.
05/19/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Community Playthings Nature-based learning is growing in popularity, particularly in the time of COVID. Yet, many find themselves looking for strategies to integrate nature into the preschool curriculum in meaningful and intentional ways. One area of program development that is foundational for children’s play and teacher-child interactions is the physical environment. Statements like […]Full Description
for Nature-based Learning Environments: What Every Early Childhood Program Leader Needs to Know, by Rachel A. Larimore, Ph.D.
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Progressive Early Childhood Leadership: From Aspiration to Implementation, by Wendy Pollock, EdD
05/13/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Bank Street College of Education. Early childhood education is currently prominent in the news and the forefront of recovery from Covid-19. Suddenly there are new opportunities for early childhood educators to advance in the field with many new funding sources both local and federal. Now is the time to leverage these new opportunities […]Full Description
for Progressive Early Childhood Leadership: From Aspiration to Implementation, by Wendy Pollock, EdD
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Garboden Murray, Carol
Author, Illuminating Care: The Pedagogy and Practice of Care in Early Childhood Communities , Director of Children's Programing at Bard College
View profileIlluminating the “Care” in Early Care and Education: The Pedagogy of Child Care, by Carol Garboden Murray
05/05/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press. Think about a day in the life of an early childhood teacher: Much of the day is wrapped up in caring rituals such as preparing and serving meals, helping children wash their hands and dress, and learning to rest and regulate themselves. Together with children, teachers navigate through a daily flow […]Full Description
for Illuminating the “Care” in Early Care and Education: The Pedagogy of Child Care, by Carol Garboden Murray
Curriculum of Care
Myth and Truth
Guiding Questions
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Understand the Roots of Anti-Asian Racism to Build Asian Allyship in Early Learning Programs, by Nadia Y. Kim, Ph.D. and Jennifer Park, Ph.D.
04/29/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. Increased awareness of racism has elicited responses to reflect and respond in varying ways. These reflections and responses have followed the visibility of lynchings across the country. While these lynchings have been occurring for hundreds of years, the current pandemic of Covid-19 that led to increased engagement of news and media, […]Full Description
for Understand the Roots of Anti-Asian Racism to Build Asian Allyship in Early Learning Programs, by Nadia Y. Kim, Ph.D. and Jennifer Park, Ph.D.
Developmental Screening: How Administrators Successfully Manage Implementation in their ECE Programs, by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Elizabeth Twombly, M.S. and Dalia Avello, MA, IMH-E
04/28/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. As an administrator, you know developmental screening is an important component of promoting healthy development for young children. You also know implementing an effective and efficient screening program school-wide and across multiple sites can be challenging. Presented by the experts and trainers behind the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) screening […]Full Description
for Developmental Screening: How Administrators Successfully Manage Implementation in their ECE Programs, by Jane Squires, Ph.D., Elizabeth Twombly, M.S. and Dalia Avello, MA, IMH-E
Reducing Challenging Behavior: Administrators as Agents of Change, by Barbara Kaiser
04/21/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step. You may have heard it in your office when an exasperated teacher comes into your office to talk about a child whose behavior is challenging: “Something has to change!” When teachers are challenged by children’s behavior, they often blame the family or the child. But teachers need support to explore changes […]Full Description
for Reducing Challenging Behavior: Administrators as Agents of Change, by Barbara Kaiser
Videos shared during the webinar:
Curenton, Stephanie
Professor and Director of the Center on the Ecology of Early Development (CEED) , Boston University
View profileLeaning into Culturally-grounded Anti-bias Child Assessment, by Iheoma Iruka, Ph.D. and Stephanie Curenton, Ph.D.
04/15/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by COR Advantage. Evidence exists about the importance and impact of early care and education for children’s school readiness and academic and school success. Child assessment plays a critical role in supporting children’s school readiness by providing early childhood educators with important information about children’s assets, growth, and potential, as well as areas needing […]Full Description
for Leaning into Culturally-grounded Anti-bias Child Assessment, by Iheoma Iruka, Ph.D. and Stephanie Curenton, Ph.D.
What Do Tattoos, Piercings, Hairstyles Have to Do with DAP in Early Childhood Care and Education? by Heather Bernt-Santy, M.A. Ed.
04/07/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory, the only online hub where clients in early care and education can connect with consultants who specialize in your program’s needs! What do we know about typical child development? What do we know about the individual children in our care and classrooms right now? What […]Full Description
for What Do Tattoos, Piercings, Hairstyles Have to Do with DAP in Early Childhood Care and Education? by Heather Bernt-Santy, M.A. Ed.
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Sivright, Sarah
Retired (Director & Co-Founder) , All Seasons Intergenerational Preschool
View profileSupporting Teachers in Nature-Based Programs, by Sheila Williams Ridge and Sarah Sivright
03/10/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore Supporting teachers, children, and families in nature-based requires offering a depth of pedagogical and administrative leadership as well as frequent and clear communication and opportunities for dialogue. Join Join Sheila Williams Ridge, Author of “Nature-Based Learning for Young Children“, and Sarah Sivright, to discuss how to balance the needs of children, families, […]Full Description
for Supporting Teachers in Nature-Based Programs, by Sheila Williams Ridge and Sarah Sivright
Resources for Nature-Based Learning
All Seasons Preschool- Developmental Summary Outline
Teacher Self Evaluation - All Seasons
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Reimagine Opportunities for Your ECE Business! by Kathy Ligon
03/04/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by 1Place Childcare Compliance Software. From the difficulties of the 2020 year, opportunities arose to create a stronger early childhood business that is poised for future success and growth even better than before. In the last six months opportunities to expand or sell are breaking records! Join Kathy Ligon, Founder and CEO of Hinge […]Full Description
for Reimagine Opportunities for Your ECE Business! by Kathy Ligon
Using Routines to Help Children Adjust After COVID Closures and Other Disruptions, by Christian Bellissimo, MSW, LCSW, RPT, LLC
02/24/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
THIS WEBINAR IS OVER CAPACITY. Log in early. The webinar doors will open 30 minute before it is scheduled to start. The first 3,000 people to click the JOIN WEBINAR button will be admitted, regardless of when you registered for the webinar. We will publish a link to the recording of the webinar when it […]Full Description
for Using Routines to Help Children Adjust After COVID Closures and Other Disruptions, by Christian Bellissimo, MSW, LCSW, RPT, LLC
Short videos shared during the webinar:
Frame Play Behavior as a Choice or Decision
Child-Led Play, Describe Actions, Frame Behavior as Choice/Decision
Children’s Lively Minds: Life-Changing Professional Development for Early Educators, by Nadia Jaboneta and Deb Curtis
02/17/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press. Join Nadia Jaboneta and Deb Curtis as they share stories and approaches that transform teachers’ views of children’s competence and the profound importance of brain development and schema explorations during play. You will hear engaging ideas to work with teachers, using a variety of reflective tools and profound yet simple […]Full Description
for Children’s Lively Minds: Life-Changing Professional Development for Early Educators, by Nadia Jaboneta and Deb Curtis
Summary of Schema Explorations
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The Child Assessment Evolution: Controversy and Practice Explored, by Shannon Lockhart and Anna Marrs
02/10/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by COR Advantage. The use of child assessment in early childhood programs can be controversial. Concerns about equitable, linguistic, and cultural implementation, “high stakes” use of data, and emphasis on outcomes for children overshadowing play stir up much debate. Yet, research-backed, authentic assessments are widely used in high-quality play-based programs nationwide with great success. […]Full Description
for The Child Assessment Evolution: Controversy and Practice Explored, by Shannon Lockhart and Anna Marrs
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Virtual Learning Experiences that Engage Adult Learners, by Tim Waxenfelter and Brian Washburn
02/03/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory NO CERTIFICATES OFFERED FOR THIS WEBINAR Are you a dynamic presenter, keynote speaker, or professional development trainer who inspires your learners? Over the past year, presentations have changed dramatically and adjusting your dynamic presentations to a virtual environment can be tricky. Whether you are really an impactful expert […]Full Description
for Virtual Learning Experiences that Engage Adult Learners, by Tim Waxenfelter and Brian Washburn
Handout - Engaging Virtual Delivery
Handout - Engagement Strategies for Virtual Training
Handout - Web Conference Platforms - Feature Comparison
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Provoking Inquiry with Loose Parts, by Miriam Beloglovsky and Diane Spahn
01/27/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Kodo Kids Join Miriam Beloglovsky, co-author of the Loose Parts: Inspiring Play award-winning books, and Diane Spahn, Director of Education with Kodo Kids, as they explore the 6 w’s that serve as a framework to select and set up loose parts that provoke children’s inquiry. This webinar will guide you to apply educational […]Full Description
for Provoking Inquiry with Loose Parts, by Miriam Beloglovsky and Diane Spahn
Highlights Handout_ Provoking Inquiry with Loose Parts
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Scary Events and Young Children: Help Children Cope With Violence Around Them, by Christian Bellissimo
01/19/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
These are scary times. Nothing seems safe when one of the most secure places in our country is overwhelmed with armed and angry people. Families may believe they have shielded their children from seeing or hearing about violence, but children are acutely perceptive and are often more aware than we anticipate. Join this free conversational […]Full Description
for Scary Events and Young Children: Help Children Cope With Violence Around Them, by Christian Bellissimo
Handout_What Happened To MY World 2020
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Browne, Mike
Sr. Community Engagement Manager and Anti-Racist Consultant , Hilltop Children's Center and Educator Institute
View profileFearless Conversations With Toddlers: How to Open a Can of Worms With Little Ones
01/13/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press Join early educator Nick Terrones and author Ann Pelo for an interview-style session about Nick’s new book, A Can of Worms. Moderated by Mike Browne, this deep discussion will explore the core of the book. In it, Nick shares stories about toddler-initiated conversations about race and identity. While the stories are […]Full Description
A Can of Worms Foreword by Ann Pelo and Margie Carter
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Rebuilding Your Child Care Business: Technology Makes it Possible, by Louise Stoney, Sharon Easterling and Monique Reynolds
01/07/2021 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare 2020 was an extremely challenging year for early care and education (ECE) businesses, and while the new year brings a fresh perspective it will likely take time to steer your business toward calmer waters. This workshop will focus on a tool that is key to success: Child Care Management Software (CCMS). Presenters […]Full Description
for Rebuilding Your Child Care Business: Technology Makes it Possible, by Louise Stoney, Sharon Easterling and Monique Reynolds
A Stronger, More Ambitious Future for Child Care, by Albert Wat, Rachel Schumacher and Mica Whitfield
12/16/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Throughout this pandemic, many of us have said that we can’t go back to the child care system we had. But what will it take to build something that truly serves children, families, providers, educators, and our economy with equity and quality at its core? Earlier this fall, […]Full Description
for A Stronger, More Ambitious Future for Child Care, by Albert Wat, Rachel Schumacher and Mica Whitfield
Adventures in Risky Play: What is Your Yes? by Rusty Keeler
12/09/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press. Join author-designer Rusty Keeler as he celebrates the beauty and benefits of risky play and the importance of adults supporting children’s play. Loaded with amazing images and inspiration Rusty challenges you to think about your own professional practice with children and encourages you to take bold new steps to support play […]Full Description
Handout: Adventures in Risky Play
Website: Rusty Keeler
Master the Virtual Conference Room: Captivating Adult Learners Remotely, by Cecy Shveid and Claudia Herrmann
11/18/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. This webinar has concluded and the recording is not available. See the schedule of upcoming webinars.Full Description
for Master the Virtual Conference Room: Captivating Adult Learners Remotely, by Cecy Shveid and Claudia Herrmann
Trauma and Young Children: What Every Early Educator Needs to Know, by Sarah Erdman
11/12/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory Early Childhood Educators in every setting are becoming more aware of the presence of trauma and its wide-reaching effect on children. Well, trauma is in the lives of young children…but so are you. Join Sarah Erdman, one of the authors of “Trauma and Young Children: Teaching Strategies to […]Full Description
for Trauma and Young Children: What Every Early Educator Needs to Know, by Sarah Erdman
Handout_SMART Worksheet
Handout_Family Inclusive Language
- Creating Trauma Sensitive Classrooms
- Being a Helper
- Preventing Compassion Fatigue
- Sensitive Schools Checklist
Anti Bias Anti Racist Education
- Anti Bias Ed for Young Children and Ourselves
- Britt Hawthorne
- Liz Kleinrock
- Cornelius Minor
- Sylvia Duckworth (Graphics)
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Puppets: Pals for Children, Social-Emotional Learning Partners for Teachers, by Jacky Howell
11/05/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Community Playthings. PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE! November 5, 2020 Whether you are teaching in person or online, this information-packed webinar will provide strategies for using puppets to create engaging experiences for young children. Early childhood education author and classroom interactions expert, Jacky Howell will inspire you to use puppets as “pals” who help […]Full Description
for Puppets: Pals for Children, Social-Emotional Learning Partners for Teachers, by Jacky Howell
Puppetry 2020
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Beloglovsky, Miriam
Author, Speaker, Professor, and Consultant , Playful Transformation
View profileVirtual Learning and Loose Parts to Create Meaning for Young Children, by Miriam Beloglovsky, M.A.
10/29/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Community Playthings In this webinar, we will discuss some creative ways to design, develop and deliver useful and engaging virtual education for young children based on integrating loose parts (ordinary objects from home) to promote active play. We will also talk about ideas to limit screen time, and instead create a virtual balanced […]Full Description
for Virtual Learning and Loose Parts to Create Meaning for Young Children, by Miriam Beloglovsky, M.A.
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Building Equity in ECE Settings Through Perspective-Taking and Empathy, by Jacky Howell and Makai Kellogg
10/22/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute. To achieve an equitable world tomorrow, young children must grow in empathetic and equitable classrooms today. Empathy requires the ability to take other people’s perspectives. Because children under five are developmentally geared to understand the world from an egocentric perspective, early childhood educators must intentionally help children see other perspectives. […]Full Description
for Building Equity in ECE Settings Through Perspective-Taking and Empathy, by Jacky Howell and Makai Kellogg
Resources _ Building Equity in ECE Settings Through Perspective Taking and Empathy
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FULL! Teaching Social Justice: Navigating the Deep Waters of Equity in Early Childhood Programs
10/21/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
THIS WEBINAR IS OVER CAPACITY. There is no waiting list. You may be interested in this related webinar on October 22, 2020: Building Equity in ECE Settings Through Perspective-Taking and Empathy. We will publish a link to the recording of the webinar when it is ready on our blog. Sign up to receive notifications when […]Full Description
for FULL! Teaching Social Justice: Navigating the Deep Waters of Equity in Early Childhood Programs
Handout_Seeing Children
Handout_A Thinking Lens for Reflection and Inquiry
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Hichens, Molly
President, Molly Hichens Consulting , Co-owner and COO, Bright Beginnings Preschool
View profileBoosting Enrollment When Your Program Needs it Most, by Kathe Petchel and Molly Petchel
10/14/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. Preschool owners across America are navigating the ‘new normal’ as states open back up under various and continually changing protocols. Many are anxious about their schools’ chance for survival struggling between the need to build enrollment quickly and the critical element of developing post-COVID-19 systems and procedures. Quality care continues […]Full Description
for Boosting Enrollment When Your Program Needs it Most, by Kathe Petchel and Molly Petchel
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Strategies to Raise Wages, Enrichment and Hope: Align Your Mission and Financial Model, by Karen Foster-Jorgensen
10/07/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. When your early childhood program’s mission calls for the highest quality services for families and the most qualified staff available, you need the finances to deliver! In this webinar, presented by experienced early childhood program leader and business expert, Karen Foster-Jorgensen, we will explore the challenges and the opportunities that come […]Full Description
for Strategies to Raise Wages, Enrichment and Hope: Align Your Mission and Financial Model, by Karen Foster-Jorgensen
Unpacking the Pyramid Model: A Practical Guide to Social Emotional Learning, by Drs. Mary Louise Hemmeter, Lise Fox and Michaelene Ostrosky
10/01/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. In this powerful webinar Drs. Mary Louise Hemmeter, Lise Fox and Michaelene Ostrosky will share their insights about the important relationship between social emotional skills and cognitive development. The session will focus on the Pyramid Model as a framework for promoting social emotional competence and preventing challenging behavior. Join us […]Full Description
for Unpacking the Pyramid Model: A Practical Guide to Social Emotional Learning, by Drs. Mary Louise Hemmeter, Lise Fox and Michaelene Ostrosky
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FULL: Executive Function and Challenging Behavior: A New Approach, by Ellen Galinsky
09/30/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by Second Step. What really works in managing challenging behavior? That’s been the question of every new parent, every new teacher. New research on executive function skills is helping to answer that question with more precision. In this paradigm-shifting webinar by child development experts, researchers, and author, Ellen Galinsky, […]Full Description
for FULL: Executive Function and Challenging Behavior: A New Approach, by Ellen Galinsky
Rogow, Faith
PhD, Founder and Media Literacy Specialist , Insighters Educational Consulting
View profileEngage Families and Staff about COVID-19 Protocols Using Media Literacy, by Faith Rogow, Ph.D.
09/24/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is sponsored by Insighters Education. As we adjust to the new realities of providing child care in the midst of a pandemic, we may have families that question our choices and strategies based on things they’ve heard or seen on television or social media. And we, ourselves, might be confused about conflicting […]Full Description
for Engage Families and Staff about COVID-19 Protocols Using Media Literacy, by Faith Rogow, Ph.D.
Directors as Fearless Consumers of Software for Program Management and Family Communications, by Fran Simon, M.Ed and Steven Dick, Ph.D.
09/23/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is sponsored by Exchange Press. As an early childhood program Director or owner, your role can sometimes be a juggling act. To be successful, you must be efficient, resourceful, and professional with staff, parents, board members, and your community. Using software designed specifically for early childhood program operations, communications, and engagement can help […]Full Description
Handout_Fearless Consumers of Software
Handout_Early Childhood Institutional Software Survey Data Questions
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Hichens, Molly
President, Molly Hichens Consulting , Co-owner and COO, Bright Beginnings Preschool
View profileContinuous Improvement in the Era of COVID-19: Using a guided process approach, by Kathe Petchel and Molly Petchel
09/17/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by 1Place Childcare Compliance Software. For early childhood education programs it’s hard to see the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, but we are inching forward as time marches on. One of the most critical learning opportunities to come out of the pandemic is that COVID-19 gave programs the opportunity to reevaluate […]Full Description
for Continuous Improvement in the Era of COVID-19: Using a guided process approach, by Kathe Petchel and Molly Petchel
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Prepare, Prevent, Protect: Security & Safety in Early Childhood Facilities, by Jason Russell, M.A.
09/16/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. In this eye-opening webinar, you will learn the process of better preparing your early childhood education organization to deal with a variety of emergencies. The webinar, presented by security expert Jason Russell will cover how to assess your facility for vulnerabilities, develop best practice emergency procedures, and properly train staff to […]Full Description
for Prepare, Prevent, Protect: Security & Safety in Early Childhood Facilities, by Jason Russell, M.A.
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Using Authentic Assessment Amid COVID-19, by Anna Marrs, M.A. and Holly Delgado, M.A.
09/02/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by COR Advantage. As children come back to school, after weeks or months of out of school time, many questions loom large. How will we know children’s true developmental levels when we may be working with them virtually or in hybrid settings? This upcoming school year, we need assessment data more than ever to […]Full Description
for Using Authentic Assessment Amid COVID-19, by Anna Marrs, M.A. and Holly Delgado, M.A.
The ECE Director’s Overwhelm Loop: How to Eliminate Overwhelm in 4 Easy Steps, by Kris Murray
08/20/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by The Child Care Success Summit. Running an early learning program was challenging enough prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, administrators and owners are exhausted, maxed out, and unable to afford more talent on their teams. What’s the solution? Join leading child care expert Kris Murray for a clear roadmap on how to get […]Full Description
for The ECE Director’s Overwhelm Loop: How to Eliminate Overwhelm in 4 Easy Steps, by Kris Murray
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The Magic Triangle of Reading Aloud: The Book, the Child, and the Adult, by Isabel Baker, M.A.T., M.L.S. and Amy E. Vandament
08/19/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by The Book Vine for Children. Children’s picture books are full of joy and learning (phonological awareness, development of pre-reading skills, problem solving, and decoding, just to name a few). Join children’s book curation experts, Isabel Baker, M.A.T., M.L.S. and Amy E. Vandament as they share the magic that happens when you combine a […]Full Description
for The Magic Triangle of Reading Aloud: The Book, the Child, and the Adult, by Isabel Baker, M.A.T., M.L.S. and Amy E. Vandament
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Fox, Heather
Director of Outreach and Education Specialist , Dimensions Educational Research Foundation
View profileHeart-Centered Leadership: Create an Inspiring Work Environment With a People-Centric, Nature-Based Approach, by Tina Reeble, BS and Heather Fox, MA
08/12/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore. Working with children is joyful and rewarding but it also takes great reserves of strength and energy. Discover ways to use heart-centered leadership techniques to support teachers while creating a foundation for a well-working organization. Heart-centered leadership begins with an appreciation for the wonders of the world and the people around […]Full Description
for Heart-Centered Leadership: Create an Inspiring Work Environment With a People-Centric, Nature-Based Approach, by Tina Reeble, BS and Heather Fox, MA
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Future-Forward Family Child Care: Modernizing Your In-Home Program’s Business Practices, by Leigh Reveno, Lorena Alvarenga and Shaunte Taylor
08/08/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Wonderschool. SATURDAY Times are changing for child care. The need for smaller, high-quality in-home child care has never been greater. At the same time, it’s become more difficult to operate small programs efficiently. This webinar, presented by a panel of three experienced early childhood family child care entrepreneurs, will provide you will actionable […]Full Description
for Future-Forward Family Child Care: Modernizing Your In-Home Program’s Business Practices, by Leigh Reveno, Lorena Alvarenga and Shaunte Taylor
handout_All About Wonderschool
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Rebuild Your ECE Program for the New Normal: Part 2- Marketing & Staffing, by Lauren Small, M.B.A.
07/16/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. As a program leader, you must plan for resilience. The COVID-19 crises has created a new reality in which you have an opportunity rebuild for a stronger future. Now is the time for you to reinvent your organization with a refreshed vision. This practical webinar will inspire you to revamp your […]Full Description
for Rebuild Your ECE Program for the New Normal: Part 2- Marketing & Staffing, by Lauren Small, M.B.A.
Handout_Master Center Checklist
Handout_Pivot Strategy
Justice From the Streets to the Early Childhood Classroom, by Theressa Lenear, M.A., Ijumaa Jordan, M.A. and Julie Bisson, M.A.
07/08/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This paradigm-shifting webinar is a call to action for early educators. The presenters, all early childhood anti-bias educators and advocates, will help you examine the importance of having a critical analysis of racism and learn how to provide vital leadership that supports black and indigenous Families and children of color. Together, we will reflect on […]Full Description
for Justice From the Streets to the Early Childhood Classroom, by Theressa Lenear, M.A., Ijumaa Jordan, M.A. and Julie Bisson, M.A.
They're not too young to talk about race
Developmental Themes Tasks and Goals in ABE Work
Why We Must Talk about Race and Racism in ECE
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Preparing for Re-Opening: The Administrator’s Role in Taking Control When Things Seem Out of Control, by Jennifer Fiechtner, M.A. and Kay M. Albrecht, Ph.D.
06/24/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Community Playthings. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused collective grief for the early childhood education industry and the professionals who make it work on behalf of families. This crisis and the lack of community supports for programs means program leaders need to take a proactive, practical, and planful approach to the future. You can’t […]Full Description
for Preparing for Re-Opening: The Administrator’s Role in Taking Control When Things Seem Out of Control, by Jennifer Fiechtner, M.A. and Kay M. Albrecht, Ph.D.
COVID-19_ Advice for Caregivers of Young Children
Familiar Activities to Support Emotional Development
Preparing for Re-Opening - Reference List
Reopening Childcare - The CDC Guidelines and Helpful Hints
Resource List for Addressing Challenging Behaviors
50 Ways to Take A Break - Printable
Resource List - Preparing for Re-Opening
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Rebuild Your ECE Program for the New Normal: Part 1- Business Practices, by Lauren Small, M.B.A
06/18/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. The COVID-19 crisis is challenging everything we know (or thought we knew) about the business of early care and education programs. The new reality is your program will be forced to reconsider ratios, pricing, and programming to survive. Now is the time for you to reinvent your organization’s business plan and […]Full Description
for Rebuild Your ECE Program for the New Normal: Part 1- Business Practices, by Lauren Small, M.B.A
These resources and more at
Handout_Early Education Software Success
Handout_ Early Education Essentials of Automation
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Mindful Emotion Regulation Strategies for Early Educators and the Children With Whom They Work, by Troy Byer
06/17/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
THIS WEBINAR IS FULL AND OVER CAPACITY- YOU CAN WATCH THE RECORDING AFTER IT IS OVER. To be notified when the recording is ready, subscribe to our blog Every day, and especially during these very challenging times, it is important to organic ways to keep stress levels low. Stress inarguably challenges immune systems and a […]Full Description
for Mindful Emotion Regulation Strategies for Early Educators and the Children With Whom They Work, by Troy Byer
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Beyond Covid-19: Supporting Children, Families, & Staff to Reintegrate to the New Normal, by Barbara Kaiser
06/11/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by Second Step. This webinar is full.* (Please read notes below) Join this webinar by renowned social-emotional learning expert, Barbara Kaiser to begin planning to support staff, children, and families when they return to your program. Most of us and the people with whom we work daily have been sheltering in […]Full Description
for Beyond Covid-19: Supporting Children, Families, & Staff to Reintegrate to the New Normal, by Barbara Kaiser
Video_Tom Foolery
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Early Care and Education’s Leadership Choices: What Lies Ahead for the Field? by Dr. Stacie Goffin and Dr. Valora Washington
06/03/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Presenters: Dr. Stacie Goffin, Principal at Goffin Strategy Group and Dr. Valora Washington, Former CEO at Council for Professional Recognition Sponsored by Exchange Press– THIS WEBINAR IS NOW FULL– SEE NOTES BELOW* Ready or Not: Leadership Choices in Early Care and Education (Ready or Not) made its mark in 2007 by boldly calling for a field-wide […]Full Description
for Early Care and Education’s Leadership Choices: What Lies Ahead for the Field? by Dr. Stacie Goffin and Dr. Valora Washington
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Child Care Management Software: What you need to know and Why it Matters, by Louise Stoney, M.A. and Sharon Easterling, M.A.
06/02/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. This webinar will describe the key role that automated Child Care Management Systems (CCMS) can play in helping you develop successful business operations in your program. You will learn key considerations when selecting a CCMS. Join us to explore best practice and learn about new, cutting-edge initiatives aimed at expanding the […]Full Description
for Child Care Management Software: What you need to know and Why it Matters, by Louise Stoney, M.A. and Sharon Easterling, M.A.
Handout_Explore CCMS
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Attuned Interactions and Healthy Relationships Support Early Development, by Dr. Mike Sherman
05/06/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Second Step. This insightful webinar presented by Dr. Mike Sherman will focus on the importance of relationships with well regulated, attuned, caring adults for supporting social and emotional development, as well as life-long well-being. Join Dr. Sherman as he shares examples from his clinical practice and extensive experience working in therapeutic preschool settings […]Full Description
for Attuned Interactions and Healthy Relationships Support Early Development, by Dr. Mike Sherman
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Facilitating Meaningful Online Experiences With Young Children: Unexpected Challenges and Joyful Opportunities in Action,by Jacky Howell, M.A.
04/29/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
——THIS WEBINAR IS FULL—— SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE RECORDING IS POSTED! Join this timely webinar to learn how to create engaging, meaningful, and developmentally appropriate routines, rituals, traditions with children online during these challenging times. As early childhood educators, our personal interactions with children have always been rooted in the […]Full Description
for Facilitating Meaningful Online Experiences With Young Children: Unexpected Challenges and Joyful Opportunities in Action,by Jacky Howell, M.A.
Visit Jacky Howell's website for additional resources.
ECE Program Websites Matter to Families NOW & Always: SEO & Content for Parents, by Jenny Munn & Fran Simon, M.Ed.
04/22/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Procare Software. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, it may be difficult to think about anything else. Your program’s website seems low on the priority list, but it still plays an important role in keeping current families informed and new families coming. Join this FREE webinar to learn why you need to take control […]Full Description
for ECE Program Websites Matter to Families NOW & Always: SEO & Content for Parents, by Jenny Munn & Fran Simon, M.Ed.
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COVID-19 Financial Survival Strategies for Early Childhood Programs: Emergent Resources and Advice
04/19/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Pre-recorded webinar available now! In addition to experiencing a very traumatic worldwide health crisis, early childhood programs, (like other businesses) are struggling to survive financially due to COVID-19. Whether your program has been closed or remained open, the financial and logistical challenges of continuing to operate in our new normal are daunting. This pre-recorded webinar […]Full Description
for COVID-19 Financial Survival Strategies for Early Childhood Programs: Emergent Resources and Advice
Resources offered by First Children's Finance:
Tools to project child care center or family child care cash flow:
Finance tools for child care centers
Using Mindfulness With Children of All Abilities to Keep Connections Strong, by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
04/08/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is by Brookes Publishing. Surprise! We are excited to announce that Using Mindfulness With Children of All Abilities to Keep Connections Strong has been prerecorded and is available NOW! You no longer need to wait to log in on Wednesday, April 8. Our Mindfulness webinar by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Fontczak was scheduled for April 8, […]Full Description
for Using Mindfulness With Children of All Abilities to Keep Connections Strong, by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
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Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Behavior, by Barbara Kaiser
03/25/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by continued. Trauma in young children is much more pervasive—and much more destructive—than we ever thought. The research on trauma has made it clear that children’s challenging behavior is not intentional, but is instead driven by fear and a protective strategy for coping with their experience. Working with children with challenging behavior and especially […]Full Description
for Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Behavior, by Barbara Kaiser
Video_Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development
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Bracing for COVID-19: What Early Childhood Programs Need to Know and Consider Now, by Julie Looper Coats, M.A., Jessica Rose-Malm, M.A. and Tom Copeland
03/20/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
—THIS WEBINAR IS NOW FULL— It will be recorded—- If you would like to receive a link to the recording by email, subscribe to our email list ————————————– Most of us are not prepared for the impact of COVID-19. While we may have heard tips to mitigate the spread, you may be scrambling to figure […]Full Description
for Bracing for COVID-19: What Early Childhood Programs Need to Know and Consider Now, by Julie Looper Coats, M.A., Jessica Rose-Malm, M.A. and Tom Copeland
COVID-19 Resources and calls to action from Zero to Three
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The Joys and Challenges of Managing Nature-Based Programs, by Rachel Larimore, M.A.
03/18/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore. “Get children outside more!” It seems a common phrase lately with a growing awareness for benefits of experiences with nature. Yet, the reality is it’s easier said than done. Yes, there are many benefits to children and teachers alike by integrating nature into the preschool curriculum. There are also opportunities for […]Full Description
for The Joys and Challenges of Managing Nature-Based Programs, by Rachel Larimore, M.A.
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Your Program’s Reputation Depends on Staff Engagement, by Tony D’Agostino
02/12/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. What do people in your community say about your program? Reputation is everything when it comes to operating a successful center. Managing your program’s reputation is not a one-time chore, it reflects the culture and day to day interactions and decisions. Learn how to you, as the program […]Full Description
for Your Program’s Reputation Depends on Staff Engagement, by Tony D’Agostino
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Cultivating Young Scientists Through Culture and Family Engagement, by Tara Henderson and Victoria Roanhorse
01/29/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by New Mexico Association for the Education of Young Children. Science explorations in early childhood programs are sometimes just happy accidents, which is always great. But because science helps children learn how to learn, it’s too important to just let it happen. Join this exciting webinar by two experienced early childhood […]Full Description
for Cultivating Young Scientists Through Culture and Family Engagement, by Tara Henderson and Victoria Roanhorse
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Sluys, Debbi
Child Care Director and Personal Development & Empowerment Coach , Growing Together Family Resource Centre and Dare to Declare
View profilePedagogical Leadership Strategies for Multi-Site Programs, by Debbi Sluys, RECE
01/22/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. Directing a multi-site organization requires a level of leadership sophistication which comes from courage, daily habits of positive action, self-awareness, keen listening skills and a visionary outlook. When the leader views the multi-site organization from an asset-based perspective, they will attract more positive outcomes. This engaging webinar, presented by experienced Canadian child […]Full Description
for Pedagogical Leadership Strategies for Multi-Site Programs, by Debbi Sluys, RECE
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Guernsey, Lisa
Senior Advisor on Early and Elementary Education Policy , New America Foundation
View profileExecutive Function and Language Development: Unpacking the Science and Exploring New Findings, by Lisa Guernsey
01/16/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Tools of the Mind. It is no secret among seasoned early childhood teachers that children who thrive are those who are able to articulate their needs, have the ability to regulate their emotions, and can focus their attention on a task. Now, findings from new research studies are not only backing up that […]Full Description
for Executive Function and Language Development: Unpacking the Science and Exploring New Findings, by Lisa Guernsey
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Children’s Lively Minds: Deb Curtis & Nadia Jaboneta Share Insights About Schema Theory
01/08/2020 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press. Jean Piaget described a schema as a thread of thought which is demonstrated by repeated patterns in children’s play and suggested that children’s play is a reflection of deeper, internal and specifically directed thoughts. When children explore schemas, they build understandings of abstract ideas, patterns, and concepts. Children are keen observers, […]Full Description
for Children’s Lively Minds: Deb Curtis & Nadia Jaboneta Share Insights About Schema Theory
Summary of Schema Explorations
Meeting Up with Childrens Lively Minds
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Moving Beyond Multicultural Education: Promoting Equity in Early Childhood Education, by Jen Neitzel and Ebonyse Mead
12/11/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Although we often think of educational equity as being exclusive to K-12 settings, research indicates that about half of the test score gap between Black and White students is already evident when children enter kindergarten. Just stop and think about that! BEFORE children even enter “formal” schooling, they […]Full Description
for Moving Beyond Multicultural Education: Promoting Equity in Early Childhood Education, by Jen Neitzel and Ebonyse Mead
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Wagner, Rachel
National Trainer and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist , Devereux Center for Resilient Children
View profile4 Easy Steps That Will FLIP Challenging Behavior in Your Early Childhood Program, by Rachel Wagner, MSW
11/13/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Devereux Center for Resilient Children. Working with children who exhibit challenging behavior is no easy task! While there are hundreds of popular strategies and methods that promise to help reduce challenging behaviors, very few are as simple as the four common-sense steps our presenter, Rachel Wagner, will present in this powerful webinar Join […]Full Description
for 4 Easy Steps That Will FLIP Challenging Behavior in Your Early Childhood Program, by Rachel Wagner, MSW
FLIP IT 6pg Info Packet Apr 2019
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One Chance for a 1st Impression: How small changes can have a BIG impact on enrollment, by Jared Hall and Carol Levins
11/06/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Intellikid Systems If you are an early childhood program Director or leader who must ensure full enrollment, you know you only get one chance to make a first impression. Whether that first impression is on the phone, over email, or in person, prospective families form critical opinions about programs almost immediately. Join this […]Full Description
for One Chance for a 1st Impression: How small changes can have a BIG impact on enrollment, by Jared Hall and Carol Levins
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Leadership Strategies for ECE Directors that Motivate, Guide, and Engage ECE Teachers, by Susan MacDonald
10/29/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark In this engaging webinar author and leadership expert Susan MacDonald will share key strategies that you, as a program leader, can use to inspire staff members to be fully committed to their own professional growth and development. The presentation will center around these fundamental questions: How do I motivate and inspire teachers […]Full Description
for Leadership Strategies for ECE Directors that Motivate, Guide, and Engage ECE Teachers, by Susan MacDonald
Handout_Leadership Strategies for ECE Directors that Motivate Guide and Engage ECE Teachers
Video: Prudential: Everybody's Doing It
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Pathways to Nature-Based Play: There Is One for You! by Kay Albrecht, Ph.D., Halcyon Reese-Learned and Sharon Young
10/24/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Nature Explore. Nature-Based Play is all the rage these days. The list of documented benefits that can accrue to children, teachers, families, programs, and from having myriad engaging outdoor experiences is growing longer as this trend spreads into the educational mainstream. If you want to explore where you might fit in this movement […]Full Description
for Pathways to Nature-Based Play: There Is One for You! by Kay Albrecht, Ph.D., Halcyon Reese-Learned and Sharon Young
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Build a Culture of Family Engagement Through Responsive Communication, by Mary Muhs
10/23/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by The InvestiGator Club. Working with parents and families can be a challenge, especially when there are contradictory expectations. It can also be a joyful experience where engaging, life-long relationships are developed and cherished. In this engaging session, author, thought leader and professor, Mary Muhs, will explore family child care, center-based […]Full Description
for Build a Culture of Family Engagement Through Responsive Communication, by Mary Muhs
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10 Simple Management Strategies That Bring Positive Changes to Your Early Childhood Program, by Caroline Jens
10/17/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Smartcare As a program director, continuous quality improvement is probably among your priorities. There is power and energy that comes from making minor adjustments which in turn, bring you and your organization huge changes. Join this powerful this powerful webinar, by early childhood management expert, Caroline Jens, learn ten simple strategies ignite […]Full Description
for 10 Simple Management Strategies That Bring Positive Changes to Your Early Childhood Program, by Caroline Jens
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Li, Junlei
Co-Chair, Human Development and Education Program; Saul Zaentz Senior Lecturer, Early Childhood Education , Harvard Graduate School of Education
View profileWhat Fred Rogers Would Say About “the Difference We Make”- How Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood Are Critical, by Dana Winters, Ph.D. and Junlei Li, Ph.D.
10/10/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is sponsored by Fred Rogers Center . In 1983, Fred Rogers delivered his first keynote address for the National Association for the Education of Young Children, where he asked the audience, “Do you ever wonder if you have made a difference?” More than three decades later, that question continues to resonate among many […]Full Description
for What Fred Rogers Would Say About “the Difference We Make”- How Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood Are Critical, by Dana Winters, Ph.D. and Junlei Li, Ph.D.
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Shelden, M'Lisa
Chair & Program Director , Department of Physical Therapy, Wichita State University
View profileCoaching in Early Childhood, by Dathan Rush and M’Lisa Shelden
09/25/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing This webinar will provide the background and rationale for using a coaching interaction style in early childhood programs to build the capacity of parents, teachers, and other care providers to promote child learning within the context of everyday routines and activities. In this powerful webinar, the presenters, Dathan Rush and […]Full Description
for Coaching in Early Childhood, by Dathan Rush and M’Lisa Shelden
Handout_Coaching in Early Childhood
At-A-Glance - Coaching Fidelity
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What the Research Says About Documentation Systems & Outcome for Families, Teachers & Children, by M.E. Picher, Ph.D.
09/18/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. Finally! There’s research on online documentation technology systems and their impact on classroom practice and family engagement and communication. Presenter Mary Elizabeth Picher, MA, MEd, PhD, will reveal the exciting results of her study on the use of digital documentation technology in Ontario’s Kindergarten Program. Dr. Picher will reveal surprising answers to […]Full Description
for What the Research Says About Documentation Systems & Outcome for Families, Teachers & Children, by M.E. Picher, Ph.D.
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Lessening Challenging Behaviors: Teachers and Classrooms as Partners in Facilitating Pro-Social Development, by Michelle Salcedo
09/11/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. At times, children’s challenging behaviors are a mismatch between the social and emotional demands of the classroom and their ability to be part of a classroom community. Just as children learn to walk, to recite the alphabet, and to put on their own shoes, they must also learn the social […]Full Description
for Lessening Challenging Behaviors: Teachers and Classrooms as Partners in Facilitating Pro-Social Development, by Michelle Salcedo
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The Full Enrollment Formula: 5 Easy Steps to Your “Forever” Wait List, Kris Murray
08/21/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Smartcare. Have you ever calculated the cost to your early learning company of being under-enrolled? Even one open spot in your center can add up to thousands of dollars of lost revenue over just a couple of months. If you feel like you’ve tried everything to get fully enrolled and you’re still […]Full Description
for The Full Enrollment Formula: 5 Easy Steps to Your “Forever” Wait List, Kris Murray
Enrollment Formula Handout with Demotivators
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How to Create Experiences WITH Young Children Rather Than Planning Activities FOR Them, by Jacky Howell M.A.
08/15/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by The InvestiGator Club. In the field of early childhood education, the focus has often been on planning an activity FOR children that is focused on coming up with a product. This session, presented by author, consultant, and DAP expert, Jacky Howell, will help you and your staff members experience a […]Full Description
for How to Create Experiences WITH Young Children Rather Than Planning Activities FOR Them, by Jacky Howell M.A.
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Designing Gender Appropriate Experiences for Boys that Guide Positive Behavior, by Jerry Parr and Ron Blatz
08/07/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Exchange Press. Young boys, as a group, generally struggle more than girls in early childhood and elementary programs. This is not due primarily to bad behavior, but to a “fundamental mismatch between how most young boys develop, grow, and learn, and the kinds of expectations, outcomes, activities, and discipline approaches used in programs […]Full Description
for Designing Gender Appropriate Experiences for Boys that Guide Positive Behavior, by Jerry Parr and Ron Blatz
Overcoming Obstacles to Enrollment, Recruitment, & On-boarding, and Say Hello to Innovative Possibilities, by Justina Paterson and Caroline Jens
06/26/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Child Care Biz Help. Learn innovative solutions to solve common struggles all early education leaders experience in the areas of enrollment, recruitment, and on-boarding. It’s so easy to get bogged down with the daily fires, constant interruptions, and the never-ending revolving door. The effect of this equates to many missed opportunities and lost […]Full Description
for Overcoming Obstacles to Enrollment, Recruitment, & On-boarding, and Say Hello to Innovative Possibilities, by Justina Paterson and Caroline Jens
5 Crucial Elements of Relationship Centered Leadership, by Rosa Carrillo
06/19/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. Imagine an organization where every leader has the skills to build relationships with staff; children and families to nurture their highest potential and that create a psychologically safe learning environment. In this empowering webinar, early education leadership and organizational effectiveness expert, Rosa Carrillo, will draw on multiple sources […]Full Description
for 5 Crucial Elements of Relationship Centered Leadership, by Rosa Carrillo
Stacey, Susan
Author/Teacher Educator , Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education
View profileWhy Document in Early Childhood Programs? Exploring the Benefits and Audiences of Pedagogical Documentation, by Susan Stacey
06/13/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Storypark. Documentation takes many forms and is used for several purposes. Most often, we think of documentation as a form of communication with families and the wider community. Yet, it can be so much more! True pedagogical documentation is a tool for responding to children’s ideas, planning next steps, authentic assessment, and reflection […]Full Description
for Why Document in Early Childhood Programs? Exploring the Benefits and Audiences of Pedagogical Documentation, by Susan Stacey
Skip, Turn, & Hop into Teaching ECE Math and Language Arts Through Movement, presented by Connie Bergstein Dow, MFA
06/12/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. All children should have the opportunity to move and be active throughout the day. The rich art form of dance/creative movement is a lively physical activity that nurtures imagination and has the potential to offer experiences in all early childhood content areas. As a longtime dance educator, Connie Bergstein Dow […]Full Description
for Skip, Turn, & Hop into Teaching ECE Math and Language Arts Through Movement, presented by Connie Bergstein Dow, MFA
Handouts_3 Math Activities June 2019
Handouts 3 Language Arts Activities June 2019
National Dance Education Organization_Evidence_Brochure
Expressing Creativity in Preschool
Expressing Creativity in Preschool 2
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Van Meeteren, Beth
Director , Iowa Regents’ Center for Early Developmental Education (RCEDE), University of Northern Iowa (UNI)
View profileSupporting Young Children’s Creative Thinking Using Problems They Care About: Engineering Design In ECE, by Peggy Ashbrook, Carrie Lynne Draper, MEd, and Beth Van Meeteren, PhD
06/05/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory Young children participate in engineering design and science inquiry from their earliest years as they seek to understand and change their environment. Helping children learn to use materials and their surroundings to build and solve problems is part of early childhood education. Children’s engineering may involve seeking to […]Full Description
for Supporting Young Children’s Creative Thinking Using Problems They Care About: Engineering Design In ECE, by Peggy Ashbrook, Carrie Lynne Draper, MEd, and Beth Van Meeteren, PhD
Demonstrating her designed arm
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Dickinson, David
Margaret Cowan Chair of Education and Associate Dean for Research , Vanderbilt University's Peabody College
View profileThe Power of Language: Nourishing Development of the Whole Child, by Dr. David Dickinson
05/08/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing This insightful webinar, presented by Dr. David Dickinson, Cowan Chair of Education and Associate Dean for Research at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, will describe the amazing role of language in supporting children’s emotional, social, intellectual and literacy development. Research findings from multiple fields will be discussed and illustrated with brief […]Full Description
Kind, Empathetic Classrooms that Build Bridges & Create Community in a Diverse World, by Jacky Howell, MA
05/01/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Kindness and empathy are two of the most important social skills we can teach children that can build meaningful connections in a diverse world. We want to help develop compassionate people who can bridge divides. This webinar will explore ways we can […]Full Description
From Teaching to Thinking: A Conversation with Ann Pelo and Margie Carter
04/17/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is sponsored by Exchange. NEW FORMAT!! Join us for an interview with two of the most influential icons, authors, and master practitioners in early education today, Margie Carter and Ann Pelo! Margie and Ann will participate in a live interview about their new book, From Teaching to Thinking. The interview will cover the […]Full Description
Handout_Preface_From Teaching to Thinking
Handout_ROW Collection Flyer
Handout_Leadership Challenges
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Making Lemonade: Teaching Young Children to Think Optimistically, by Derry Koralek and Laura J. Colker
04/10/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by RedLeaf Press. Optimists try to give meaning to the events in their lives. They tend to be healthier, happier, and more successful in life. Using optimistic thinking they shape a picture of reality and respond in a way that seeks solutions and promotes well-being. Optimistic thinking requires focusing on the positive without […]Full Description
for Making Lemonade: Teaching Young Children to Think Optimistically, by Derry Koralek and Laura J. Colker
handout_Children’s Books that Teach Optimism
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Consultants: Reach more ECE clients through Marketing! + Add a Consultants Directory to your marketing toolkit.
03/29/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
[NO CERTIFICATES] [FOR CONSULTANTS] If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients in the early childhood education industry, this webinar is for you. You will learn new techniques for personal branding and learn why is a great tool to add to your marketing toolkit. We will […]Full Description
for Consultants: Reach more ECE clients through Marketing! + Add a Consultants Directory to your marketing toolkit.
Douglass, Anne
Executive Director , Institute for Early Education Leadership & Innovation
View profileLeading for Change in Early Care and Education: Cultivating Leadership from Within, by Anne Douglass, PhD
03/13/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. Improving quality and advancing the field of early care and education depends on the leadership voice of early educators. Leading change and innovation are about having a vision for doing things better, being willing to think creatively, and being passionate and knowledgeable about change and inspiring others. […]Full Description
for Leading for Change in Early Care and Education: Cultivating Leadership from Within, by Anne Douglass, PhD
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What Does Customer Service Have to Do with Early Childhood Programs? A Paradigm Shift, by Leatha Ritchie
03/06/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Smartcare This dynamic webinar may change your thinking about how you and your staff interact with parents and handle prospective families. Leatha Ritchie, Child Care business expert will cover the importance of customer service skills in early childhood programs, and provide examples about how to best use “customer service thinking” to […]Full Description
for What Does Customer Service Have to Do with Early Childhood Programs? A Paradigm Shift, by Leatha Ritchie
Handout_Customer Service in ECE
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State of the Industry: What’s Trending in Child Care, by Kathy Ligon
02/27/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by HINGE Brokers. The early childhood education industry is ripe with investor interest. A highly diverse group of investors and owners are radically changing the landscape of program. Operational trends are changing quickly with new competition and demands from today’s parents. In addition, the market is gaining investment from private equity and real […]Full Description
for State of the Industry: What’s Trending in Child Care, by Kathy Ligon
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Inclusive ECE Classrooms and The Project Approach, by Sallee Beneke and Michaelene Ostrosky
02/20/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing Teachers often see products of the Project Approach, and wish they knew how to implement it. Some teachers may believe they cannot use the Project Approach, because they serve students with disabilities, while other professionals are unsure of how to get started. In this webinar, Project Approach and Special Education […]Full Description
for Inclusive ECE Classrooms and The Project Approach, by Sallee Beneke and Michaelene Ostrosky
handout-Criteria for Topic Selection
Project Approach Implementation Checklist
Summer Institute on The Project Approach
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Strengths-Based Communication – The Key to Building Positive Professional Relationships! by Susan MacDonald
02/11/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Leadership Connections, the annual conference of McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. Teachers in early childhood programs are often overwhelmed by negativity, drama, and high-stress relationships. A key to creating a more positive work environment is to support teachers in developing strengths-based communication skills. This webinar will provide participants with impactful frameworks, protocols, […]Full Description
for Strengths-Based Communication – The Key to Building Positive Professional Relationships! by Susan MacDonald
edWeb - Strength-Based Communication Teams Handout Feb 2019
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Promising Futures for Young Children of the World: Insights from ECE Leaders in 105 Countries, by Roger Neugebauer, Jerry Parr, and Patrick Makokoro
02/07/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is sponsored by World Forum Foundation. Over 800 million children under the age of 6 inhabit Planet Earth. Less than 5% of these children reside in the United States and Canada. So truly the future of children, and more importantly, the future of our planet is an international concern. In this dynamic […]Full Description
for Promising Futures for Young Children of the World: Insights from ECE Leaders in 105 Countries, by Roger Neugebauer, Jerry Parr, and Patrick Makokoro
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Autonomy Support: A New Approach to Managing Challenging Behavior, by Ellen Galinsky and Erin Ramsey
02/06/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by The InvestiGator Club. —YOU ARE INVITED TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS SESSION!— The presenters would like you to provide an example of a situation in which you struggled with a child’s challenging behavior and how managed it. —-PLEASE PUT YOUR SCENARIO IN THE QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FIELD OF YOUR REGISTRATION, and […]Full Description
for Autonomy Support: A New Approach to Managing Challenging Behavior, by Ellen Galinsky and Erin Ramsey
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Inclusive ECE Programs and Educator EQ: Strategies for Developing Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence, by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
01/31/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. For many early educators, there is a strong desire to create learning environments that ensure all children have a sense of belonging. We dream daily that all children have equal rights and opportunities to be fully engaged in learning experiences that allow them to thrive, not only in school, but […]Full Description
for Inclusive ECE Programs and Educator EQ: Strategies for Developing Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence, by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
handout_The YES Brain and Adult Learners
handout_Teach Before The Peak Handout
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handout_Foster Relationships
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Staff Retention in Child Care: Are you Rocking It or is Your Ship Rocky? by Kathe Petchel and Kathy Ligon
01/30/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by HINGE Brokers. Twenty-five percent of American companies lose new employees within the first year of employment… but in child care, this number increases to 30-40 percent. This amount of turnover affects your company culture, parent confidence in your schools and your bottom line. But what steps can you take to curb the […]Full Description
for Staff Retention in Child Care: Are you Rocking It or is Your Ship Rocky? by Kathe Petchel and Kathy Ligon
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Using Delegation, Systems, & Automation in Your Program to Stop Being an Overwhelmed ECE Administrator, by Kris Murray
01/24/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Smartcare. Eliminate. Delegate. Automate. These are your three choices when faced with too much to do, and too little time. Early learning business expert Kris Murray will walk you through her step-by-step roadmap for how to tackle your to-do list, while reducing stress and overwhelm in your life as a school director […]Full Description
for Using Delegation, Systems, & Automation in Your Program to Stop Being an Overwhelmed ECE Administrator, by Kris Murray
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Bullying in ECE: What we need to know to make a difference, by Barbara Kaiser
01/23/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Bullying behavior has become part of too many people’s lives, especially children’s. We need to understand what bullying behavior is, why it occurs, and how to teach children the skills they need to reduce bullying in early childhood. In this […]Full Description
for Bullying in ECE: What we need to know to make a difference, by Barbara Kaiser
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Teaching personal safety in early childhood: Tools for preventing abuse, by Dr. Amy Tiemann and Irene van der Zande
01/16/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory They say it takes a village to raise a child. This proverb could never be more true than now. To create safe villages for children, every responsible adult—from parents & caregivers, to teachers, staff, aides, specialists, and administrators—needs to work together to understand and teach children the […]Full Description
for Teaching personal safety in early childhood: Tools for preventing abuse, by Dr. Amy Tiemann and Irene van der Zande
Handout_Personal Safety for Young Children Resource_01_16_2019
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Getting the Most Bang from Your Board (Of Directors): Leading Your Program’s Board Room, by Amanda Lopez
01/09/2019 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. The leadership of an organization sets the vision for the future and the direction for the rest of the team. Program leaders must know how to develop, manage, and collaborate with their board of directors to ensure the leadership is in sync with the needs of the […]Full Description
for Getting the Most Bang from Your Board (Of Directors): Leading Your Program’s Board Room, by Amanda Lopez
Bella, Jill
Director of Professional Learning , McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership
View profileCircle of Influence: Implementing Shared Decision Making and Participative Management, by Jill Bella, Ed.D.
12/12/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
10Sponsored by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. All too often directors of early care and education programs spend time planning and implementing meetings only to find out that the “real” meeting happens in the parking lot after the designated time that was set aside for the formal gathering. Collaboration and involving staff in the […]Full Description
for Circle of Influence: Implementing Shared Decision Making and Participative Management, by Jill Bella, Ed.D.
Handout_Circle of Influence: Implementing Shared Decision Making and Participative Management
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“Systems Mindsets” as Business Solutions for ECE Program Leaders, by Lauren Small, MBA
12/05/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by HiMama. Do you have a “Systems Mindset” for running your program? Making systems and processes a priority for almost everything aspect of your program helps you and your staff avoid burnout, understand expectations and processes, and operate efficiently. When you have processes in place for everything, you mitigate risk and […]Full Description
for “Systems Mindsets” as Business Solutions for ECE Program Leaders, by Lauren Small, MBA
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Hernandez, Luis
Early Childhood Education Specialist Training & Technical Assistance Services , Western Kentucky University
View profileBuilding Key Relationships in Early Education is Fundamental to Quality Practices, by Luis Hernandez
11/28/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education. What are some basic ingredients in any relationship? We’ll begin this conversation with a foundational sauce of respect and trust. Each requires time, exploration, blending and the stirring of consistent work. In every relationship, especially in early education settings, the adults […]Full Description
for Building Key Relationships in Early Education is Fundamental to Quality Practices, by Luis Hernandez
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Award Winning Toys, Games, Music and Books That Bridge the Classroom to the Playroom, by Claire Green of Parents’ Choice Awards®
11/08/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Parents’ Choice Foundation® Join us as the Parents’ Choice Foundation®, the perennial standard-bearer for best-in-class play-based products, will present a current selection of the President’s favorites from Parents’ Choice Award® winning children’s toys and media. Claire Green, President of Parents’ Choice® will showcase selected favorite winners, including manipulatives, games, books, and music for […]Full Description
for Award Winning Toys, Games, Music and Books That Bridge the Classroom to the Playroom, by Claire Green of Parents’ Choice Awards®
Slides_1 per page_Award Winning Toys, Games, Music and Books That Bridge the Classroom to the Playroom
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Social-emotional Screening of Young Children: Early Identification is Essential to Healthy SEL, by Erin Barton, PhD and Elizabeth Steed, PhD
11/07/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Brookes Publishing In this webinar, assessment and intervention experts, Erin Barton, PhD and Elizabeth Steed, PhD, will describe the purpose of social-emotional screening of young children in the context of promoting social-emotional development and identifying children at risk for social-emotional difficulties. This webinar will provide an overview of specific social-emotional screening tools […]Full Description
for Social-emotional Screening of Young Children: Early Identification is Essential to Healthy SEL, by Erin Barton, PhD and Elizabeth Steed, PhD
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Coaching for Early Childhood Educators: Research Findings and Practical Considerations, by Bonnie O’Keefe
10/31/2018 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by HiMama. More ECE programs than ever are implementing coaching programs for their teachers, but not all coaching programs achieve their goals. How should ECE program leaders design a coaching approach that will be successful and sustainable? Coaching is supported by a growing body of research and required by the […]Full Description
for Coaching for Early Childhood Educators: Research Findings and Practical Considerations, by Bonnie O’Keefe
Handout_Early Childhood Education Coaching Design & Decision Worksheet
Slides_Coaching for Early Childhood Educators_10_31_2018
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Tuition Pricing Versus Labor Costs: The Approaching Tsunami, by Kathy Ligon and Kathe Petchel
10/25/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by HINGE Brokers. This webinar is on THURSDAY, October 25th. In a low unemployment environment, the impact on hiring quality staff is tremendous— especially in the childcare business where 55-percent of revenue is spent on staff and staff- related costs. Pricing strategies must be improved to strengthen an early learning business’ hiring ability. […]Full Description
for Tuition Pricing Versus Labor Costs: The Approaching Tsunami, by Kathy Ligon and Kathe Petchel
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Story-times and Transitions with Heart: Lessons for Early Educators from youth librarians, by Amadee Ricketts
10/24/2018 - 2 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. Story times and circle time are important parts of the day in most early childhood classrooms. While they are central to the early education experience, these parts of the day can come to feel routine or uninspiring for educators and children alike. Participants in this webinar will learn simple ways […]Full Description
for Story-times and Transitions with Heart: Lessons for Early Educators from youth librarians, by Amadee Ricketts
Storytime Favorites for Interactive Reading
Books Are the Fun Part! Boost Your Storytimes with Interactive Reading Techniques
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Trauma-Informed Care in ECE: Key Strategies for Healing and Behavioral Change, by Dr. Barbara Sorrels
10/17/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education. Children with a history of trauma often “act out” their distress through behaviors that are challenging for adults to understand. This session, presented by Barbara Sorrels, Ed.D., author and child development expert, will focus on understanding the message of challenging […]Full Description
for Trauma-Informed Care in ECE: Key Strategies for Healing and Behavioral Change, by Dr. Barbara Sorrels
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Stacey, Susan
Author/Teacher Educator , Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education
View profileYoung Children, Curious Explorers: How you can support inquiry and curiosity in your ECE program, by Susan Stacey
10/11/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by The InvestiGator Club. This webinar is on THURSDAY, October 11th. Children are inquiring from the time of their birth…how does the world work? Their inquiring minds want to know! In this webinar, by author and early learning expert, Susan Stacey, we will explore what their inquiry looks like in action, […]Full Description
for Young Children, Curious Explorers: How you can support inquiry and curiosity in your ECE program, by Susan Stacey
Creating Nature-based Classrooms: Breaking the Aesthetic Code of Early Childhood Environments, by Sandra Duncan and Jody Martin
10/10/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Nature Explore. There are many traditionally accepted codes that permeate preschool spaces, such as the notion that walls f1lled with children’s work indicate productivity, an abundance of commercially-purchased toys indicates a well-equipped space, and full shelves result in learning. Early childhood experts are beginning to look at new ways to break these antiquated […]Full Description
for Creating Nature-based Classrooms: Breaking the Aesthetic Code of Early Childhood Environments, by Sandra Duncan and Jody Martin
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How Boosting Emotional Intelligence Improves Your Ability to Effectively Steer Your ECE Program, by Barbara Kaiser
10/03/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by HiMama. EQ or Emotional Quotient, otherwise known as Emotional Intelligence, is the ability to recognize emotions to guide thinking and behavior, and adapt accordingly. It requires regulation of your own emotions and the ability to gauge the emotions of others, especially in the workplace. To be an effective high EQ […]Full Description
for How Boosting Emotional Intelligence Improves Your Ability to Effectively Steer Your ECE Program, by Barbara Kaiser
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No Money, No Mission: Cost Control in the Childcare Business, by Kathy Ligon
09/27/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by HINGE Brokers. This webinar is on THURSDAY, September 27th. Costs matter. Childcare business owners recognize this when starting their ventures, but, as their businesses grow, it becomes more difficult to watch over every penny spent. And in an industry that is difficult to manage with low-profit margins, out-of-control expenses can quickly affect […]Full Description
for No Money, No Mission: Cost Control in the Childcare Business, by Kathy Ligon
A Childcare Business Leadership Conference February 21-23_2019_Austin TX
Luckenbill, Julia
Child Development Demonstration Lecturer/Infant-Toddler Program Coordinator , UC Davis Center for Child and Family Studies Laboratory School
View profileWonder-Filled Early Childhood Environments: Engaging All Children in Learning, by Derry Koralek, Julia Luckenbill, M.A. and Jacky Howell, M.A.
09/26/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Sponsored by Redleaf Press Thanks to the widespread use of social media-Facebook, lnstagram, YouTube, and Pinterest, to name a few-you can find lots of images and videos of inspiring early childhood settings. You’ve probably seen a photo of something that made you think, “What a great environment.” For example, for one of the presenters […]Full Description
for Wonder-Filled Early Childhood Environments: Engaging All Children in Learning, by Derry Koralek, Julia Luckenbill, M.A. and Jacky Howell, M.A.
Characteristics of Wonder-Filled Environments
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How to Effectively Teach Social-Emotional Skills to Children Who Exhibit Challenging Behavior, by Barb O’Neill, Ed.D.
09/13/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by continued. It’s easy to become focused solely on trying to stop unwanted behavior when young children are using aggression to try and get their wants and needs met. This can also be true when they are not following directions or we feel they are being disrespectful in some way. Yet, […]Full Description
for How to Effectively Teach Social-Emotional Skills to Children Who Exhibit Challenging Behavior, by Barb O’Neill, Ed.D.
Innovative Strategies for Autism in ECE – How Teletherapy Engages Children with Autism, by Diana Parafiniuk and Sara Smith
08/22/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by E-Therapy. Do you ever wish there was a miraculous way you could reach children who struggle with communication disorders? Or an innovative approach to expanding children’s social and emotional understanding? So often it is hard to get students who struggle with these issues to engage, interact, and express themselves fully. […]Full Description
for Innovative Strategies for Autism in ECE – How Teletherapy Engages Children with Autism, by Diana Parafiniuk and Sara Smith
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Talking with Babies: Infant Directed Speech and the Role of Early Educators, by Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
08/15/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education. Baby talk can sound silly, but there’s an important place for all types of vocal exchanges with infants and toddlers in early childhood settings. In fact, the verbal interactions caregivers and educators have with infants and toddlers are critical factors […]Full Description
for Talking with Babies: Infant Directed Speech and the Role of Early Educators, by Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
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Daly, Lisa
Professor of ECE and Early Learning Consultant , Transforming Early Learning
View profileUsing Loose Parts to Create Cultural Sustainable Environments, by Miriam Beloglovsky and Lisa Daly
08/08/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Exchange. A culturally sustainable environment embraces and values the multi-ethnic and multilingual capacities of young children and families. It is how tradition, history, and culture come together to improve the quality of life- culturally, economically, socially, and environmentally. Not just for today, but for future generations to come. A culturally sustainable environment supports […]Full Description
for Using Loose Parts to Create Cultural Sustainable Environments, by Miriam Beloglovsky and Lisa Daly
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Consultants: Reach more ECE clients through Marketing! + Add a Consultants Directory to your marketing toolkit.
06/29/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients in the early childhood education industry, this webinar is for you. You will learn new techniques for personal branding and learn why is a great tool to add to your marketing toolkit. We will include a no-obligation system demonstration […]Full Description
McGuckin, Ronald
Attorney, Specializing in Child Care Issues , Ronald V. McGuckin and Associates
View profileLitigation?! Strategies to Lower Your ECE Organization’s Risk of Being Involved in Lawsuits, by Ronald McGuckin
06/27/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
This session is sponsored by HiMama. This webinar, presented by Attorney Ron McGuckin, will focus on the most current legal trends and administrative issues which impact the day to day operations of the child care program. Ron will discuss: social media usage and how it can affect the business’s image and legal standing what to […]Full Description
for Litigation?! Strategies to Lower Your ECE Organization’s Risk of Being Involved in Lawsuits, by Ronald McGuckin
Family Medical Leave Act Summary
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5 Things You Can Do Today to Lessen Challenging Behaviors Tomorrow, by Michelle Salcedo
06/20/2018 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. At times, early educators may feel powerless in the face of challenging behaviors. But, there is good news. There are steps professionals can take to lessen these behaviors and return joy to the early educator’s job. Often, classroom environments contribute to challenging behaviors. Through humor, concrete examples, […]Full Description
for 5 Things You Can Do Today to Lessen Challenging Behaviors Tomorrow, by Michelle Salcedo
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Engaging Families of Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Strategies to Enhance Your Practice, by Amanda Schwartz and Lorelei Pisha
06/06/2018 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education. Engaging families can be a challenge, particularly if their infant or toddler has a disability or may show signs of developmental delay. Families of children with disabilities are often deluged by service providers and advice from early intervention teams, therapists, […]Full Description
for Engaging Families of Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Strategies to Enhance Your Practice, by Amanda Schwartz and Lorelei Pisha
Individual Family Service Plan At A Glance
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Ready or Not? Incorporating e-Learning into Your Program’s Professional Development Mix, by Kara Lehnhardt and Gillian Gansler
05/30/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. As directors, professional development providers, or those in technical assistance roles, part of your job is to help teachers and/or family child care providers identify professional development opportunities that support their growth. More and more online professional development opportunities are available in our field (these great […]Full Description
for Ready or Not? Incorporating e-Learning into Your Program’s Professional Development Mix, by Kara Lehnhardt and Gillian Gansler
Video: What to Look for in Quality Online Professional Development
Additional Resources and Reads
Handout_Learning Delivery Models
North Carolina CCRR Professional Development Plan
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Increase Enrollment by Making Your ECE Program Stand Out with Features Families Crave, by Kris Murray
05/23/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Kindermusik International. As a program leader, you know attracting new families is always a challenge. The competition for enrollment can be fierce. One of the most demanding parts of your job is to keep the program full in order to earn the revenue to continue offering high-quality services. How can you make families […]Full Description
for Increase Enrollment by Making Your ECE Program Stand Out with Features Families Crave, by Kris Murray
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Reach more clients! And, add Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory to your marketing toolkit.
05/18/2018 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time
If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this webinar is for you. You will learn new techniques for personal branding and learn why is a great tool to add to your marketing toolkit. We will include a no-obligation system demonstration of the system as well. Join […]Full Description
Fox, Heather
Director of Outreach and Education Specialist , Dimensions Educational Research Foundation
View profileHeart-Centered Leadership for Inspired Nature-Rich Early Childhood Programs, by Tina Reeble and Heather Fox
05/02/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Nature Explore. Working with children is joyful and rewarding but it also takes great reserves of strength and energy. Discover ways to use Heart-Centered Leadership techniques to support teachers while creating a foundation for a well-working organization. Heart-Centered Leadership begins with an appreciation for the wonders of the world and the people […]Full Description
for Heart-Centered Leadership for Inspired Nature-Rich Early Childhood Programs, by Tina Reeble and Heather Fox
Handout_Heart-Centered Leadership
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Drew, Walter
Founder and Executive Director , Institute for Self Active Education & Dr. Drew's Blocks, Inc.
View profileFrom Play to Practice: Connecting Teachers Play with Children’s Learning, by Walter F. Drew, Ed.D.
04/19/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) The goal of this unique and enjoyable play training is to promote and strengthen play-based learning as part of Developmentally Appropriate Practices within Early Childhood Programs that serve children Birth-age 8 and their families. Special attention is given to the creative use of open-ended materials in the teaching and learning […]Full Description
for From Play to Practice: Connecting Teachers Play with Children’s Learning, by Walter F. Drew, Ed.D.
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Working with Consultants: Tips for Maximizing Your Program’s Use of External Experts in Early Education, by Fran Simon, M.Ed.
04/16/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory This webinar is on MONDAY, April 16th. As a program leader or administrator, you often have to find people to fill knowledge and skill gaps in your program. You may find yourself looking for professional development trainers, financial experts, grant specialists, organizational development professionals, board advisors, and many […]Full Description
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Ballantyne, Morna
Executive Director , Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC)
View profileChild Care in The U.S. & Canada: Perspectives for now and beyond, by Lynette Fraga and Morna Ballantyne
04/11/2018 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by HiMama. In this powerful webinar, two of the most influential child care advocates in the US and Canada share their insights about the state of child care in their respective countries. Lynette Fraga from Child Care Aware of America, and Morna Ballantyne from Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada will […]Full Description
for Child Care in The U.S. & Canada: Perspectives for now and beyond, by Lynette Fraga and Morna Ballantyne
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Reach more clients! And, add Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory to your marketing toolkit. [PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION] NO CERTIFICATES
04/06/2018 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Vitovitz, Anastasia
Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program Coordinator , Snohomish County
View profileAbuse? Not Our Kids! Protecting Children from Abuse by Empowering Early Educators, Bridgid Normand, M.Ed. and Anastasia Vitovitz, M.Ed.
03/28/2018 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Those who work with children in daycare and preschool settings are uniquely positioned to make a big difference in the lives of the children and families they serve. Sadly, they can also often be some of the first to suspect or witness signs of […]Full Description
for Abuse? Not Our Kids! Protecting Children from Abuse by Empowering Early Educators, Bridgid Normand, M.Ed. and Anastasia Vitovitz, M.Ed.
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Falen, Katherine
Senior State Training and Technical Assistance Specialist , National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching,& Learning
View profileHiring and Retaining Qualified Staff Is Not Mission Impossible, by Katherine Falen, M.Ed.
03/27/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Leadership Connections, the Annual Conference of McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership Are you having trouble finding and keeping dedicated, enthusiastic, and well-prepared staff members? Do you feel stumped about how to find great teachers, and what you can do to keep them? In this webinar, Katherine Falen, MEd. will provide walk […]Full Description
for Hiring and Retaining Qualified Staff Is Not Mission Impossible, by Katherine Falen, M.Ed.
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Play Therapy Techniques in Early Childhood Settings: Supporting Social-emotional Learning & Self-regulation, by Christian Bellissimo
03/21/2018 - 2:00pm
This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Research has established the negative impact of early adversity on a child’s social and emotional development. Adults who work in early childhood settings are in a unique position to help children overcome early challenges by supporting their acquisition of essential emotional skills […]Full Description
for Play Therapy Techniques in Early Childhood Settings: Supporting Social-emotional Learning & Self-regulation, by Christian Bellissimo
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Extending the Book Experience: Strategies That Promote Language and Literacy Development in Dual Language Learners, by Vera Meyerholtz
03/14/2018 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! Dual language learners (DLLs), one of the largest growing populations in the U.S., will enter classrooms with little to no exposure to the English language. To successfully, gain proficiency in English, they will require explicit and systematic instruction in both the home language and the new language. […]Full Description
for Extending the Book Experience: Strategies That Promote Language and Literacy Development in Dual Language Learners, by Vera Meyerholtz
Healthy Living and Learning Resources
Book Sets for Spanish-English Learners
Bilingual Book Sets for Infants and Toddlers
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Kogan, Yvonne
Co-founder and Academic Principal of the Early Childhood and Elementary Departments , Eton School in Mexico City
View profilePicturing the Project Approach: Seeing How It Works for Teachers and Children in Practice, by Sylvia Chard, Carmen A. Castillo and Yvonne Kogan
03/07/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Gryphon House They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The authors of Picturing the Project Approach: Creative Explorations in Early Learning agree! In this unique webinar, you will have a rare opportunity to peek inside the life of The Project Approach in practice in real classrooms with real children and teachers featured in the […]Full Description
for Picturing the Project Approach: Seeing How It Works for Teachers and Children in Practice, by Sylvia Chard, Carmen A. Castillo and Yvonne Kogan
Leadership in Early Childhood Education: Why You Should Care and What You Should Do About It, by Ron Spreeuwenberg
02/14/2018 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by HiMama Do you want to see positive change in early childhood education? Are you a director or administrator of a child care or early learning program or organization? Do you feel jaded in your role and need some inspiration? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this […]Full Description
for Leadership in Early Childhood Education: Why You Should Care and What You Should Do About It, by Ron Spreeuwenberg
Link to the video shown during the session:
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Big Body Play: Why Something So Scary is So Good For Children, by Frances Carlson
02/07/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Exchange. Roughhousing, rough and tumble play, play fighting, horseplay…we have different names for it but all early childhood teachers have seen it: that bone-jarring, boisterous, often frightening playstyle young children seem to love, and crave. Join this webinar to learn the top reasons why young children need to play this way and how […]Full Description
for Big Body Play: Why Something So Scary is So Good For Children, by Frances Carlson
Rough in a Good Way Supporting Big Body Play
Pedagogical Leadership and Rough and Tumble Play
The Power in Playing Power Ranger and Other Superhero Play
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Reach More Clients by Listing on Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory [PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION] NO CERTIFICATES
02/02/2018 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Abel, Michael B.
Director of Research and Evaluation , McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership at National Louis University
View profileWhole Leadership: Balancing Priorities of Administration and Pedagogy, by Teri N. Talan, Ed.D., J.D. and Michael B. Abel, Ph.D.
01/31/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Leadership Connections, the Annual Conference of McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership Do you ever feel like you have too many “plates spinning” at the same time? Do you feel like you neglect the most important things to take care of the most urgent needs? The Whole Leadership Framework clearly identifies the three […]Full Description
for Whole Leadership: Balancing Priorities of Administration and Pedagogy, by Teri N. Talan, Ed.D., J.D. and Michael B. Abel, Ph.D.
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Cox Mitchell, Marica
Deputy Executive Director , National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
View profileClarity and Accountability as Necessities for ECE Compensation: Power to the Profession, by Marica Cox Mitchell, M.A.
01/24/2018 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by HiMama. This session will illustrate how the national movement called “Power to the Profession” provides the unique opportunity to transform the loosely organized early childhood education occupation into a more united, compensated, diverse and effective profession. It will highlight the critical questions that the field must coherently address in order […]Full Description
for Clarity and Accountability as Necessities for ECE Compensation: Power to the Profession, by Marica Cox Mitchell, M.A.
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LinkedIn for Consultants Serving Early Education: 10 Tips for Attracting Clients, by Fran Simon NO CERTIFICATES
01/23/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Please be advised that this webinar is for Consultants. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar is on TUESDAY, January 23rd. LinkedIn can help consultants attract early education clients? Really? Yes, really! Commonly known as a job-searching site, LinkedIn is […]Full Description
for LinkedIn for Consultants Serving Early Education: 10 Tips for Attracting Clients, by Fran Simon NO CERTIFICATES
Bierman, Karen
Evan Pugh University Professor , Director, Child Study Center, Pennsylvania State University
View profilePromoting Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool: Programs and Practices that Work, by Karen Bierman
01/17/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) Overview: Social-emotional skills are an important component of school readiness and healthy child development. Being able to get along and cooperate with others, manage strong feelings, focus attention, and persist at challenging tasks are critical for long-term school and life success. This webinar will provide an overview of effective preschool […]Full Description
for Promoting Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool: Programs and Practices that Work, by Karen Bierman
Brinkerhoff, Monica
Associate Vice President for Early Childhood Education , United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
View profileCollective Leadership in ECE Organizations: Unlocking Your Team’s Natural Gifts, by Cassandra O’Neill, M.A. and Monica Brinkerhoff, M.S.W.
01/10/2018 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by HiMama. Learn how you and your team can apply collective leadership to find solutions and reach your shared goals. What if the solutions to the biggest challenges facing you were living inside the hearts and minds of others. What if you had a magic wand and could unlock these secrets? […]Full Description
for Collective Leadership in ECE Organizations: Unlocking Your Team’s Natural Gifts, by Cassandra O’Neill, M.A. and Monica Brinkerhoff, M.S.W.
Collective Leadership At A Glance
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Strengthening Inclusive Early Childhood Programs with Music Therapy Strategies: The Director’s Role in Tuning up Music to Turn on Inclusion, by Dr. Petra Kern
01/03/2018 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Kindermusik as part of the Setting the Stage for a Lifetime of Learning Webinar Series All children make music and music therapy practices can make early childhood classrooms inclusive. By using therapeutic techniques, educators can support children of all abilities and their families to participate in a broad range of activities and […]Full Description
for Strengthening Inclusive Early Childhood Programs with Music Therapy Strategies: The Director’s Role in Tuning up Music to Turn on Inclusion, by Dr. Petra Kern
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Early Brain Development: 5 BIG Ideas Every Early Care Professional Should Know, by Laura Bailet, Ph.D.
12/13/2017 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! Join us for an engaging session on some “big ideas” about early brain development that every parent and early childhood provider should know and use every day! For example, 700-1000 new neural connections form in a baby’s brain every second! What does that mean for the baby, […]Full Description
for Early Brain Development: 5 BIG Ideas Every Early Care Professional Should Know, by Laura Bailet, Ph.D.
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Reach More Clients by Listing on Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory [PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION] NO CERTIFICATES
12/01/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
The ECE Mindfulness Movement: Build a Mindful Organization, by Stan Schwartz and Rose Pavlov
11/08/2017 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by HiMama In Massachusetts, a collaboration between the Commonwealth’s Department of Early Education and Care and United Way of Massachusetts Bay and the Merrimack Valley, Brain Building in Progress was born. This focus on early educators as Brain Builders is a crucial one for the field, funders, and government from the […]Full Description
for The ECE Mindfulness Movement: Build a Mindful Organization, by Stan Schwartz and Rose Pavlov
If We Care About Early Learning, We Cannot Ignore Teacher Well-Being
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Playful Math Instruction, by Deborah Stipek
11/01/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) Math lessons are rare in early childhood settings in part because efforts to develop academic skills have focused on literacy. Some early childhood educators eschew teacher-directed lessons, believing that all teaching needs to be conducted in the context of child-initiated activities, and they worry about the effect of standards and […]Full Description
for Playful Math Instruction, by Deborah Stipek
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Hey, Consultant! You have a website! Now attract target audience with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), by Jenny Munn
10/27/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Please be advised that this webinar is for Consultants. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar is on FRIDAY, October 27th. Isn’t it cool? You have a website to showcase your consulting services!! Do you know how many people come […]Full Description
for Hey, Consultant! You have a website! Now attract target audience with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), by Jenny Munn
Challenging Behavior: Directors and Teachers Working with Families and Other Experts, by Barbara Kaiser
10/11/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by HiMama It’s all about relationships and building a trusting and respectful relationships with every child’s family. It’s important to make this connection before difficulties arise because parent engagement is never more important than when there is child with challenging behavior in your group/center. Families have a strong emotional investment in their children so […]Full Description
for Challenging Behavior: Directors and Teachers Working with Families and Other Experts, by Barbara Kaiser
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Writing for Early Childhood Journals: Tips from NAEYC and Exchange, by Susan Friedman and Sara Gilliam NO CERTIFICATES
10/05/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Please be advised that this webinar is for aspiring and established early childhood authors. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar is on THURSDAY, October 5th. Join us for another webinar about publishing in early childhood education! In this webinar, […]Full Description
for Writing for Early Childhood Journals: Tips from NAEYC and Exchange, by Susan Friedman and Sara Gilliam NO CERTIFICATES
Social Skills and Autism: Using Books in Creative Ways to Reach and Teach in Early Education, by Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D. and Cheri Meiners
10/04/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. Do you often wonder if there are secrets to teaching social skills to young children who struggle with communication disorders? It’s true that it can be difficult to teach nuance and flexibility to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, because they are sometimes confused by the way social […]Full Description
for Social Skills and Autism: Using Books in Creative Ways to Reach and Teach in Early Education, by Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D. and Cheri Meiners
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Supporting Young Children and Families Impacted by Immigration Policies, by Wendy Cervantes, Michael McNeil, MD and Hannah Matthews
09/27/2017 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by HiMama Harsh immigration policies undermine the safety, health, and overall development of young children in immigrant families, the vast majority of whom are U.S. citizens. New and proposed immigration policies—including increased immigration enforcement actions–have threatened the well-being of millions of children, threatening to separate them from their parents and to […]Full Description
for Supporting Young Children and Families Impacted by Immigration Policies, by Wendy Cervantes, Michael McNeil, MD and Hannah Matthews
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Working with Consultants: Tips for Maximizing Your Program’s Use of External Experts, by Fran Simon
09/26/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory As a program leader or administrator, you often have to find people to fill knowledge and skill gaps in your program. You may find yourself looking for professional development trainers, financial experts, grant specialists, organizational development professionals, board advisors, and many other pros. But, do you have […]Full Description
for Working with Consultants: Tips for Maximizing Your Program’s Use of External Experts, by Fran Simon
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Trauma-Informed Early Education Classroom Design: Designing Child and Family-Friendly Spaces for Recovery from Trauma, by Ileen Henderson
09/13/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. NEW DATE! Even the youngest children are all too often exposed to trauma and stressful information, including violence, hatred, and disastrous events. We can do our part to combat the negative impact of these events. This webinar, part of the Trauma Solutions […]Full Description
for Trauma-Informed Early Education Classroom Design: Designing Child and Family-Friendly Spaces for Recovery from Trauma, by Ileen Henderson
Trauma informed Teaching and Design Strategies
Selected Source Documents ECI 2017
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Guided Play and Development in Early Education Settings: Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek on Sparking Positive Outcomes in All Domains
09/06/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) What more can early educators do to leverage play to achieve positive outcomes in all domains? Join Professor, Author, Researcher, and renowned “Playful Learning” Advocate, Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek in an inspiring webinar about the power of Guided Play. Using a backdrop of compelling research, Dr. Hirsh-Pasek will share strategies early educators can […]Full Description
for Guided Play and Development in Early Education Settings: Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek on Sparking Positive Outcomes in All Domains
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Transforming Challenging Behavior Through Leadership of Your Program: Mindset, Play, and Theater Techniques, by Barb O’Neill, Ed.D.
08/24/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Kindermusik as part of the Setting the Stage for a Lifetime of Learning Webinar Series Learn effective strategies for supporting teachers who are struggling with children who exhibit challenging behavior that you can use tomorrow. Whether children are hitting, biting, throwing chairs, or not following directions you will gain concrete ideas for […]Full Description
for Transforming Challenging Behavior Through Leadership of Your Program: Mindset, Play, and Theater Techniques, by Barb O’Neill, Ed.D.
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Documentation: A Tool for Family Engagement and Curriculum Development, by Diane Kashin
08/23/2017 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by HiMama Pedagogical documentation is a complex process that involves observing children, creating documentation and sharing to encourage interpretation and analysis. When there is a steady stream of documentation shared there can be an increase of family engagement. When educators analyze the documentation and the views of others including parents, children, […]Full Description
for Documentation: A Tool for Family Engagement and Curriculum Development, by Diane Kashin
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Rasmussen, Eric
Chair, Early Childhood Music , Peabody Prep of Johns Hopkins University
View profilePLAYful Musical Environments That Foster Learning: Listening, Making, and Moving to Music in Early Education Settings, by Eric Rasmussen, Ph.D.
08/17/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Kindermusik as part of the Setting the Stage for a Lifetime of Learning Webinar Series Music holds an exceptionally fascinating place in our development as human beings. Music is a part of EVERY culture no matter how remote. Children unlock their music potential best with playful and structured guidance of an early […]Full Description
for PLAYful Musical Environments That Foster Learning: Listening, Making, and Moving to Music in Early Education Settings, by Eric Rasmussen, Ph.D.
Slides 3 per page_PLAYful Musical Environments_08_17_2017
Handout_PLAYful Musical Environments that Foster Learning
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Fostering Friendships to Support Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Programs, by Lindsay Giroux, M.Ed.
08/16/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) “You can’t come to my birthday party!” “He’s not my friend anymore.” These are popular refrains in preschool classrooms, and encouraging friendships in the classroom can be a big task! This eye-opening webinar, presented by social emotional development expert Lindsay Giroux, will provide early childhood administrators and teachers with strategies for […]Full Description
for Fostering Friendships to Support Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Programs, by Lindsay Giroux, M.Ed.
Reach More Clients by Listing on Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory [PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION] NO CERTIFICATES
08/11/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Teaching Young Gifted Children: The Whats, Whys, and How-Tos for Supporting Their Needs, by Ellen I. Honeck, Ph.D. and Judy Galbraith
08/09/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. Whether you work in a preschool program, childcare center, kindergarten, or primary-grade classroom, you have gifted children in your group right along with children who have a broad range of abilities. Why is it important to recognize and support the needs of young gifted children? What are […]Full Description
for Teaching Young Gifted Children: The Whats, Whys, and How-Tos for Supporting Their Needs, by Ellen I. Honeck, Ph.D. and Judy Galbraith
Supporting Early Mathematics with Creative Investigations Based on Best Practice, by Angela Eckhoff
08/03/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) Many early childhood teachers struggle with feeling comfortable and confident teaching mathematics. Administrators can do many things to help support early childhood educators build classroom practices that support young children’s mathematics learning through creative play. This webinar is designed to promote lesson ideas that support young children’s development of mathematics […]Full Description
for Supporting Early Mathematics with Creative Investigations Based on Best Practice, by Angela Eckhoff
Social-Emotional Learning from the Top Down: Administrative Practices that Support Children’s Emotional Development, Kay Montgomery Albrecht
08/02/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Child Care Information Exchange. Early childhood educators typically recognize the importance of emotional and social development on children’s educational and life futures. Recent neuroscience research reveals how critical administrative support of teachers is in the quest to help children become resilient, well-adjusted, and socially and emotionally competent. Administrators must help teachers build core […]Full Description
for Social-Emotional Learning from the Top Down: Administrative Practices that Support Children’s Emotional Development, Kay Montgomery Albrecht
Administrative Practices That Support Children's Emotional Development
Marketing Basics for Consultants Serving Early Education, by Fran Simon NO CERTIFICATES
07/14/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is webinar is for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant, you are busy doing what you do best: Providing services to clients! But do you ever end an engagement with an organization only […]Full Description
for Marketing Basics for Consultants Serving Early Education, by Fran Simon NO CERTIFICATES
The World of Book Publishing for Aspiring and Established Early Childhood Authors, by Kathy Charner and David Heath NO CERTIFICATES
06/22/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory, Consultants’ Essentials Webinar Series. Please be advised that this webinar is for aspiring and established early childhood authors. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar is on THURSDAY, June 22nd. You are invited to explore the world of publishing in early […]Full Description
for The World of Book Publishing for Aspiring and Established Early Childhood Authors, by Kathy Charner and David Heath NO CERTIFICATES
Using Story-time to Grow Executive Function and Self-Regulation in ECE: Setting the Stage for Success, by Mary Kuehner and Laurie Anne Armstrong
06/21/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. We know that sharing books with young children helps them gain valuable early literacy skills like vocabulary, print awareness, and letter knowledge. However, it also helps them develop skills that experts say are a better predictor of success: executive function skills. Executive function, or “soft” skills, include […]Full Description
for Using Story-time to Grow Executive Function and Self-Regulation in ECE: Setting the Stage for Success, by Mary Kuehner and Laurie Anne Armstrong
Reach More Clients by Listing on Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory [PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION] NO CERTIFICATES
06/09/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Using Movement for Optimal Development and Early Learning: How Smart Steps Can Make Big Strides, by Gill Connell, Wendy Pirie and Cheryl McCarthy
06/07/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. Back for their second Early Childhood Investigations webinar, movement authority Gill Connell and her co-author Cheryl McCarthy discuss the every day opportunities, real-world practicalities, and proven techniques for infusing movement into any early learning environment. As discussed in their first Free Spirit Publishing webinar, A Moving Child […]Full Description
for Using Movement for Optimal Development and Early Learning: How Smart Steps Can Make Big Strides, by Gill Connell, Wendy Pirie and Cheryl McCarthy
Help Young Children Cope with Stress and Trauma by Becoming an Ally: Bridge the Relationship Gap, by Sara Langworthy, Ph.D.
05/24/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Children who have endured stressful experiences in their young lives may be especially challenging to teach. They may be overly disruptive or withdrawn in the classroom. However, early in life children are especially resilient to stress and can recover from trauma and […]Full Description
for Help Young Children Cope with Stress and Trauma by Becoming an Ally: Bridge the Relationship Gap, by Sara Langworthy, Ph.D.
Building Enduring Consulting Relationships That Deliver Results, by Amanda Schwartz
05/11/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory, Consultants’ Essentials Webinar Series. Please be advised that this webinar is for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar is on THURSDAY, May 11th! Wonder what it is that makes real change happen in programs? […]Full Description
for Building Enduring Consulting Relationships That Deliver Results, by Amanda Schwartz
Reach More Clients by Listing on Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory [PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION] NO CERTIFICATES
05/05/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Professionalizing Early Childhood Education – Distinguishing and Engaging the Field in the Next Era, by Stacie Goffin
05/03/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Leadership Connections, the Annual Conference of May 18-20, 2017 The drive to advance early childhood education as a recognized professional field of practice is gaining momentum! Be part of the conversation and action-setting by learning more about recognized professions and participating in the choices ECE will need to make as a field […]Full Description
for Professionalizing Early Childhood Education – Distinguishing and Engaging the Field in the Next Era, by Stacie Goffin
Reeble, Tina
Resource Development Director, Education Specialist , Dimensions Educational Research Foundation, Nature Explore Program
View profileHow Natural Outdoor Classrooms Can Help Address Behavioral Challenges and Support Children’s Well-Being, by Tina Reeble
04/26/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Nature Explore. In this inspiring webinar. Nature education expert, Tina Reeble, will share insights, tips, and practices that will help transform your early childhood program from conflict to harmony with outdoor play and nature exploration. The webinar will explore ways educators can use time in natural outdoor classrooms to […]Full Description
for How Natural Outdoor Classrooms Can Help Address Behavioral Challenges and Support Children’s Well-Being, by Tina Reeble
Reach More Clients Through Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory [Product Demonstration] by Fran Simon
04/11/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration, and training webinar is for you. Join […]Full Description
Create and Deliver Presentations That Make Enduring Impressions and Create Lasting Change, by Tim Waxenfelter and Brian Washburn
04/06/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory Are you a dynamic presenter who inspires your audiences? Really? How do you know? Whether you are really an impactful expert speaker with stunning slides, or someone like most of us, who could use new ideas for your presentations, this session is for you. Join instructional design and presentation whizzes, […]Full Description
for Create and Deliver Presentations That Make Enduring Impressions and Create Lasting Change, by Tim Waxenfelter and Brian Washburn
Explicit and Implicit Biases in Early Childhood Education: Becoming Aware of Microaggressions, by Maryam Daha
04/05/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. In this presentation we will explore how biases and microaggressions delivered intentionally or unintentionally can cause a rift in teacher-family partnership and staff relationships. Using real life examples, we will examine different types of microaggressions, their potential messages and impacts on the […]Full Description
for Explicit and Implicit Biases in Early Childhood Education: Becoming Aware of Microaggressions, by Maryam Daha
Questions_Comments_Links and resources from Explicit and Implicit Biases in ECE by Maryam Daha
Share Costs and Services to Sustain High-Quality ECE Programs Through Shared Services, by Louise Stoney
03/29/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by HiMama Shared Service Alliance is a community-based partnership comprised of small businesses (tax paying and non-profit) that share costs and deliver services more efficiently and effectively. By participating in an alliance, small early care and education (ECE) businesses become stronger, more efficient, and more capable of offering affordable, high-quality ECE programs. This webinar […]Full Description
for Share Costs and Services to Sustain High-Quality ECE Programs Through Shared Services, by Louise Stoney
Attachment in the Classroom: How Trusting Early Experiences Shape Brain Development, by Dr. Jon Baylin
03/24/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Family Works Together. Join Dr. Jon Baylin for an overview of the science of attachment and how early experiences shape brain development. You will learn how children develop trust and mistrust of adults and peers, including early educators. Neurosciences tells us that when children come to school with brains dedicated to self-defense […]Full Description
for Attachment in the Classroom: How Trusting Early Experiences Shape Brain Development, by Dr. Jon Baylin
Create a Culture of Acceptance and Kindness in a Challenging World: It all Starts in Your Early Childhood Program, Jacky Howell
03/22/2017 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education In a time where there seems to be many negative messages in the media and beyond, we in early childhood programs experience the effects on young children. This webinar will share a variety of ideas and strategies to use in your […]Full Description
for Create a Culture of Acceptance and Kindness in a Challenging World: It all Starts in Your Early Childhood Program, Jacky Howell
Keys to Growth in Consulting for the ECE Sector, Gary Romano [No certificate]
03/08/2017 - 2.00 pm
The fourth webinar in the Small but Mighty Consulting Series. Sponsored by Civitas Strategies and Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory. Please be advised that this webinar is for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. The fourth webinar in the Small but Mighty […]Full Description
for Keys to Growth in Consulting for the ECE Sector, Gary Romano [No certificate]
Reach More Clients Through Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory [Product Demonstration] by Fran Simon
03/03/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration, and training webinar is for you. Join […]Full Description
Collaboration for ECE Program Success: How Community Collaboration Can Help Your Program Grow, by Mary Muhs
03/02/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is on THURSDAY, March 2nd! Sponsored by the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. You hear the word collaboration and what comes to mind? Do you start to sweat, throat itch and hide in your office? Building collaborations with community organizations, non-profits, businesses, and other providers can seem overwhelming even though you […]Full Description
for Collaboration for ECE Program Success: How Community Collaboration Can Help Your Program Grow, by Mary Muhs
Four Leadership Strategies for Enhancing Program Quality, by Judy Jablon
03/01/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Leading for Children This webinar, presented by Judy Jablon, will examine ways to build on your program’s wisdom to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. By identifying and using what you already do well, you can promote a more positive program climate which in turn increases staff motivation and child learning. […]Full Description
for Four Leadership Strategies for Enhancing Program Quality, by Judy Jablon
Respectful Discipline for Toddlers & Twos: The Administrator’s Role in Setting Expectations, by Ruth Anne Hammond
02/22/2017 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! Teachers of young children cannot go it alone when it comes to discipline. They need support from supervisors, curriculum planners and directors. The environment, the program design, staffing and the daily routine can either make it easier or harder to implement thoughtful responses when children are having […]Full Description
for Respectful Discipline for Toddlers & Twos: The Administrator’s Role in Setting Expectations, by Ruth Anne Hammond
SEO? Search Engine Optimization Essentials for More Website Traffic for Consultants by Jenny Munn [No certificate]
02/16/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory, Consultants’ Essentials Webinar Series. Please be advised that this webinar is for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar is on THURSDAY, February 16th! Better organic website rankings through search engine optimization (SEO) is associated […]Full Description
for SEO? Search Engine Optimization Essentials for More Website Traffic for Consultants by Jenny Munn [No certificate]
Consultants: Attract Clients on Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory [Product Demonstration] by Fran Simon
02/10/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Handling Change Starts with Leaders Themselves: Exploring Effective Approaches to Personal and Professional Change, by Nancy Seibel
02/08/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by HiMama. As leaders we often focus so much on helping others handle change, we leave someone important out of the picture – ourselves! Yet, how we take care of ourselves during times of personal or professional change directly impacts our effectiveness in helping others cope with change. This webinar will […]Full Description
for Handling Change Starts with Leaders Themselves: Exploring Effective Approaches to Personal and Professional Change, by Nancy Seibel
Makerspaces in ECE: A Planning Guide for Administrators, by Margaret Powers
02/01/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory Join this webinar to learn the basics of starting a makerspace in an early learning center and designing developmentally appropriate projects that engage children in hands-on making and learning. We will discuss the maker movement and its implications for early childhood education and the key physical components […]Full Description
for Makerspaces in ECE: A Planning Guide for Administrators, by Margaret Powers
Consultants: Attract Clients on Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory [Product Demonstration] by Fran Simon
01/27/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Increased Revenue for ECE Programs Through Differentiation, by Kris Murray
01/24/2017 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is on TUESDAY, January 24th! Sponsored by Dilly’s Treehouse. Let’s face it: Quality early childhood programs are expensive to operate, and the competition for enrollment can be fierce. We’re always looking for new ideas to boost our program’s revenue and make our program stand out from the crowd. Child care marketing genius, Kris […]Full Description
for Increased Revenue for ECE Programs Through Differentiation, by Kris Murray
Get Inspired to Lead and Lead to Inspire: Techniques That Advance Early Education, by Susan MacDonald
01/18/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Gryphon House This energizing webinar by Susan MacDonald explores how leaders can find new and empowering ways to adapt to the evolving world of early childhood education. Research into the immense, life-long value of high-quality early childhood education has created a wave of reforms designed to increase the quality of education in early […]Full Description
for Get Inspired to Lead and Lead to Inspire: Techniques That Advance Early Education, by Susan MacDonald
Consultants’ Essentials: Websites 101, by Lindsey Engelhardt [No certificate]
01/12/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory, Consultants’ Essentials Webinar Series. Please be advised that this webinar is for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar is on THURSDAY, January 12th! You know you need a website. But where do you start? […]Full Description
for Consultants’ Essentials: Websites 101, by Lindsey Engelhardt [No certificate]
Lean Recruiting: Finding Talented Managers for Your Program or Consulting Organization, by Gary Romano [No certificate]
01/11/2017 - 2.00 pm
The third webinar in the Small but Mighty Consulting Series. Sponsored by Civitas Strategies and Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory. Please be advised that this webinar is for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. In this webinar, Gary Romano, Founder and President […]Full Description
for Lean Recruiting: Finding Talented Managers for Your Program or Consulting Organization, by Gary Romano [No certificate]
Three-Part Job Announcement Example
Consultants: Attract Clients on Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory, [Product Demonstration] by Fran Simon
01/09/2017 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Yoga for the Youngest! Mindfulness and Movement for Shifting Culture and Practice, by Jenna Augustine and Lori Ryan
01/04/2017 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing Movement activities are mainstays of early childhood practice, but teaching children to be “in the moment” may be a new twist for you and everyone in your program. This innovative webinar will help you explore the concept of mindfulness and the practice of yoga. With a few simple practices to […]Full Description
for Yoga for the Youngest! Mindfulness and Movement for Shifting Culture and Practice, by Jenna Augustine and Lori Ryan
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The Foundation of Early Childhood Consulting: Creating a Customer Pipeline, by Gary Romano
12/07/2016 - 2.00 pm
The Second webinar in the Small but Mighty Consulting Series. Sponsored by, Civitas Strategies and Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory. Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar, presented by Gary Romano of […]Full Description
for The Foundation of Early Childhood Consulting: Creating a Customer Pipeline, by Gary Romano
Professionalizing Early Childhood Education : Your Role in the Next Era, by Stacie Goffin
11/30/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Rasmussen College. In what promises to be a provocative webinar, Stacie Goffin presents a leadership manifesto to early childhood education. She will argue that early childhood educators and leaders themselves should step forward and assume responsibility for the competence of its practitioners and positive results for children. By formally organizing […]Full Description
for Professionalizing Early Childhood Education : Your Role in the Next Era, by Stacie Goffin
Consultants: Attract Clients on Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory [Product Demonstration] by Fran Simon, M.Ed.
11/18/2016 - 16:00
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Empowering DAP Strategies for Literacy in Early Childhood Programs, by Nell K. Duke, Ed.D.
11/16/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) Ensuring your early childhood program offers powerful literacy experiences requires more than books, crayons, and alphabet posters! It requires an understanding of literacy development and knowledge of specific practices that have been shown to foster literacy development in young children. Join Professor and acclaimed Author, Nell K. Duke, Ed.D. in […]Full Description
for Empowering DAP Strategies for Literacy in Early Childhood Programs, by Nell K. Duke, Ed.D.
Professional Learning Communities: A Catalyst for Program Improvement, by Katherine Rowell and Lindsey Allard Agnamba
11/09/2016 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by HiMama. Join this paradigm-shifting webinar to explore the power of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to promote a collaborative culture dedicated to continuous quality improvement. Experienced early educators and professional development providers Katherine Rowell and Lindsey Allard Agnamba will highlight practical advice about how PLCs can offer directors promising strategies for […]Full Description
for Professional Learning Communities: A Catalyst for Program Improvement, by Katherine Rowell and Lindsey Allard Agnamba
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Consultants: Attract Clients on Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory [PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION] by Fran Simon, M.Ed.
10/31/2016 - 2.00 pm
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
Bullies in the Classroom – “Mean” Behavior and Aggression: The Origins of Bullying, by Kristen Darling-Churchill
10/26/2016 - 2.00 pm
Bullies in the Classroom – “Mean” Behavior and Aggression This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Have you heard the taunts in your early learning program: “You can’t play with us!” or, “You can’t come to my birthday party!”? Have you ever wondered how your role as an administrator […]Full Description
for Bullies in the Classroom – “Mean” Behavior and Aggression: The Origins of Bullying, by Kristen Darling-Churchill
Helping Children Birth Through 5 Rebound from Traumatic Experiences: Create Classrooms That Support Recovery, by Cate Heroman and Jenna Bilmes
10/25/2016 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is on TUESDAY, 10/25! Join this powerful session by Cate Heroman and Jenna Bilmes, authors of Helping Children Rebound, to build your understanding of how children might behave after experiencing a disturbing event and why. The presenters will share examples of how traumatic events such as natural disasters, terrorist incidents, witnessing violence, and even seeing reports of […]Full Description
for Helping Children Birth Through 5 Rebound from Traumatic Experiences: Create Classrooms That Support Recovery, by Cate Heroman and Jenna Bilmes
Helping Children Rebound IT 2012
Consultants: Attract Clients on Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory, by Fran S. Simon, M.Ed. (Product demonstration)
10/24/2016 - 10:00
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this […]Full Description
This is a product demonstration. No certificate will be provided.
“Assessment Literacy” for Early Educators: Unpacking Intentional Child Assessment, by Laura Bornfreund and Lindsey Allard Agnamba
10/19/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! Teachers assess their students each and every day, from observing them at play and checking in for understanding to delivering a more formal assessment. But what should they do with all that information? How should the results from informal and formal assessments inform their classroom environment, […]Full Description
for “Assessment Literacy” for Early Educators: Unpacking Intentional Child Assessment, by Laura Bornfreund and Lindsey Allard Agnamba
[MAKE UP SESSION] The Importance of Teaching Social-Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Education, by Barbara Kaiser
10/18/2016 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is on TUESDAY, 10/18! This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Research shows that social and emotional skills are as important to school performance as academic readiness skills. Teachers can support all children, especially children with challenging behavior as they work to develop their internal controls—and at […]Full Description
for [MAKE UP SESSION] The Importance of Teaching Social-Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Education, by Barbara Kaiser
Menninga, M.A.Ed., Beth
Project Coordinator , Center for Early Education and Development, University of Minnesota
View profileTeaching and Growing in the Midst of Change: Learn, Practice, Share, and Model, by Sandy Heidemann and Beth Menninga
10/12/2016 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. If you work in early childhood with children and families every day, chances are you have participated in some of the many quality improvement initiatives out there. You want to be the best teacher you can be so you take a deep breath and dig in […]Full Description
for Teaching and Growing in the Midst of Change: Learn, Practice, Share, and Model, by Sandy Heidemann and Beth Menninga
Engaging Staff Meetings: A Time for Professional Conversations that Foster Continuous Quality Improvement, by Judy Jablon
10/05/2016 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by, HiMama. This webinar, presented by Judy Jablon, will explore how to use staff meetings for engaging professional conversations that foster continuous quality improvement. We’ll discuss how the content and process of intentional staff meetings effectively model dialogue, inquiry and problem solving among adults — all behaviors we want to encourage […]Full Description
for Engaging Staff Meetings: A Time for Professional Conversations that Foster Continuous Quality Improvement, by Judy Jablon
The Importance of Teaching Social-Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Education, by Barbara Kaiser
09/28/2016 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Research shows that social and emotional skills are as important to school performance as academic readiness skills. Teachers can support all children, especially children children with challenging behavior as they work to develop their internal controls—and at the same time direct them onto a […]Full Description
for The Importance of Teaching Social-Emotional Skills in Early Childhood Education, by Barbara Kaiser
Build Toddlers’ Language with 5 Rs: Responsiveness, Rich Language, Optimal Rate, Clear Referents, & Repetition, by Betty Bardige
09/21/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! Mastering the basics of at least one language is the central challenge of the toddler years. Toddlers learn the power — and fun — of words, and use them not only to communicate and label, but to question, think, learn, play, and pretend, as well as to […]Full Description
for Build Toddlers’ Language with 5 Rs: Responsiveness, Rich Language, Optimal Rate, Clear Referents, & Repetition, by Betty Bardige
Word Wizardry: Vocabulary Enhancement in Early Childhood, Prek Through Grade 1, by Susan B. Neuman
09/20/2016 - 2.00 pm
New date:This webinar is on TUESDAY, 9/20! Sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! This empowering presentation by world-renowned language expert, Dr. Susan B. Neuman, focuses on strategies to improve children’s vocabulary and academic language. In this webinar, early educators will learn strategies facts and strategies about vocabulary and language development that will make your program a […]Full Description
for Word Wizardry: Vocabulary Enhancement in Early Childhood, Prek Through Grade 1, by Susan B. Neuman
Hiring the Best Early Childhood Teachers in Today’s Digital Age, by Kris Murray and Jessica Johnsen
09/14/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Child Care Marketing Solutions. Research indicates that the quality of early childhood education programs relies heavily on the teachers and their interactions with children. Finding and hiring great teachers takes a lot of resourcefulness, sound processes, and knowledge of how to take full advantage of the power of the Internet. Join Kris Murray […]Full Description
for Hiring the Best Early Childhood Teachers in Today’s Digital Age, by Kris Murray and Jessica Johnsen
Starnes, Lauren
Author and Chief Academic Officer , Goddard Schools (Goddard Systems Inc)
View profileSocial-Emotional Education for Creating Positive School Culture in Early Learning Settings, by Lauren Starnes
09/13/2016 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is on TUESDAY! Sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. Social-emotional education is not just for students; it has the potential to change your entire school culture. While social-emotional education has been a longstanding focus in K-12 education, this webinar will turn the lens to the impact of formalized social-emotional […]Full Description
for Social-Emotional Education for Creating Positive School Culture in Early Learning Settings, by Lauren Starnes
Nurturing Bilingual Infants and Toddlers, by Karen Nemeth
08/31/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Being bilingual is good for the brain and the earlier children start to learn two languages, the easier and more successful that bilingual development can be. We know that language begins to develop before babies begin to talk, so this […]Full Description
for Nurturing Bilingual Infants and Toddlers, by Karen Nemeth
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Resources for Working with Infants and Toddlers who are DLLs
Soto, Jill
Assistant Executive Director , Center for Early Childhood Professional Development
View profileIntentional Curriculum Implementation: The Director’s Role in Supporting Teachers in Early Childhood Classrooms, by Jill Soto
08/17/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) Implementing curriculum occurs daily in the child care program, but many struggle with this task. Directors find themselves asking these questions: How do I help? How do I help them get started? As a director, you are responsible for the support and guidance of teachers as they continue their journey towards […]Full Description
for Intentional Curriculum Implementation: The Director’s Role in Supporting Teachers in Early Childhood Classrooms, by Jill Soto
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Early Childhood Science Inquiry is a Journey (Not a Series of Unrelated Activities): Learning from the Research, by Peggy Ashbrook
07/27/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) No matter what prior experiences your young students have had, engaging in science and engineering activities and the related discussions can help them learn more about the natural and human-made world. By including science and engineering learning every day for your students, you are providing experiences that will prepare them for […]Full Description
for Early Childhood Science Inquiry is a Journey (Not a Series of Unrelated Activities): Learning from the Research, by Peggy Ashbrook
The Foundation of Early Childhood Consulting: Your Mission, Value, and Differentiators, by Gary Romano
07/20/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Civitas Strategies and Early Childhood Investigations Consulting Directory. CERTIFICATES ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS WEBINAR OR ANY OF THE WEBINARS FOR CONSULTANTS! This webinar, presented by Gary Romano of Civitas Strategies, will draw from the forthcoming book Small But Mighty to help you start your own consultancy or define the most important pillars […]Full Description
for The Foundation of Early Childhood Consulting: Your Mission, Value, and Differentiators, by Gary Romano
Because this webinar is intended for consultants, we will not offer Certificates of Attendance for this session or the other sessions in the Small but Mighty Webinar Series.
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Sarama, Julie
Kennedy Endowed Chair in Innovative Learning Technologies and Professor , University of Denver
View profileThe Path for Math in Early Childhood: The Learning Trajectories Perspective, by Dr. Douglas Clements and Dr. Julie Sarama
06/15/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) What are the mathematical and educational building blocks of early mathematics? What role should these building blocks play in a developmentally appropriate setting? Join two of the most preeminent early math experts in the country, Dr. Douglas Clements and Dr. Julie Sarama, as they describe research-based learning trajectories as the core of all […]Full Description
for The Path for Math in Early Childhood: The Learning Trajectories Perspective, by Dr. Douglas Clements and Dr. Julie Sarama
The Power of Optimism: Helping Early Childhood Educators See the Best in Themselves, Their Students and Their World, by Steve Gross
06/08/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Life is Good Kid’s Foundation. Optimism is powerful. When children grow to see the good in themselves, the good in others and the good in their world – their social, emotional, and cognitive superpowers emerge. However, for the seeds of optimism to take root, they must be nurtured. Sadly, in […]Full Description
for The Power of Optimism: Helping Early Childhood Educators See the Best in Themselves, Their Students and Their World, by Steve Gross
Knowlton, Andrea
Director of Early Childhood Services Department , Napa County Office of Education
View profileInclusion in Early Childhood Programs: Successful Strategies from Experienced Early Childhood Educators, by Linda Brekken, Amanda Schwartz, Beth Fairchild, Lisa Parker and Andrea Knowlton
05/25/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by the soon-to-be launched ECE Expert Consultant Directory. Inclusive programs serving young children with disabilities provide many benefits for children with and without disabilities. Studies show increased cognitive, language and social-emotional skills for children with disabilities. Children without disabilities are more likely to accept and respond positively to diversity. Inclusive programs increase access to […]Full Description
for Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs: Successful Strategies from Experienced Early Childhood Educators, by Linda Brekken, Amanda Schwartz, Beth Fairchild, Lisa Parker and Andrea Knowlton
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Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs
A Moving Child Is a Learning Child: How Movement Prepares the Brain to Think (and a whole lot more), by Gill Connell and Cheryl McCarthy
05/18/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing Movement is nature’s DAP! Child development and movement authority Gill Connell and her co-author Cheryl McCarthy explain the inseparable, learning relationship between the body and the brain while revealing the natural, common sense truths behind why kids do what they do and how kids learn how to learn. In this […]Full Description
The Science of Dual language Learning for Children Birth Through Age Five: Effective Practices that Improve Outcomes, by Linda Espinosa
05/11/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! In this session, Dr. Espinosa will briefly describe a new report from the National Academies of Science, Fostering School Success for DLLs Birth to Eighteen. She will then review what is known about best practices for young DLLs, birth to five, and provide classroom examples of research-based […]Full Description
for The Science of Dual language Learning for Children Birth Through Age Five: Effective Practices that Improve Outcomes, by Linda Espinosa
Chapter 4_Practical and Proven Strategies for Teaching Young Dual Language Learners
PreK to 3_Challenging Common Myths About Dual Language Learners_An Update to the Seminal 2008 Report
California’s Best Practices for YOUNG DUAL LANGUAGE LEARNERS Research Overview Papers
What Babies and Toddlers Need: Sensitive Care & Play Trump Early Academics , by Ruth Anne Hammond
04/27/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education According to Infant Mental Health Experts, Babies + play and interactions = happy, healthy children! Take the pressure off! Learn how to relax and at the same time make the most of infants’ and toddlers’ time in child care through the […]Full Description
for What Babies and Toddlers Need: Sensitive Care & Play Trump Early Academics , by Ruth Anne Hammond
Connecting Early Literacy to Health- Healthy Growing Bodies and Able Young Readers, by Vera Meyerholtz
04/20/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! The recent interest in the link between literacy and health status has identified reading ability as the strongest predictor, more so than factors such as income, race, or educational level. Join us as we explore the findings and demonstrate the impact of literacy on the overall health […]Full Description
for Connecting Early Literacy to Health- Healthy Growing Bodies and Able Young Readers, by Vera Meyerholtz
Pollitt, Kelly
Chief Strategist for Policy and Alliances , National Association of Elementary School Principals
View profilePreK-3 Continuum: Your Role in Creating Seamless Transitions, by Safiyah Jackson, Kelly Pollitt and Michael B. Abel, Ph.D.
04/13/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) presents tools and ideas to foster alignment among preschool, kindergarten, and early elementary programs. The PreK-3 transition period is critical for a child’s long-term success. However, instructional leadership that supports […]Full Description
for PreK-3 Continuum: Your Role in Creating Seamless Transitions, by Safiyah Jackson, Kelly Pollitt and Michael B. Abel, Ph.D.
If you like this webinar, you will love the Whole Leadership Blog published by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership!
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Executive Summary Leading PreK Communities
Leading Early Childhood Communities: What Principals Should Know and Be Able to Do
McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership_Data Summary_4_13_16
Coming to Terms: How to Effectively Use Contracts and Policies, by Tom Copeland
04/06/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by the soon-to-be launched ECE Expert Consultant Directory. This webinar will cover how to establish a business relationships with parents, the key terms to include in a contract and policies, how to enforce your contract, how to turn down a family and terminate a contract, how to use The Three Choices of Life to […]Full Description
for Coming to Terms: How to Effectively Use Contracts and Policies, by Tom Copeland
Anti-Bias Approach to Early Childhood Leadership: Beyond Books and Pictures, by Lindsey Allard Agnamba and Je’Kendria Trahan
03/23/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by the soon-to-be launched ECE Expert Consultant Directory. As the staff, children and families in our early learning programs grow more diverse, it’s essential to move beyond just having materials in the programs that reflect the various backgrounds as a way create high quality learning programs. It’s important to begin working in deeper ways […]Full Description
for Anti-Bias Approach to Early Childhood Leadership: Beyond Books and Pictures, by Lindsey Allard Agnamba and Je’Kendria Trahan
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EXAMPLE: Diversity Statement from Columbia College Child Care
Using Books for Social-Emotional Development: Literature that helps children explore feelings, by Jacky Howell and Kimberly Reinhard
03/16/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing Being a little one can be an emotional roller coaster! There are lots of big feelings and relationships with highs, and lows, twists and turns. Early educators need all of the tools and strategies they can get to help children manage the ride! Books are the perfect tools to engage […]Full Description
for Using Books for Social-Emotional Development: Literature that helps children explore feelings, by Jacky Howell and Kimberly Reinhard
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Nurturing secure attachments for infants and toddlers: The key to optimal emotional development, by Dr. Alice Sterling Honig
03/09/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Developing an early secure attachment to the special persons who care for a child from birth during the early years is critical. Secure attachment between the little one and the special adult(s) lays the foundation for developing a person who can […]Full Description
for Nurturing secure attachments for infants and toddlers: The key to optimal emotional development, by Dr. Alice Sterling Honig
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Build a Workplace Early Educators Love – Just add Joy, by Rich Sheridan
02/17/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. In this powerful and innovative webinar, Richard Sheridan, Author of Joy Inc., will help you learn to create an intentional team culture focused on the business value of joy and unleash the human energy and the results you always knew were possible. The webinar […]Full Description
Early Childhood Work Environment Survey
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Bridging the Birth to 3rd Grade Workforce: Early Care and Education at the Crossroads of Transformation, by Jacqueline Jones
02/10/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! We’ve done it! We’ve raised awareness about the importance of high quality early care and education. But, there is continued discussion regarding who should be implementing programs for children from birth through 3rd grade. Who is an early childhood professional? What entity should decide individual and […]Full Description
for Bridging the Birth to 3rd Grade Workforce: Early Care and Education at the Crossroads of Transformation, by Jacqueline Jones
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Leading for ECE Program Quality: Using Self-Awareness and Intention to Effect Positive Change, by Judy Jablon
01/27/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. In this webinar, Judy Jablon will help you explore how you can use self-awareness and intentionality to enhance program quality. As the primary leader in your program, how you are and what you say and do each day influences what happens in your program: how […]Full Description
for Leading for ECE Program Quality: Using Self-Awareness and Intention to Effect Positive Change, by Judy Jablon
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If you like this webinar, you will love the Whole Leadership Blog published by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership!
Managing Legal Risks in Early Childhood Programs, by Tom Copeland
01/20/2016 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Rasmussen College. Managing Legal Risks in Early Childhood Programs: How child care centers and family child care homes can deal with custody issues, parents showing up drunk or without a car seat, lawsuits, illegal discrimination, privacy, and defending your program from attacks on the Internet. All sessions are 1.5 hours […]Full Description
for Managing Legal Risks in Early Childhood Programs, by Tom Copeland
Time out for Time-out in Early Education Programs! by Barbara Kaiser
01/13/2016 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Pearson Higher Education Punishment is a quick fix, but what is the child learning? What are the other children learning? When teachers know the child, understand the function of the behavior, and teach the child skills to meet their needs appropriately they can make a real difference in a child’s life. This webinar […]Full Description
for Time out for Time-out in Early Education Programs! by Barbara Kaiser
Social-Emotional Learning & ECE Program Culture: How to facilitate resilience and inclusive culture, By Dr. Maurice Elias
12/16/2015 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by Bright Horizons Family Solutions. This presentation will focus on how early childhood education programs can systematically build social-emotional learning/emotional intelligence skills in young children and enhance program culture and climate. While many nations, and states in the U.S., include social-emotional skills among their standards, there has been less emphasis on […]Full Description
for Social-Emotional Learning & ECE Program Culture: How to facilitate resilience and inclusive culture, By Dr. Maurice Elias
Handout_Trigger Situation Monitor
Assel, Michael
Licensed Psychologist, Associate Professor of Pediatrics , Children’s Learning Institute/LoneStar LEND, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
View profileManaging Mild Autism in Early Childhood Classrooms: Top Teaching Strategies Children with Mild, by Mike A. Assel and Libby Hall
12/09/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Robert-Leslie Publishing, the publisher of The InvestiGator Club Pre-Kindergarten system. Your program is proud to be an inclusive environment. Children of all abilities are welcome, and your teachers work hard to facilitate learning that meets every child’s needs, but they are frequently challenged when it comes to engaging children who […]Full Description
for Managing Mild Autism in Early Childhood Classrooms: Top Teaching Strategies Children with Mild, by Mike A. Assel and Libby Hall
Come on In! How Directors and Teachers Can Use Rituals and Traditions to Create Community! by Jacky Howell and Kimberly Reinhard
12/02/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Kodo Kids The co-authors of the new book Rituals and Traditions: Fostering a Sense of Community in Preschool, will look at ways that administrators and lead teachers can create community and develop relationships with children, families and staff by rituals and traditions. Tangible ideas on how to start creating rituals […]Full Description
for Come on In! How Directors and Teachers Can Use Rituals and Traditions to Create Community! by Jacky Howell and Kimberly Reinhard
The Great Disconnect: What We Know vs. What We Do in Early Education, by Michael Gramling
11/11/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. Why has publicly funded early childhood education failed so miserably in its efforts to prepare children for school? Why does the achievement gap not only persist but continue to grow wider? It’s not a mystery really. We continue to act as if what separates children […]Full Description
for The Great Disconnect: What We Know vs. What We Do in Early Education, by Michael Gramling
Engaging Families of Children with Disabilities: Systematically Planning to Create Positive Experiences and Meet Expectations, Amanda Schwartz and Anne Zeigler
11/04/2015 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by MyChild Family Engagement. Inclusion means more than providing high quality services to children with disabilities. It involves building strong partnerships with families. Each family member learns about and confronts the disability of their child in different ways. All families are complex, but these complexities grow with the added stressors of accommodating unexpected […]Full Description
for Engaging Families of Children with Disabilities: Systematically Planning to Create Positive Experiences and Meet Expectations, Amanda Schwartz and Anne Zeigler
Rogow, Faith
PhD, Founder and Media Literacy Specialist , Insighters Educational Consulting
View profileMedia Literacy in Action in the Early Years: Activity Ideas for Reasoning and Reflection, by Faith Rogow
10/28/2015 - 2.00 pm
This event is sponsored by the National Association for Media Literacy (NAMLE) and supported by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development & Early Learning with Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge funds. In this empowering webinar, media literacy education maven Faith Rogow, will provide an overview of how to reach beyond teaching with technology to […]Full Description
for Media Literacy in Action in the Early Years: Activity Ideas for Reasoning and Reflection, by Faith Rogow
Engaging Hispanic Families: Overcoming challenges to enrich lives, by Yvette Sanchez Fuentes
10/21/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Offering responsive programs to all children and their families can be challenging but very rewarding. If your program is especially culturally and economically diverse, understanding and respecting the various cultural differences is critical to meeting the need of the families. This […]Full Description
for Engaging Hispanic Families: Overcoming challenges to enrich lives, by Yvette Sanchez Fuentes
Grant Seeking for Early Care and Education Organizations: Where to Find Funding for Your Non-Profit Program, by Kiersten Marek
10/14/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports, Hot Topics for ECE Administrators Series. With projections of federal funding shortfalls, and national trends in funding that follow other educational sectors, finding grant funding has become an art and a science. It requires that grant seekers stay on top of the latest trends and […]Full Description
for Grant Seeking for Early Care and Education Organizations: Where to Find Funding for Your Non-Profit Program, by Kiersten Marek
Using Video to Coach Teachers for Powerful Interactions in Early Childhood Classrooms, by Judy Jablon and Shaun Johnsen
10/07/2015 - 2.00 pm
They say a photo is worth a thousand words. Imagine how compelling videos could be when providing teachers with feedback about their interactions with children. Videos can highlight best practices and serve as powerful tools for professional development by identifying strengths, stretching wings, and identifying areas for growth. Join Judy Jablon and Shaun Johnsen, the authors of […]Full Description
for Using Video to Coach Teachers for Powerful Interactions in Early Childhood Classrooms, by Judy Jablon and Shaun Johnsen
Infants and Toddlers Making Meaning: Reflective Teaching and Learning with Children Birth through 3, by Mary Jane Maguire-Fong
09/16/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Join this webinar to follow infants and toddlers on an amazing journey as they construct concepts and theories during play. Inspired by teachers in Reggio Emilia, Italy, Mary Jane Maguire-Fong will use photo documentation to observe infants and toddlers at […]Full Description
for Infants and Toddlers Making Meaning: Reflective Teaching and Learning with Children Birth through 3, by Mary Jane Maguire-Fong
Sykes, Maurice
Executive Director , Early Childhood Leadership Institute, University of the District of Columbia
View profileEight Leadership Qualities That Advance the Right Choices for Young Children, by Maurice Sykes
09/09/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports, Hot Topics for ECE Administrators Series. This inspiring webinar is designed to engage new, aspiring and continuing leaders in exploring the knowledge, skills and dispositions required for leadership that is progressive in its thinking and transformational in its actions. If you are a program leader or staff […]Full Description
for Eight Leadership Qualities That Advance the Right Choices for Young Children, by Maurice Sykes
Family Workshops Work! Hosting Literacy Workshops for Families of Preschoolers, by Kathryn Roberts and Nell Duke
08/19/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start! Without a doubt, children’s experiences during the preschool years affect their later language and literacy skills and achievement. High-quality early childhood education programs are one way in which we support development during these years, but family interactions and home environments also play a crucial role. In this […]Full Description
for Family Workshops Work! Hosting Literacy Workshops for Families of Preschoolers, by Kathryn Roberts and Nell Duke
Snagging Talented ECE Teachers: Attract, Engage, and Retain the Best Teachers Who are in for the Long Haul, by Jennifer Carsen
08/05/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports, Hot Topics for ECE Administrators Series. They can seem as elusive as shooting stars: Talented ECE teachers who are a good fit with your program and who stay (and thrive) there for a long time. Although child care has gained a reputation – not entirely undeserved – […]Full Description
for Snagging Talented ECE Teachers: Attract, Engage, and Retain the Best Teachers Who are in for the Long Haul, by Jennifer Carsen
Quality Ratings, Common Core, AND DAP: Do they all play together? by Kyle Snow
07/29/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Nemours BrightStart! Early childhood education is experiencing its spotlight moment (finally!). Policy makers, business leaders, and parents are looking to early childhood care and education to dramatically improve the lives of children. With this hope comes increasing expectations for program quality and child learning and development. How can ECE professionals […]Full Description
for Quality Ratings, Common Core, AND DAP: Do they all play together? by Kyle Snow
Brillante, Pam
Assistant Professor of Special Education , The William Paterson University of New Jersey
View profileExploring ADHD in Young Children, by Pamela Brillante, Ed.D.
07/22/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Language Castle. Are you worried about a child who just can’t focus? A child that just can’t sit still? Are you curious about the role of medication and diet in treating ADHD? Do you just want to learn what you can do when you have a child with these issues […]Full Description
for Exploring ADHD in Young Children, by Pamela Brillante, Ed.D.
Got funding? No? Write a Grant (for your Early Care and Education Program), by Sue Offutt
07/15/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports, Hot Topics for ECE Administrators Series. With ongoing budget shortfalls, many organizations have to rely on grant funding to sustain their programming. Yet, how do you get started in writing a strong grant proposal? In this session, you will walk through the stages of writing a proposal […]Full Description
for Got funding? No? Write a Grant (for your Early Care and Education Program), by Sue Offutt
Engaging and Empowering Families of Young Children in the Digital Age, Luisa Cotto
06/24/2015 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by MyChild Family Engagement. “Technology tools offer new opportunities for educators to build relationships, maintain ongoing communications, and exchange information and share online resources with families.” – NAEYC & FRC Joint Position Statement, 2012 As a teacher, I experienced that not every family will come to your classroom to volunteer, not everyone has […]Full Description
for Engaging and Empowering Families of Young Children in the Digital Age, Luisa Cotto
Pinterest Board: Engaging Families in the Digital Age
Coaching with Powerful Interactions: It All Begins with You! by Judy Jablon
06/17/2015 - 2.00 pm
How you are and what you say and do matters in your work to support teachers. This webinar on Coaching with Powerful Interactions is an opportunity for you to pause and consider yourself and your practice. Why take time to focus on you? Whether you are a master teacher or coach, coach supervisor, program director, […]Full Description
for Coaching with Powerful Interactions: It All Begins with You! by Judy Jablon
ECE Program Quality: Your Leadership Role in Pushing the Boundaries, by Laura Henry
06/10/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports, Hot Topics for ECE Administrators Series. Early Childhood programs face so many challenges, it can be difficult for you, as the leader, to define, maintain and enhance quality. Unpacking what quality looks and feels like within an Early Childhood setting should be central to day-to-day practice. In […]Full Description
for ECE Program Quality: Your Leadership Role in Pushing the Boundaries, by Laura Henry
Social Media to Grow Enrollment in Early Care and Education -: The Latest Ideas and Trends to Create a Base of Raving Fans, by Kris Murray
05/20/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports, Hot Topics for ECE Administrators Series. You may be using social media in your child care business, but are you really getting new enrollments from it? If you want to learn the latest trends in growing enrollment with social media, especially Facebook and Pinterest, this interactive workshop […]Full Description
for Social Media to Grow Enrollment in Early Care and Education -: The Latest Ideas and Trends to Create a Base of Raving Fans, by Kris Murray
Screen Use for Children Under 3: Research-Based Guidelines for Screen Sense, by Rachel Barr and Claire Lerner
05/13/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by The United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Technology for infants and toddlers? Appalling or appealing? The webinar, presented by the authors of Zero to Three’s report, “Screen Sense: Setting the Record Straight- Research-Based Guidelines for Screen Use for Children Under 3 Years Old” will review the research, dispel […]Full Description
for Screen Use for Children Under 3: Research-Based Guidelines for Screen Sense, by Rachel Barr and Claire Lerner
Promoting Executive Function Life Skills in Early Childhood- Resources and Tools from Mind in the Making, by Ellen Galinsky
04/22/2015 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Robert-Leslie Publishing, the publisher of The InvestiGator Club Prekindergarten Learning System Ellen Galinsky, author of the best-selling book Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs, will be sharing free tools that every educator can use for promoting executive function skills in children and the development principle of serve […]Full Description
for Promoting Executive Function Life Skills in Early Childhood- Resources and Tools from Mind in the Making, by Ellen Galinsky
Guttman, Alan
Program Manager , Early Childhood & Special Education Initiatives, Center for Technology in Education (CTE), Johns Hopkins University School of Education
View profileWhy Staff Fail to Report Suspected Child Abuse: Strategies to Ensure Consistent Reporting, by Alan Guttman
04/15/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports, Hot Topics for ECE Administrators Series. This workshop addresses, head-on, the many challenges and obstacles that staff and programs encounter when implementing child abuse reporting policies and procedures. During this session, participants will learn about, discuss and develop strategies to ensure consistent, confidential, and effective reporting of […]Full Description
for Why Staff Fail to Report Suspected Child Abuse: Strategies to Ensure Consistent Reporting, by Alan Guttman
Assel, Michael
Licensed Psychologist, Associate Professor of Pediatrics , Children’s Learning Institute/LoneStar LEND, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
View profileAutism Spectrum Disorders in the Early Childhood Setting: The Role of Administrators, by Michael A. Assel, Ph.D.
03/25/2015 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by Robert-Leslie Publishing, the publisher of The InvestiGator Club Prekindergarten Learning System Have you ever noticed a child who seems to not be developing typically, but you can’t exactly put your finger on the problem? Perhaps he or she repeats certain behaviors or reacts poorly to changes in the daily routine. Or maybe her […]Full Description
for Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Early Childhood Setting: The Role of Administrators, by Michael A. Assel, Ph.D.
Family Engagement Strategies for All Languages and Cultures, by Karen Nemeth
03/18/2015 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by MyChild Family Engagement. Engaging families of all cultures and who speak various languages is one of the most important strategies early childhood educators must use. When the students don’t speak the same language as the teacher, families become essential partners to accomplish goals that have been shown to be critical to […]Full Description
for Family Engagement Strategies for All Languages and Cultures, by Karen Nemeth
Lopez, Janice
Women's Business Development Center Director , Women's Business Development Center
View profileEarly Childhood Program Business 101: Basic Business Planning for Growth, by Janice Lopez
03/11/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports. When you read the title of this session, you may have thought to yourself, “Plan for growth? I am operating (or plan to open) a preschool program, not a business!” Like many administrators of early learning programs, you may find it difficult to even think about your […]Full Description
for Early Childhood Program Business 101: Basic Business Planning for Growth, by Janice Lopez
Using Assessment to Make Meaningful Decisions about Teaching and Learning, by Judy Jablon
03/04/2015 - 2.00 pm
Does assessment feel like an added burden? It can be when the focus of assessment is on logistics and management rather than on the meaningful process of collecting data to get to know children and make decisions about their learning. In this webinar we will explore the myriad of ways educators gather and use formative […]Full Description
for Using Assessment to Make Meaningful Decisions about Teaching and Learning, by Judy Jablon
Becoming Bilingual: Resources and Strategies to Help Staff and Children in Your Program Develop the Bilingual Advantage, by Kathleen Hayes and Karen Nemeth Ed.M.
02/18/2015 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by High Five Bilingüe Magazine Becoming bilingual is a proven advantage for young children’s brain development, for older children’s school success and even for adults to put off the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. Research shows that bilingual people develop self-regulation skills that help them focus on tasks and avoid distractions, language […]Full Description
for Becoming Bilingual: Resources and Strategies to Help Staff and Children in Your Program Develop the Bilingual Advantage, by Kathleen Hayes and Karen Nemeth Ed.M.
Shared Services: Powerful Alliances for ECE Program Sustainability and Resource Efficiency, by Louise Stoney
02/11/2015 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports Louise Stoney, co-founder of Opportunities Exchange, will introduce you to the concept and practice of Shared Services, an innovative and exciting approach to help early care and education programs work together to improve quality and achieve greater financial sustainability. Shared Service Alliances are springing up across the country, enabling […]Full Description
for Shared Services: Powerful Alliances for ECE Program Sustainability and Resource Efficiency, by Louise Stoney
Technology and Digital Media in the Early Years: Big Ideas, Best Practices and Future Directions, by Chip Donohue, Ph.D.
02/04/2015 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports This webinar will be presented by Chip Donohue, Director of the TEC Center (Technoogy in Early Childhood) at Erikson Institute and editor of the new Routledge and NAEYC publication, Technology and Digital Media in the Early Years: Tools for Teaching and Learning. The book is a collection of […]Full Description
for Technology and Digital Media in the Early Years: Big Ideas, Best Practices and Future Directions, by Chip Donohue, Ph.D.
How Effective Supervisors Guide Teachers by Giving Feedback With Ease, by Kendra Kett
01/28/2015 - 2.00 pm
Sponsored by MyChild Daily Reports Do you dread giving feedback? Are you conflict-adverse? Not sure what to do, or what to say? This workshop, presented by by Kendra Kett, is designed to help center administrators, leaders and managers enhance and build their ability to effectively and professionally provide constructive guidance to their teaching staff. Attendees […]Full Description
for How Effective Supervisors Guide Teachers by Giving Feedback With Ease, by Kendra Kett
Stacey, Susan
Author/Teacher Educator , Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education
View profileHow Documenting Children’s Learning is Much More than Display: Reflecting Teachers’ and Children’s Thinking, by Susan Stacey
01/15/2015 - 2.00 pm
THIS SESSION IS ON THURSDAY!!!!! Sponsored by Language Castle Pedagogical Documentation has the potential to support children’s inquiries, teacher reflection, and communication between home and school. We will explore how documentation is created, important aspects to consider, and how to use documentation with children, families, and colleagues. This webinar will provide an overview of […]Full Description
for How Documenting Children’s Learning is Much More than Display: Reflecting Teachers’ and Children’s Thinking, by Susan Stacey
Teaching Young Children about Personal Safety in ECE programs- Challenging Conversations by Abbie Schiller & Pattie Fitzgerald
12/17/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Early Learning Series Talking to young children about their personal safety is SO important, but where do we even start? Teaching them to ask for a police officer if they’re lost is unrealistic, Stranger Danger is outdated, and there are so many situations we can’t even predict […]Full Description
for Teaching Young Children about Personal Safety in ECE programs- Challenging Conversations by Abbie Schiller & Pattie Fitzgerald
Best Practices for Managing “Out of Control” Children: A Team Approach for Early Educators and Families, by Barbara Kaiser
12/03/2014 - 2.00 pm
We teach the way we have been taught, and manage behavior the way we were disciplined. This webinar will help you discover how you can help teachers and parents define their strengths, understand their behavioral expectations and develop a team that works together to prevent and respond effectively to “out of control” […]Full Description
for Best Practices for Managing “Out of Control” Children: A Team Approach for Early Educators and Families, by Barbara Kaiser
Infant-Toddler Social-Emotional Development: The Heart of Early Learning, by Peter Mangione
11/12/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session will explore how emotionally secure relationships provide the springboard for early learning. It will first address the foundational nature of early relationship experiences. Then, we will consider what infants and toddlers learn in caring relationships, including expectations for how they are treated and ways in which they learn to regulate their emotions with […]Full Description
for Infant-Toddler Social-Emotional Development: The Heart of Early Learning, by Peter Mangione
Planning for Purposeful Play and Learning- Intentional Resource Selection in Early Education, by Andrew Davis
10/29/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Early Learning Series Do you enjoy or dread the task of ordering materials for the classrooms in your program? Do you have a process for ensuring the books, manipulatives, digital resources, and other durable materials support your program’s objectives and the standards to which you must […]Full Description
for Planning for Purposeful Play and Learning- Intentional Resource Selection in Early Education, by Andrew Davis
Out is In! How Outdoor Play Environments Bring Learning Outdoors, by Jennie Sumrell and Beth Wise
10/22/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by BigToys, PlayCore and The InvestiGator Club by Robert-Leslie Publishing. Outdoor play environments are the ideal place to reinforce learning in new and exciting ways. Explore ways to help children develop skills through hands-on learning experiences outdoors. The evidence is quite clear that play equals learning across developmental domains. Learning […]Full Description
for Out is In! How Outdoor Play Environments Bring Learning Outdoors, by Jennie Sumrell and Beth Wise
Technology “Must Haves” for Early Childhood Administrators, by Giovanni Arroyo
10/08/2014 - 2.00 pm
Do you want to streamline the process you use to manage your program? Would you like to use technology to work smarter, not harder? Join Giovanni Arroyo in this webinar to learn about the latest technology tools and systems that can reduce costs and decrease your workload. Giovanni will share over a decade’s […]Full Description
for Technology “Must Haves” for Early Childhood Administrators, by Giovanni Arroyo
Powerful Interactions In Early Childhood Programs: How Teachers Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning, by Judy Jablon
10/01/2014 - 2.00 pm
This powerfull webinar, presented by Judy Jablon, will focus on the powerful impact teachers can have when they intentionally and respectfully interact with children to extend their learning. Although research has shown that high-quality teacher-child interactions have a significant impact on children’s emotional, social, and cognitive development, many teachers grapple with […]Full Description
for Powerful Interactions In Early Childhood Programs: How Teachers Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning, by Judy Jablon
The Philosophical Baby: What Children’s Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love and the Meaning of Life, by Alison Gopnik
09/17/2014 - 2.00 pm
In the last thirty years there’s been a revolution in our scientific understanding of babies and young children, a revolution that’s also transformed our understanding of human nature itself. In this webinar, Dr.Gopnik will outline some of the new discoveries and their implications for the way we think about young children […]Full Description
for The Philosophical Baby: What Children’s Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love and the Meaning of Life, by Alison Gopnik
Slides from the webinar: The Philosophical Baby by Alison Gopnik 9.17.2014
Burton, Jessy
Associate Director, Psychosocial Programs , Save the Children US Programs
View profileIs Your Program Ready and Safe for Emergencies? Before, During and After the Unimaginable Happens, REPEAT PERFORMANCE by Sarah Thompson and Jessy Burton
09/10/2014 - 2.00 pm
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! A WEBINAR SO IMPORTANT AND POPULAR, WE’RE DOING IT AGAIN! This webinar sponsored by: THIS WEBINAR IS A REPEAT PERFORMANCE OF THE INFORMATION PACKED SESSION OFFERED ON AUGUST 6, 2014. Disasters can strike anywhere at any time, and when they do children are the most vulnerable victims. Each work day […]Full Description
Empowering Teachers to Build Language and Literacy Through Strength-based Coaching, by Betty and Kori Bardige
09/03/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series We know from research that language is key to both literacy and social-emotional development, and that children who develop robust vocabularies and communicative confidence are primed for ongoing success. New measures of quality focus on rich language and responsive communication. Using strength-based coaching to […]Full Description
for Empowering Teachers to Build Language and Literacy Through Strength-based Coaching, by Betty and Kori Bardige
A Wealth of Words: Some Lessons from Research- Handout by Betty and Kori Bardige from Empowering Teachers to Build Language and Literacy Through Strength-based Coaching, by Betty and Kori Bardige
QRIS, Licensing, and Accreditation: The Keys to Creating a Continuous Quality Improvement Culture in Your ECE Program, by Debi Mathias
08/27/2014 - 2.00 pm
Join Debi Mathias, from the BUILD initiative, in this powerful webinar to learn more about effective processes for managing and implementing QRIS, licensing, and accreditation. Debi will help you explore ideas about how to use regulations to create a culture of continuous quality improvement (CQI) and reflective practice within your program. You […]Full Description
for QRIS, Licensing, and Accreditation: The Keys to Creating a Continuous Quality Improvement Culture in Your ECE Program, by Debi Mathias
Stacey, Susan
Author/Teacher Educator , Nova Scotia College of Early Childhood Education
View profileEmergent Curriculum- Debunking the Myths and Creating Shared Understanding, by Susan Stacey
08/20/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series Emergent Curriculum is steeped in a strong theoretical background, is inquiry and play-based, and responds to the questions that arise from both children and teachers. Based on the work of Vygotsky, Dewey, and modern theorists such as Elizabeth Jones, Emergent Curriculum allows educators […]Full Description
for Emergent Curriculum- Debunking the Myths and Creating Shared Understanding, by Susan Stacey
Is Your Program Ready and Safe for Emergencies? Protecting Young Children Before, During and After the Unimaginable Happens, by Sarah Thompson and Paul Myers
08/06/2014 - 2.00 pm
This webinar sponsored by: Disasters can strike anywhere at any time, and when they do children are the most vulnerable victims. Each work day 68 million children are in child care or school, where parents assume they are safe, yet the 28 states and DC lack minimum standards for protecting children in these facilities. What’s […]Full Description
for Is Your Program Ready and Safe for Emergencies? Protecting Young Children Before, During and After the Unimaginable Happens, by Sarah Thompson and Paul Myers
A Menu for Successful Family Engagement- How Administrators Set the Table, by Bev Schumacher
07/16/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series Imagine walking into a new restaurant without knowing what the restaurant served. How would you know if the restaurant was appropriate for you and your family and how to plan your meal? Walking into a new early learning setting can be a similar experience for […]Full Description
for A Menu for Successful Family Engagement- How Administrators Set the Table, by Bev Schumacher
The Power of Playful Learning in Early Education: How Guided Play Sparks Social and Academic Outcomes by Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
06/18/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series Yale Professor Ed Zeigler wrote that “play is under siege.” In 1981 40% of a child’s discretionary time was spent in play. By 1997 that time had already decreased to 25%. In the last two decades children have lost 8 hours of free play per […]Full Description
for The Power of Playful Learning in Early Education: How Guided Play Sparks Social and Academic Outcomes by Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
Online Marketing Secrets for Early Childhood Programs: The #1 Key to Growing Your Enrollment, by Kris Murray
05/28/2014 - 2.00 pm
The marketing landscape has changed drastically for early childhood programs. Parents of young children are searching for child care online first, and what they find (and learn from others’ reviews) determines who they choose. Unfortunately, many child care programs are using outdated marketing methods and they simply don’t know how to optimize their online presence. […]Full Description
for Online Marketing Secrets for Early Childhood Programs: The #1 Key to Growing Your Enrollment, by Kris Murray
Clements, Douglas
Kennedy Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning; Executive Director, Marsico Institute for Early Learning and Literacy; and Professor , University of Denver
View profileThe Building Blocks of Early Mathematics: Learning Trajectories for Young Children, by Julie Sarama and Dr. Douglas Clements
05/14/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series What are the mathematical and educational building blocks of early mathematics? What role should these building blocks play in early education, and why? Julie Sarama and Douglas H. Clements will discuss these questions, including information on three recent publications that they helped […]Full Description
for The Building Blocks of Early Mathematics: Learning Trajectories for Young Children, by Julie Sarama and Dr. Douglas Clements
Learning in Two Languages in Early Childhood: What Every Early Childhood Professional Needs to Know, by Mileidis Gort
04/30/2014 - 2.00 pm
A large and growing number of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds have the potential to develop dual language and literacy skills if supported in their immediate environment. Scientific studies suggest that young children can benefit cognitively, linguistically, and culturally from learning more than one language in early childhood. Yet, the phenomenon of childhood bilingualism is […]Full Description
for Learning in Two Languages in Early Childhood: What Every Early Childhood Professional Needs to Know, by Mileidis Gort
Integrating STEAM into the ECE Classroom: Finding and Utilizing the Right Resources for Your Center, by Amy Koester
04/09/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series “Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist.” -Carl Sagan Children have a natural curiosity about the world, and their everyday play and learning allows them to engage in the world as scientists do–by fiddling and experimenting, testing and repeating and processing everything that they […]Full Description
for Integrating STEAM into the ECE Classroom: Finding and Utilizing the Right Resources for Your Center, by Amy Koester
We are In This Together: Quick Tips to Keep Families, Staff and Communities Engaged by Luisa M. Cotto
04/02/2014 - 2.00 pm
Early childhood education it is a shared responsibility with all those who support children’s learning. As an administrator, you and your program are in a unique position to promote children’s well-being – in your school and beyond the boundaries of your school – by engaging families and the community at large Successful engagement […]Full Description
for We are In This Together: Quick Tips to Keep Families, Staff and Communities Engaged by Luisa M. Cotto
Power Up Story Time by TALKING: Reading with Toddlers and Preschoolers in Small Groups, by Betty Bardige
03/19/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series From babyhood through school age, books play important roles in children’s lives. They support language and concept development, provide information and entertainment, deepen adult-child relationships, support creativity and the arts, foster social-emotional growth and the development of resiliences, and prime children for later school and […]Full Description
for Power Up Story Time by TALKING: Reading with Toddlers and Preschoolers in Small Groups, by Betty Bardige
Communicating with Families in Head Start- 21st Century Techniques to Enhance Family Involvement and Relationships, by Karen Nemeth
03/05/2014 - 2.00 pm
Communicating with parents of children in your program is more important than ever – and the options to support that communication are growing at a rapid pace. This webinar will describe recent research on the impact of parent engagement on preschool student outcomes and discuss strategies of improving that engagement. New options for using various […]Full Description
for Communicating with Families in Head Start- 21st Century Techniques to Enhance Family Involvement and Relationships, by Karen Nemeth
Early Literacy Beyond Circle Time- Integrating Language & Literacy into Play, by Melissa Depper and Laurie Ann Armstrong
02/26/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” –Fred Rogers Children are non-stop learners, and are constantly growing their awareness of language and building the […]Full Description
for Early Literacy Beyond Circle Time- Integrating Language & Literacy into Play, by Melissa Depper and Laurie Ann Armstrong
Reading for Information in Preschool- Best Practices in Selecting Informational Text by Jenny Meyer and Sarah Novy
02/05/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series Informational text is non-fiction written and intended to inform readers (and pre-readers) without reliance on characters. How can preschool programs select informational text for children that don’t even know how to read? Even if you are already using informational text in your program, you […]Full Description
for Reading for Information in Preschool- Best Practices in Selecting Informational Text by Jenny Meyer and Sarah Novy
Take the Sting out of Biting- The Administrator’s Role in Stopping Biting Before it Starts, by Lisa Poelle
01/22/2014 - 2.00 pm
Have you and your teachers struggled to find successful ways to deal with young children who frequently hurt others by biting? YOU and your teachers may be part of the problem! Biting is often caused (and always solved) by adults. Learn to approach the issue like a detective to uncover the underlying reasons and create […]Full Description
for Take the Sting out of Biting- The Administrator’s Role in Stopping Biting Before it Starts, by Lisa Poelle
Are Your Early Literacy Program Materials Good Enough? Let’s Find Out! by Kathleen Roskos and Lisa Lenhart
01/15/2014 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series The explosion of early literacy materials for young children is a real boon to busy for early childhood teachers. But the abundance also comes with a responsibility to make the best choices about which materials to select and use with young children. This webinar describes […]Full Description
for Are Your Early Literacy Program Materials Good Enough? Let’s Find Out! by Kathleen Roskos and Lisa Lenhart
Depper, Melissa
Librarian, Child and Family Library Services , Arapahoe Library District
View profileFire Up Early Literacy with Award-Winning Books: The CLEL Bell Picture Book Awards, by Melissa Depper
12/11/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series “The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.” -Becoming a Nation of Readers Research shows that shared picture book reading throughout the preschool years develops a range of critical early literacy skills, including […]Full Description
for Fire Up Early Literacy with Award-Winning Books: The CLEL Bell Picture Book Awards, by Melissa Depper
PLAY Silver Bell Activity Sheets
READ Silver Bell Activity Sheets
Sing Silver Bell Activity Sheets
Talk Silver Bell Activity Sheets
Connect Manipulative Play to STEM (STEAM) with cloudBoard, a Revolution in ECE Tech by Digital Dream Labs
12/04/2013 - 2.00 pm
Pop-Up Webinar from Early Childhood Investigations and Early Childhood Technology Network! Join this one-of-a-kind webinar presented by three of the brightest rising stars in educational technology, Justin Sabo, Peter Kinney, and Matt Stewart to hear about the thinking behind a brand new device, cloudBoard™ (that’s not a typo…it’s cloudBoard!) that takes iPads, and other mobile devices, […]Full Description
for Connect Manipulative Play to STEM (STEAM) with cloudBoard, a Revolution in ECE Tech by Digital Dream Labs
ECE Tech Trends in 2013 and New Directions for 2014- A TEC Conversation with Warren Buckleitner
11/13/2013 - 2.00 pm
Warren Buckleitner, founder and editor of Children’s Technology Review, will discuss 2013 technology trends, future directionsof 2014, and the importance of integrating technology in early childhood programs. Applying child development theory as a framework, his presentation shares ideas educators can use to create engaging and innovate learning experiences with young children that compliment other hands-on educational experiences. This discussion exposes educators to the current teaching strategies that incorporate technology in early childhood environments and the possibilities of the future.Full Description
for ECE Tech Trends in 2013 and New Directions for 2014- A TEC Conversation with Warren Buckleitner
Using an Anti-Bias Lens to Examine Early Childhood Children’s Books by Linda Santora and Cheryl Kilodavis
11/06/2013 - 2.00 pm
Literature is a powerful vehicle for helping children understand their homes, communities and the world. Even before young children can read, family members, childcare providers and teachers read them stories about people in far away places, sometimes from the distant past and sometimes about people whose lives are similar to their own. The impressions and messages contained in these stories can last a lifetime. Full Description
for Using an Anti-Bias Lens to Examine Early Childhood Children’s Books by Linda Santora and Cheryl Kilodavis
Link to Cheryl Kilodavis interview on the Today show
ADL Article- Assessing Children's Book Collections Using An Anti-Bias Lens
Using Developmentally Appropriate Practice with Early Learners to Evaluate Apps- A TEC Track Webinar by Gail Lovely
10/16/2013 - 2.00 pm
As an increasing number early childhood educators include tablets in their programs, they are asking more questions about ow to use these digital tools. How do they know which apps to download? How will they use apps to create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students? To help navigate through this process Gail Lovely, founder of, will guide you through evaluating and selecting apps for professional use as well as to create effective and engaging learning experiences for young childrenFull Description
for Using Developmentally Appropriate Practice with Early Learners to Evaluate Apps- A TEC Track Webinar by Gail Lovely
The ECE Director’s Guide to Must-Have Literacy Practices in Early Education Classrooms, by Nell K. Duke
10/02/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series Research increasingly points to the significant influence that preschool years, and preschool educators, can have on children’s short- and long-term literacy development. In this presentation, Nell Duke, Author of The ABCs of Emergent Literacy, and professor of language, literacy, and culture at the University of […]Full Description
for The ECE Director’s Guide to Must-Have Literacy Practices in Early Education Classrooms, by Nell K. Duke
Handout-The ECE Director’s Guide to Must-Have Literacy Practices in Early Education Classrooms
Aghayan, Carol
Independent Professional Training & Coaching Professional , Carol Aghayan, LLC
View profileHow to Support Teachers’ Use of Story Retelling to Build Comprehension and Oral Language in Early Learning Programs, by Cate Heroman and Carol Aghayan
09/25/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series We know children love to tell and retell stories. But story retelling is a powerful strategy for teachers, coaches and administrators who must help children meet standards. In fact, story retelling is a standard in the Common Core State Standards for kindergarten and in many […]Full Description
for How to Support Teachers’ Use of Story Retelling to Build Comprehension and Oral Language in Early Learning Programs, by Cate Heroman and Carol Aghayan
Cate Heroman's Pinterest Board
Sample Book List and References
Resources from Follett Early Learning:
The following Comprehension and Oral Language Collection was developed with Cate Heroman and the early learning collection development experts at Follett Early Learning.
Narrative Book Collection curated by Cate Heroman
Predictable Book Collection curated by Cate Heroman
Oral Storytelling Collection curated by Cate Heroman
Stansbury, Mary
Associate Professor and Chair , Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
View profileLibrarians and DAP Early Childhood Programs – Powerful Strategies for Growing Young Readers by Mary Stansbury
08/14/2013 - 2.00 pm
Librarians are outstanding and eager partners in efforts to nurture early literacy skills. Learn about the things libraries are already doing in partnership with early childhood educators and families, and suggestions for partnering with libraries in your own community.Full Description
for Librarians and DAP Early Childhood Programs – Powerful Strategies for Growing Young Readers by Mary Stansbury
Improving Vocabulary in the Age of Common Core Standards- Guidance for Early Childhood Educators by Susan B. Neuman
08/07/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series Children today in the age of common core standards will need richer vocabulary and deeper content knowledge to comprehend complex text. This session describes what we know from recent research on improving vocabulary instruction, highlighting key principles that are related to reading improvement. It […]Full Description
for Improving Vocabulary in the Age of Common Core Standards- Guidance for Early Childhood Educators by Susan B. Neuman
Thouvenelle, Suzanne
Early Childhood Development Content Liaison , National Head Start Information Communications Center
View profileSTEM- Growing ECE Educators Who Can Support Children’s Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math by Suzanne Thouvenelle
06/19/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Classroom Investigations Series sponsored by the InvestiGator Club Have you ever heard of STEM and wondered exactly what that means or how it applies to early childhood classroom practice? Join this webinar to find out about this “hot” topic. Learn why it’s so important to help teachers develop […]Full Description
for STEM- Growing ECE Educators Who Can Support Children’s Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math by Suzanne Thouvenelle
Stop Bullying Before it Starts – Arming Our Children with Emotional Intelligence by Dr. Donna Housman
06/05/2013 - 2.00 pm
Bullying is a serious problem in today’s society, and preschoolers are not immune. Despite significant efforts to curb the problem, troubling incidents continue. It is clear that the roots of bullying can be traced to early childhood. As an administrator of an early learning program, you must take an active role in prevention.Full Description
Challenging Behavior and Culture – A Connection? Creating Culturally Respectful ECE Environments by Barbara Kaiser
05/15/2013 - 2.00 pm
This webinar will look at culture from a research based perspective in order to help directors understand the influence of culture - the child's, the educator's, and the center's (school's) - on behavior because a cultural conflict, visible or invisible, can cause or contribute to challenging behavior.Full Description
for Challenging Behavior and Culture – A Connection? Creating Culturally Respectful ECE Environments by Barbara Kaiser
Boggess, Lisa
Professional Development Specialist , Francis Institute for Child and Youth Development
View profileLeading Through Coaching in Early Childhood: Key Elements of Effective Coaching Relationships by Annette Farrell and Lisa Boggess
05/01/2013 - 2.00 pm
Directors, coordinators and supervisors are faced with ongoing pressures in their leadership roles. As leaders, instead of reinforcing the positives in our programs, we have a tendency to focus on what needs to be fixed. This affects what we believe, and what we believe affects our responses, interactions, relationships, and our understanding of how best […]Full Description
for Leading Through Coaching in Early Childhood: Key Elements of Effective Coaching Relationships by Annette Farrell and Lisa Boggess
Offering “Child-Centered” Early Childhood Programs- Tips for Administrators from the Ooey Gooey Lady. Lisa Murphy
04/24/2013 - 2.00 pm
Join the Ooey Gooey Lady, Lisa Murphy, for a highly interactive look at what makes child-centered environments so important in early childhood. This webinar will provide administrators with an in-depth exploration of the 9 points within the framework of Lisa Murphy’s approach to working with children. Lisa will share examples and anecdotes to illustrate what it really means to support teachers so they can offer hands-on, play-based, child-centered programs. Join Lisa for her signature “learn and laugh” style and pragmatic approach to one of the most important elements of offering developmentally appropriate early childhood programs.Full Description
for Offering “Child-Centered” Early Childhood Programs- Tips for Administrators from the Ooey Gooey Lady. Lisa Murphy
Rogow, Faith
PhD, Founder and Media Literacy Specialist , Insighters Educational Consulting
View profileDigital & Media Literacy – Practical Pedagogy Behind Successful Technology Integration in ECE- A TEC Track Webinar by Faith Rogow
04/17/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Erikson Institute’s TEC Center – an innovative online community dedicated to the effective, appropriate, and intentional use of technology and interactive media as tools with young children. Like pencils, digital technologies are tools. And like pencils, knowing how to use digital devices is part of being literate, but it isn’t […]Full Description
for Digital & Media Literacy – Practical Pedagogy Behind Successful Technology Integration in ECE- A TEC Track Webinar by Faith Rogow
Key Questions to Ask When Analyzing Media Messages
What Digital Media Literacy Looks Like
The Case for Digital Media Literacy in Early Childhood Education
Wood, Julie M.
Creative Expert in Digital Learning , Julie Wood, Educational Consultant
View profileClose the Vocabulary Gap! Proven Strategies ECE Administrators Can Use to Help Teachers Enhance Vocabulary in Their Classrooms by Julie Wood, Ed.D.
04/10/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series A child’s vocabulary is their passport to understanding and interpreting a wide range of texts. Unfortunately many children from low-income settings enter school with significantly smaller vocabularies than their more economically-advantaged peers. Hart & Risley’s (1995) research with young children showed a 30-million word gap […]Full Description
for Close the Vocabulary Gap! Proven Strategies ECE Administrators Can Use to Help Teachers Enhance Vocabulary in Their Classrooms by Julie Wood, Ed.D.
Quick and Effective Professional Development that is Shorter than a Snooze – Naptime PD Activities for ECE Teachers, by Camille Catlett
04/03/2013 - 2.00 pm
There never seems to be enough time to inspire and train early childhood teachers. As a Director or professional development provider, you often have to squeeze in professional development whenever you can. In this webinar, Camille Catlett will provide you with powerful ideas that you can use to support the development of capable, confident personnel […]Full Description
for Quick and Effective Professional Development that is Shorter than a Snooze – Naptime PD Activities for ECE Teachers, by Camille Catlett
To subscribe to the Natural Resources listserv, send an email with no message to
Note the hyphen and underscore characters.
Baby Talk is a free, one-way listserv that is distributed every other week. Each issue features one or more resources, the majority of which are available to download at no cost. To join the listserv, send an email with no message to:
To suggest resources, please contact Camille Catlett at or (919) 966-6635.
Braa, Dawn
Early Childhood & Youth Development Instructor , Dakota County Technical College
View profileBlogging for Community Building in Early Childhood Programs and Organizations by Dawn Braa
03/20/2013 - 2.00 pm
Blogging has benefits… Blogging can assist with building community, networking professionally, communicating with parents, marketing, and much more! Blogs are important vehicles to connect all of the stakeholders in the early childhood community. Direct service programs, national, state, and local organizations, colleges and companies are finding that their blogs not only attract new visitors, they […]Full Description
for Blogging for Community Building in Early Childhood Programs and Organizations by Dawn Braa
Resources for Supporting Early Childhood Administrators: A Smorgasbord of Options and Opportunities by Sue Offutt
03/06/2013 - 2.00 pm
As the director or administrator of an early childhood program facing the unique challenges 21st century program management, it is important to be able to gather informal and formal information you can use to measure, monitor, and improve your program’s quality. The options are vast and dispersed, so locating the best resources can be overwhelming. […]Full Description
for Resources for Supporting Early Childhood Administrators: A Smorgasbord of Options and Opportunities by Sue Offutt
Supporting Early Childhood Administrators: A SMORGASBORD OF RESOURCES
McCormick Centerfor Early Childhood Leadership
Leadership Matters. A document that provides an overview of the research for “what we know” and “what we need to know” about leadership in early childhood.
Early Childhood Work Environment Survey (ECWES) short form. This free tool can help you get a quick pulse of organizational functioning in your early childhood program.
Early Childhood Work Environment Survey (ECWES) – long form. A tool to assess the organizational climate of an early childhood program.
Professional Development brochure. See what professional development opportunities the McCormick Center offers in 2013.
f. Leadership Connections brochure.
Join us for the 2013 Leadership Connections National Conference
g. Where to order books:
Dressler, Miriam
Early Childhood Education Quality & Training Specialist , Bloom Training & Consulting
View profileECE Program Accreditation & QRIS- Proven Strategies to Survive, Thrive, and Achieve Your Quality Goals, By Rachel Robertson and Miriam Dressler
02/27/2013 - 2.00 pm
Measuring your ECE program's current quality and working toward standards to improve quality are critical practices for early care and education programs, but the process can be down right grueling. Using our years of experience working in an education department to support almost two thousand centers across the country combined with our personal experience as accreditation validators and QRIS consultants, we have gathered strategies, best practices, and resources that can help all program administrators successfully achieve their quality measurement goals.Full Description
for ECE Program Accreditation & QRIS- Proven Strategies to Survive, Thrive, and Achieve Your Quality Goals, By Rachel Robertson and Miriam Dressler
Effective, Appropriate, & Intentional Use of Technology Tools in ECE Classrooms- A TEC Track Webinar by Mark Bailey and Aja Appel
02/20/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the TEC Track Series of webinars offered by the TEC Center at Erikson Institute. Digital tools are playing an increasingly important role in classroom learning. In order to design quality learning experiences for their students, educators must be informed and insightful in the manner in which they integrate these technologies. […]Full Description
for Effective, Appropriate, & Intentional Use of Technology Tools in ECE Classrooms- A TEC Track Webinar by Mark Bailey and Aja Appel
Priming Children for Language and Literacy Success: A Focus on the Toddler Years, by Betty Bardige, Ed.D.
02/06/2013 - 2.00 pm
This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series The research is clear: rich language experience gives babies and toddlers an ongoing and increasing advantage. Children who hear more words and more encouraging words as babies and who get more opportunities to hear and use interesting words as toddlers develop vocabularies, communication skills, and social-emotional […]Full Description
for Priming Children for Language and Literacy Success: A Focus on the Toddler Years, by Betty Bardige, Ed.D.
Handout: Language Building Habits
Handout: Toddlers' Language and Literacy: Lessons from Research
Resources for Teachers
Language-Building Tips: (Weekly tips for teachers of 2-6 year olds)
ZERO TO THREE Journal Articles:
Resources for Parents
A Child Becomes a Reader: Proven Ideas from Research for Parents
Ele Fred Rogers Center Early Learning Environment:
Reach Out and Read:
ZERO TO THREE free parent resources
Professional Development Resources
ZERO TO THREE Cradling Literacy:
Support Diversity in Your ECE Program With a A Treasure Trove of Free Resources: Libraries and Librarians by Lisa Guernsey, Karen Nemeth, Cen Campbell
01/16/2013 - 2.00 pm
Do you find yourself searching for great resources to enrich your multicultural or multilingual program? It is a challenge for preschool administrators to find the right materials for the languages and cultures they serve. The solution may be more accessible and affordable than you think: Partner with your local library. There are so many ways this kind of partnership can help both parties because librarians need to connect with families in your community to provide appropriate activities for ALL of the parents and children. Librarians have the skills and special tools to help your staff discover and use materials and resources they might never have considered before.This just might be the perfect match!Full Description
Slides from Karen Nemeth's Segment
Slides from Lisa Guernsey's Segment
Slides from Cen Campbell's Segment
Pioneering Literacy in the Digital Wild West: Empowering Parents and Educators
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, 2012
Technology in Education: Building Platforms for Connections and Content that Strengthen Families and Promote Success in School
Education Commission of the States, 2012
Follett Early Learning Growing Readers Webinar Series
Empowering Staff to Lead from Within in Early Childhood Settings – No Director Is An Island, by Dr. Bisa Lewis
01/09/2013 - 2.00 pm
As the Director in your program, you have a lot of responsibility. It sometimes seems it’s all on your shoulders because you wear so many hats and play so many critical roles. Wouldn’t it be great to harness the leadership potential and skills in your key staff members so you can focus on the most important work? In this practical and advice-packed session, Dr. Bisa Lewis, the author of the Wings Curriculum, will help you learn effective management strategies for empowering staff members and parents to actively support implementation of program policies, goals and objectives. You will learn how to bring out the emerging leader in key staff members and give them the nudge they need to develop their leadership potential, share important responsibilities, and lead from within. Join us to learn innovative approaches to shared governance. Let go and let staff grow! Isn’t it time to watch your program blossom?Full Description
for Empowering Staff to Lead from Within in Early Childhood Settings – No Director Is An Island, by Dr. Bisa Lewis
Digital and DAP- What ECE Administrators and Trainers Need to Know to Help Teachers Use Technology by Karen Nemeth and Fran Simon
12/12/2012 - 2.00 pm
Now that we are deep into the 21st century, there's no escaping technology. Whether you think tech is good, bad, or ugly, its inevitable that tech will impact your work, and the work of the teachers you lead. It is time to embrace the fact that as an administrator, teacher educator, or trainer, you will have to address technology and its relationship to learning and developmentally appropriate practice. Full Description
for Digital and DAP- What ECE Administrators and Trainers Need to Know to Help Teachers Use Technology by Karen Nemeth and Fran Simon
Study Guide for Digital Decisions: Choosing the Right Technology Tools for Early Childhood Education
PASSWORD: 121212 (Available at no cost until December 26, 2012. Value $9.99. Link will expire on 12/26/2012)
Digital Decisions: Choosing the Right Technology Tools for Early Childhood Education (Gryphon House)
Digital Decisions: Choosing the Right Technology Tools for Early Childhood Education (Amazon)
Technology Resources Posters with QR Codes for your workshop or classroom (3 poster sized pages)
The Source of Technology Leadership: YOU! by Fran Simon, Child Care Information Exchange, Nov/Dec, 2012 (Provided with permission, Copyright, Exchange Press)
Language Castle website (Karen Nemeth, Ed.M.)
Early Childhood Technology Network
Early Childhood Technology Network on Linkedin
Early Childhood Technology Network on Facebook
Early Childhood Technology Network on Twitter
Increasing Enrollment and Parent Engagement Through Social Media and Online Communication Tools, by Fran Simon, M.Ed.
12/05/2012 - 2.00 pm
Early childhood learning programs thrive when they communicate well. Effective communication drives your program's brand in your community and on the web. In this webinar, the CEO of, Matt Harrell, will explore the different levels on which a program needs to communicate in order to effectively market itself, drive enrollment and keep parents engaged.Full Description
for Increasing Enrollment and Parent Engagement Through Social Media and Online Communication Tools, by Fran Simon, M.Ed.
My Slideshare page with articles from Child Care Information Exchange and other presentations
Resources for Social Media Policy Development:
- 10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy: Mashable
- Wild Apricot Blog Article
- Social Media Governance: Online Database of Social Media Policies
- Advice and samples from NonProfitMarketing Guide
- Tips for Writing Your First Social Media Policy: NTEN
Social Media for Newbies:
More depth on Twitter:
Here are a few resources to help you get started and then move beyond the basic feed....
Twitter Basics on The Twitter Help Center
Twitter in Plain English by CommonCraft (Evaluation version)
The Twitter Blog
Moving on to enrich your experience:
26 Keys to Twitter Success on Social Media Explorer
Cross-pollinating with Hashtags on Twitter on my blog
Twitter for #ECE? Let me Count The Ways! on my blog
A few great Twitter tools
Tools that make Twitter easier, faster, and more logical (And they are free!)
Tweeting Tools:
These tools are desktop systems that you can use to manage your tweets. All have similar features and functionality. Just use the one you prefer.Hashtag Directories
Apps and Software in Early Childhood Classrooms: A Continuum of Teaching Tools, Kate Highfield
11/14/2012 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by The TEC Center at Erikson Institute. Increasingly young children have access to a broad range of engaging technologies including educational software, web based resources, interactive multimedia and Apps. While many of these resources have the opportunity to positively enhance learning and play, teachers also need to consider the pedagogic approaches […]Full Description
for Apps and Software in Early Childhood Classrooms: A Continuum of Teaching Tools, Kate Highfield
Hester Paul, M.S.
National Director, Eco-Healthy Child Care® , Children's Environmental Health Network
View profileSmall Steps to Improve Children’s Environmental Health in your Early Childhood Program
10/31/2012 - 2.00 pm
PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE! OCTOBER 31, 2012! Children spend a significant time in child care settings. Early care and education programs should be safe and healthy and provide a learning environment free from exposures to lead, pesticides, plastics, harsh cleaning products and other hazards. Have you ever wondered how the environment or the chemicals used […]Full Description
Slide Deck 1: Margo Young, EPA
Slide Deck 2: Hester Paul, Eco-Healthy™ Child Care
Slide Deck 3: Jacque Sell, Children's Creative Learning Centers
Child care centers and family home programs qualify as “Eco-Healthy” by completing a checklist that highlights 30 simple, free or low-cost steps that help you make safer choices for children. Eco-Healthy providers commit to reducing children's exposure to environmental health hazards.
The checklist is the core of EHCC. Download the EHCCEnglish/Spanish checklist.
Information about hazards in household chemicals
The Director’s Role in Developing LEGAL Enrollment Agreements – So Much More Than an Enrollment Form, by Michelle McGinnis
10/24/2012 - 2.00 pm
What is your process when you enroll new families in your preschool program? Many schools and child care facilities use a standard enrollment form instead of an Admission Agreement. Regardless of whether you require parents to complete a basic enrollment form or have them enter into an agreement with you, it’s critical that your documentation protects your program and outlines the details of the relationship. Even the most minimal of agreements provide for the basics, such as days and time of operation and the fees charged, but an agreement can and should be a comprehensive document that governs the relationship between the school and parents in a number of common scenarios.Full Description
for The Director’s Role in Developing LEGAL Enrollment Agreements – So Much More Than an Enrollment Form, by Michelle McGinnis
- Childcare Compliance Exchange article – A Strong Admission Agreement will help you avoid litigation and other troubles
- Childcare Compliance Free Forms registration
- Childcare Compliance – ievidence mobile app for iPhone
- Childcare Compliance – ievidence mobile app for Android
(Available 11/4/12)
- Childcare Compliance Article Archive – Find all articles here
- Childcare Compliance News – Stay Current on Childcare Law, News and trends
- Childcare Compliance Facebook Page – Stay Current on Childcare Industry News
- Childcare Compliance Twitter – Urgent Childcare Law related news
- Childcare Compliance You Tube – Testimonials and video or common mistakes
- Childcare Compliance eNewsletter
- Childcare Compliance Press releases – New technology for providers
ECE Tech Trends in 2012, New Directions for 2013, and Why Tech Integration Matters- A TEC Conversation with Warren Buckleitner
10/17/2012 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by The TEC Center at Erikson Institute. Warren Buckleitner, Editor of Children’s Technology Review, and Chip Donohue, Director of the TEC Center at Erikson Institute, will talk about technology trends, issues, and opportunities for early childhood educators and young children in 2012, and gaze into a virtual crystal ball to predict […]Full Description
Due to file size limitations, the slide deck from ECE Tech Trends in 2012, New Directions for 2013, and Why Tech Integration Matters by Warren Buckleitner have been divided into 4 parts.
Engaging Children’s Hearts and Minds: Teaching and Learning with the Project Approach, by Sylvia Chard
10/03/2012 - 2.00 pm
This webinar presents an overview of the Project Approach to teaching and learning. Illustrated with photographs of project work in action Sylvia Chard offers a practical account of how teachers can develop in-depth projects with young children. Through their studies of the local environment many opportunities arise for children to apply math and language skills. Progress made by individual children in this context can be very rewarding to them and impressive to teachers and parents.Full Description
Sylvia's Site:
Free Project Approach Study Guide
Webinar Slides- 6 files
Michael Robb, Ph.D.
Director of Education and Research , Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media
View profileUsing Ele™, a Free Online Tool, to Incorporate Principles from NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center into Your Program
09/12/2012 - 2.00 pm
This webinar is sponsored by the TEC Center at Erikson Institute. The NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center joint position statement on technology and media in ECE is great…. but now what? Join Michael Robb and Chip Donohue for a discussion of how free online tools can be used in ways that support the […]Full Description
for Using Ele™, a Free Online Tool, to Incorporate Principles from NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center into Your Program
Strader, Bill
Facilitator, Student Interest Forum of NAEYC , National Association for the Education of Young Children
View profilePut future ECE leaders to work in your program: Making the most of college students in early childhood settings
08/22/2012 - 2.00 pm
Future Leaders in Early Childhood Rock! So who are our future leaders in the field of Early Childhood Education? College and university students, ECE clubs and organizations, faculty sponsors and advisers have been building collaborative, cooperative relationships with the affiliates of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Just this past year over […]Full Description
for Put future ECE leaders to work in your program: Making the most of college students in early childhood settings
Challenging Behavior is Everyone’s Challenge! How to support ECE staff who work with children with challenging behaviors
08/15/2012 - 2.00 pm
A child care center director/administrator is an advocate for the children, the staff and the center. When there is a child with challenging behavior at the center, this becomes an even more difficult task. Learn strategies that will help you support your staff through what can be a very difficult time. Help your staff to […]Full Description
for Challenging Behavior is Everyone’s Challenge! How to support ECE staff who work with children with challenging behaviors
Bonus Slides! Tips for Developing a Behavior Management Policy
Facing the Challenge Tran the Trainer 2.5 Day Training - Registration Flyer
Build Waiting Lists for Your ECE Program with ideas from the Fortune 500
07/11/2012 - 2.00 pm
BB Discover how surprisingly small changes in your marketing practices can lead to having parents lined up around the block to enroll their children in your center. In this session, Jeff Holden and Ben Morris will offer tips to simplify your enrollment management including: Setting up a simple process to follow up with families and […]Full Description
Build Child Care Waiting Lists: Slides Part 1
Build Child Care Waiting Lists: Slides Part 2
DeHaney, Felecia
President and Chief Executive Officer , National Black Child Development Institute
View profileFamily, Culture, Program Administration, and Social-Emotional Development- A Lens for ECE Administrators
06/27/2012 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by the National Black Child Development Institute. It’s a fact that strong early social-emotional development underlies future academic success, but how often do you, as the administrator, examine the impact family culture has on your program’s social-emotional ecosystem? Join this free webinar to learn more about the relationship between culture, program administration […]Full Description
for Family, Culture, Program Administration, and Social-Emotional Development- A Lens for ECE Administrators
Cultural Improvement Tool (PDF) by National Black Child Development Institute
Cultural Improvement Tool (Interactive Form) on the NBCDI Website
Peers Vote out Kindergarten Students
Getskow, Veronica
Early Childhood and Child Development Professor , Los Angeles Community College District
View profileEmotionally Healthy Children, Families, Early Childhood Programs and Communities
06/20/2012 - 2.00 pm
One of the biggest challenges early childhood educators face is how to help children develop social-emotional skills and resiliency. This unique session will show teachers and administrators how to combine common sense and systematic methods to create a community environment where children, parents, teachers and administrators thrive. It will provide an action strategy, including simple […]Full Description
for Emotionally Healthy Children, Families, Early Childhood Programs and Communities
Using ECE Technology DAP-Style! Top Questions Answered – A TEC Track Session
06/06/2012 - 2.00 pm
The presenters for this session, Karen Nemeth, Ed.M., and Fran Simon, M.Ed, will walk you through many of the signature guidelines presented in the new technology position statement by NAEYC and The Fred Rogers Center, as well as the recommendations Karen and Fran make in their soon-to-be-released book on technology in early childhood classrooms.Full Description
for Using ECE Technology DAP-Style! Top Questions Answered – A TEC Track Session
Digital Decisions Book Network (Receive a discount code for 20% off and FREE shipping when you register)
Basic Literacy Skills Self-Assessment form from Digital Decisions
Mentoring for ECE Staff – The Goldmine of Self-Sustaining Mentoring Practices
05/23/2012 - 2.00 pm
Exposure to role models and mentors is correlated with higher confidence, success rates, and ascension in organizations. Of course, this all sounds great, until it becomes another thing on your to do list! Guerrilla Mentoring, a proprietary process adapted by the award winning Hot Mommas Project (a global leadership venture), helps overcome this concern. Guerrilla […]Full Description
Teaching with Technology: Guidance from the NAEYC + Fred Rogers Center Joint Position Statement
05/09/2012 - 2.00 pm
Chip Donohue and Roberta Schomburg, Senior Fellows at the Fred Rogers Center, will discuss the revision process and their approach to the NAEYC and Fred Rogers Center Joint Position Statement on Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8. Full Description
for Teaching with Technology: Guidance from the NAEYC + Fred Rogers Center Joint Position Statement
Guiding Teachers to Use Teachable Moments in Early Childhood Settings
05/02/2012 - 2.00 pm
This session is sponsored by Hatch Early Learning Our focus with Teachable Moments in Early Childhood will enable leaders and administrators to build teacher awareness in regards to the endless teachable moments that occur throughout each day in your early childhood program. Jenne Parks, Content Specialist for Hatch Early Childhood, will lead a discussion on the subject […]Full Description
for Guiding Teachers to Use Teachable Moments in Early Childhood Settings
5 Simple Steps for Progress Monitoring in Early Childhood Programs
04/04/2012 - 2.00 pm
Progress monitoring can be made simple and straightforward and have a big impact on improving outcomes for the children in your early childhood program. In this session you will learn the basics of progress monitoring and 5 simple steps to implement a progress monitoring approach that is easy to do, time efficient, and effective. Full Description
Download the slides from the session
Bruno, Holly Elissa
Author, Professor, Keynote Speaker and Radio Host , Holly Elissa Bruno Keynotes & Teambuilding
View profileManaging Risks in ECE: Preventing Legal Hot Spots from Becoming Lawsuits, by Tom Copeland and Holly Elissa Bruno
04/01/2012 - 2.00 pm
Do you worry that your actions as a child care administrator may encourage a parent to sue your program? This webinar will offer practical advice on how to reduce the risks of lawsuits. Two attorneys will help guide you through the legal maze to avoid illegal discrimination, maintain confidentiality, and establish policies and procedures to resolve conflicts.Full Description
Staff Motivation – The Answers to Your Burning Questions About How to Motivate and Retain ECE Staff
03/21/2012 - 2.00 pm
Finding and keeping the best, most motivated teachers is a constant challenge for most early childhood program Directors. Once you find them, it’s critical to do everything you can to keep them engaged and motivated. The presenter for this session, Julie Barkus, has made it her life’s work to help program administrators learn techniques to […]Full Description
for Staff Motivation – The Answers to Your Burning Questions About How to Motivate and Retain ECE Staff
No More Spaces- How to Attract More Families to Your ECE Program in Our Digital Economy
03/07/2012 - 2.00 pm
Are you a child care director, administrator, or owner who struggles with using technology in your marketing to attract new families to your program? Join Kris Murray, President of Child Care Marketing Solutions, as she reveals proven strategies for how to effectively attract and enroll Millennial Moms in today's digital economy.Full Description
for No More Spaces- How to Attract More Families to Your ECE Program in Our Digital Economy
Kris' website:
The Ultimate Marketing Guide, by Kris Murray
Quality ECE Inclusion Programs for ALL Children: Operating Standards for High Quality Inclusive Child Care
02/08/2012 - 2.00 pm
Have you ever wondered where to turn for help when you are faced with the challenges of providing high-quality education and care for children with special needs? If you have ever sought practical answers, you may have experienced a frustrating void. Easter Seals to the rescue!Full Description
for Quality ECE Inclusion Programs for ALL Children: Operating Standards for High Quality Inclusive Child Care
Easter Seals Website | Operating Standards for High Quality Inclusive Child Care
Modern ECE Professional Learning Communities: A Case Study from Mind in The Making
02/01/2012 - 2:00PM Eastern Time
Soon after Ellen’s book Mind in the Making (MITM) was published in 2010, she found that groups were convening around the book in professional learning communities. Webinars and symposiums were being held, book clubs were forming, professional groups were studying the book to apply what they had learned, training was being offered, and Mind in the Making became the focus of conferences, websites, and chat groups. Full Description
for Modern ECE Professional Learning Communities: A Case Study from Mind in The Making
Bruno, Holly Elissa
Author, Professor, Keynote Speaker and Radio Host , Holly Elissa Bruno Keynotes & Teambuilding
View profile3 Steps to Encourage ECE Teachers To Be Problem Solvers: Encourage Winners, Not Whiners!
01/18/2012 - 2.00 pm
New effective strategies can help you establish a "negativity free" zone in your program. A few simple-to-master steps will take you away from the realm of victims, back into the "can do" zone. Are you ready? Join us to learn 3 steps to clear the air and create a peaceful, positive environment. Full Description
Slides from the session: Create Winners, Not Whiners
What You Need To Lead An Early Childhood Program: Emotional Intelligence in Practice
How ECE Directors Can Develop and Lead an Effective Board of Directors
01/11/2012 - 2.00 pm
Running a successful Board of Directors is not an easy job and it doesn't just happen. It takes time, effort and planning. An organization's success can be greatly enhanced or dramatically improved by the contributions of a fully functioning Board of Directors. Boards and Program Directors' who build strong partnerships are able to lead their organizations to higher levels of performance and overall program success. Full Description
for How ECE Directors Can Develop and Lead an Effective Board of Directors
Board of Directors Evaluation Checklist
Board of Directors' Roles and Responsibilities
Barb's Book: Staying on Course: The Early Childhood Board's Guide to Success
ECE Leader’s Guide to Effective Staff Development – How to Get Your Money’s Worth
12/14/2011 - 2.00 pm
Professional development is a big deal! It can cost a lot, is important for your staff, important to high quality early childhood education - and your license, funding or accreditation may depend on it.Full Description
for ECE Leader’s Guide to Effective Staff Development – How to Get Your Money’s Worth
Custom Webinars for Professional Development by Karen Nemeth
Sandbox Social Media: Early Childhood Educators Making Digital Connections
12/07/2011 - 2.00 pm
Join Fran Simon and Karen Nemeth, two early childhood educators who are also passionate about using social media in their work, for a webinar that will introduce you to surprising strategies and help you realize there's something for everyone in the social media sandbox. Full Description
for Sandbox Social Media: Early Childhood Educators Making Digital Connections
Social media resources for getting started
Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Power Tools
Social Media and the Workplace by Common Craft
Mashable’s AMAZING Twitter Guide
Lehnhardt, Kara
e-Learning Initiatives Manager , North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc.
View profileI’m an ECE Administrator! Now What? Scaffolding for Career Development and Program Improvement
11/16/2011 - 2.00 pm
Being the head of an early childhood organization is rewarding and challenging. You’ve worked hard to earn your place as a leader. So, what are your next steps? This webinar will help you explore the benefits of ongoing professional development. You will see how achieving a director credential links to accreditation, quality rating systems, and […]Full Description
for I’m an ECE Administrator! Now What? Scaffolding for Career Development and Program Improvement
- McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership:
- Aim4Excellence National Director Credential:
- Leadership Matters (a compilation of research demonstrating why program directors capable of strong leadership are essential):
- List of state director credentials and corresponding contacts:
- NAEYC Program Accreditation candidacy requirements (and alternative pathways):
- New Horizons (order The Inside Out and other books in the Director’s Toolbox series):
Guernsey, Lisa
Senior Advisor on Early and Elementary Education Policy , New America Foundation
View profileRace to the Top- The Early Learning Challenge Program: What It Means to You
10/26/2011 - 2.00 pm
With the arrival of the new federal competition, Race to the Top - Early Learning Challenge, early childhood programs are finally getting a seat at the table in conversations about education reform. Full Description
Slides from Lisa's Webinar: A presentation on the Race to the Top - Early Learning Challenge
Top Contenders in the Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge
DAP + Tech in Early Childhood Classrooms: Best Practice Looks Like This
10/12/2011 - 2.00 pm
As early childhood educators, it's our goal to help prepare young children for the future: how to listen, speak, respect, engage, create, think, and reflect. We offer children concrete, hands-on experiences that encourage inquiry and investigation. Now, in the 21st century, we are looking for answers about how to integrate and use technology to enhance and augment practices that foster divergent thinking. Full Description
for DAP + Tech in Early Childhood Classrooms: Best Practice Looks Like This
Links to videos referenced in Brian's session:
Almeras, Bethe
Education & Outreach Director , Head Start Body Start National Center for Physical Development and Outdoor Play
View profileCreating a Nature-Based Culture in Your Program
09/28/2011 - 2.00 pm
In today's harried society, getting young children (and their adults!) outside and connected with nature offers many benefits. This session will explore five essential steps in creating a Nature-Based Culture in your Program.Full Description
for Creating a Nature-Based Culture in Your Program
Nature Resources suggested by Bethe Almeras
ECE Program Contracts & Policies 101: How to Establish and Maintain Effective Business Relationships with Parents
09/21/2011 - 2.00 pm
Being a child care administrator or family child care provider can sometimes be like a high-wire tightrope walker. As the primary leader in your organization, you have to maintain a careful balance between nurturing open relationships with parents and establishing clear business guidelines and procedures. It may seen counterintuitive, but clear, well-implemented policies and contracts can actually pave the way for warm, caring professional relationships by establishing common ground right off the bat. Full Description
for ECE Program Contracts & Policies 101: How to Establish and Maintain Effective Business Relationships with Parents
Policy on Parents Supporting their Children
5 Simple Steps To Help You Manage, Motivate and Retain Great Staff
08/10/2011 - 2.00 pm
Discover a step-by step plan of action to help you manage, motivate and retain great staff. You’ll discover proven strategies to help you get the results you desire.Full Description
for 5 Simple Steps To Help You Manage, Motivate and Retain Great Staff
Visit Julie's website, Motivate Teachers, for more resources!
Define Your ECE Program’s Culture: Starting the School Year Right
08/03/2011 - 2.00 pm
Like societies, neighborhoods, and companies, all early childhood programs have their own cultures. But, we often don’t stop to think about the implications of our culture on children, families, and staff. What is your program’s culture? How is it defined? How is the culture communicated? Do you embrace and “live” your culture every day? Full Description
for Define Your ECE Program’s Culture: Starting the School Year Right
Dr. Kenney's site, The Parent Coach
Firefighter or ECE Administrator? Putting Out Management “Fires” in Preschool Settings
07/27/2011 - 2.00 pm
This webinar, presented by Beth Engelhardt, a preschool administration veteran with 30 years of experience, will help you recognize the ways in which you contribute to the firestorm and how you can be proactive to prevent everyday problems and full-blown crises in your early childhood program.Full Description
for Firefighter or ECE Administrator? Putting Out Management “Fires” in Preschool Settings
Beth's website: ECE-SOS: Support for Early Childhood Professionals
Seamless Preschool to Elementary Transitions: The Role of Elementary Principals in Creating Prek through Grade 3 Alignment
07/20/2011 - 2.00 pm
Now more than ever, elementary principals are aware of the role that they can play in supporting a continuum of learning from early childhood settings and actively engaged in communities and schools to help set the stage for academic success. Join Gail Connelly and Barbara Chester from The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) to begin a dialog about how principals and early childhood professionals can work together to smooth the seams between preschool and elementary school. Full Description
for Seamless Preschool to Elementary Transitions: The Role of Elementary Principals in Creating Prek through Grade 3 Alignment
Creating Effective Learning Spaces for Early Childhood Cognitive Development
06/30/2011 - 1 PM EDT
The session will focus on strategies to effectively set up interest or learning centers to foster cognitive leaning and engage children in active participation.Full Description
for Creating Effective Learning Spaces for Early Childhood Cognitive Development
Ingrid's new book: Smart Environments
ECE Tech: Beyond Debate-How To Evaluate Children’s Interactive Technology Tools and Media
06/01/2011 - 2.00 pm
It’s easy to find fierce debate about using technology with young children. As multi-touch screens flood our classrooms, minivans and playrooms, some have gone as far to say that technology causes health problems, developmental delays and imply that there could be frightening long-term implications. But what exactly is “technology?” In this webinar, we’ll unpackage the […]Full Description
for ECE Tech: Beyond Debate-How To Evaluate Children’s Interactive Technology Tools and Media
Connect, Inspire & Empower Teachers Through Personal “Sticky Notes Storytelling”
05/18/2011 - 2.00 pm
“Sticky Note Storytelling” is a tool used by life coaches and CEO’s of organizations to facilitate personal growth and development and forge authentic and supportive relationships in an organization. It is a powerful process that leads people to self discovery and more meaningful relationships with others. This session will explain the process of “Sticky Note Storytelling” and how to prepare staff for the process.Full Description
for Connect, Inspire & Empower Teachers Through Personal “Sticky Notes Storytelling”
Pierce, Debra
Professor, Early Childhood Education , Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
View profileThe CDA Credentialing Process & The Role of ECE Directors
05/11/2011 - 2.00 pm
If you have asked your teachers to get the CDA Credential, your responsibility has really only just begun. As the administrator, you must be a source of support and help to your staff as they earn a CDA. In this session, you will learn the best ways to be an advocate, mentor, and active participant in the CDA process. Full Description
for The CDA Credentialing Process & The Role of ECE Directors
Tips for Preschool Programs, by Deb Pierce
CDA Tips for Infant and Toddler Programs, by Deb Pierce
EasyCDA, Deb's website
Building a Multicultural Multilingual Community in Your Early Childhood Program
04/27/2011 - 2.00 pm
Early Childhood Education Resources for Teaching Dual Language Learners Twitter: KarenNemethEdM Facebook: Karen Nemeth at Language Castle LLC Many Languages, One Classroom: Teaching Dual and English Language Learners Karen Nemeth 2009 – Gryphon House Meeting the Home Language Mandate: Practical Strategies for All Classrooms Karen Nemeth March 2009 Young Children One Child, […]Full Description
for Building a Multicultural Multilingual Community in Your Early Childhood Program
Early Childhood Education Resources for Teaching Dual Language Learners
Twitter: KarenNemethEdM
Facebook: Karen Nemeth at Language Castle LLC
Many Languages, One Classroom: Teaching Dual and English Language Learners
Karen Nemeth 2009 – Gryphon House
Meeting the Home Language Mandate: Practical Strategies for All Classrooms
Karen Nemeth March 2009 Young Children
One Child, Two Languages: A Guide for Preschool Educators of Children Learning English as a Second Language, 2nd ed, One Child, Two Languages in Action training DVD PattonTabors 2008
Teaching Young Children Magazine for preschool teachers published by NAEYC - Each bimonthly issue contains strategies for supporting dual language learners ( by Karen Nemeth
Dual Language Learning: What Does it Take? Head Start Program Preparedness Checklist
Office of Head Start (2010) Revisiting and Updating the Multicultural Principles for Head Start Programs Serving Children Ages Birth to Five (there is a whole resource section on dual language learners)
Dual Language Learners in the Early Years: Getting Ready to Succeed in School
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
Getting it Right for Young Children from Diverse Backgrounds: Applying Research to Practice
Linda Espinosa 2009
Young English Language Learners: Current Research and Emerging Directions for Practice and Policy Eugene Garcia and Ellen Frede, Eds. 2010
Dual Language Development and Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism & Second Language Learning (2nd ed) by Johanne Paradis, Fred Genesee, Martha B. Crago 2010
Developing Reading and Writing in Second-Language Learners: Lessons from the Report of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth August & Shanahan Eds. 2008 Free literacy resources for bilingual families and educators
50 Strategies for Communicating and Working with Diverse Famillies 2nd ed.
Janet Gonzalez-Mena 2010
Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves
Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards from NAEYC 2010
Not for ESOL Teachers: What Every Classroom Teacher Needs to Know About the Linguistically, Culturally and Ethnically Diverse Student Eileen Whelan Ariza 2010
No Limits to Literacy for Preschool English Learners Theresa A. Roberts 2009
The Young Child's Memory for Words: Developing First and Second Language and Literacy
Daniel R. Meier 2004
New Voices ~ Nuevas Voces: A Handbook on Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood Dina Castro, Betsy Anyakova, Christina Kasprzak 2010
Responsiveness for ALL Children, Families, and Professionals: Integrating Cultural and Linguistic Diversity into Policy and Practice (2010 position paper from Division for Early Childhood)
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Position Paper on Language and Literacy Development for Young English Language Learners (ages 3-8) 2010
Where We Stand on Responding to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity 2009
What Does the Research Say About Curriculum and Assessment for Young Dual Language Learners National Center for English Language Acquisition Webinar April, 2010 (archived program and transcripts)
Ready for Success: 2010 - Office of Head Start produced a year long series of webinars and webcasts on supporting dual language learners in early childhood education. The March and May installments addressed assessment questions . They are archived here in English and Spanish
Catalog sites with books and toys in many languages:
Other helpful links:
Wendy Young, LMSW, BCD
Child & Family Therapist and ECE Behavioral and Menntal Health Consultant , Kidluitons:Solutions for Kids and Preferred Product Awards for Social-Emotional Developement
View profileTime-Out for Exclusionary Tactics in ECE Settings: Leading with Heads and Hearts
04/06/2011 - 2.00 pm
Early childhood teachers and administrators often use time-out as a guidance method for challenging behaviors. Time-out was originally developed as a positive guidance technique, yet we often miss the mark when we use it. This webinar will explain how early childhood administrators and teachers can do things differently to help ALL students succeed.Full Description
for Time-Out for Exclusionary Tactics in ECE Settings: Leading with Heads and Hearts
Hitting, Pushing and Name-calling: Bully-proofing Your ECE Program
03/30/2011 - 2.00 pm
Is it possible to eliminate aggressive acts and bullying during the early years? The answer to this question is critical for anyone involved in early childhood education. In this webinar, we will discuss ways to eliminate aggressive acts during the early years. Full Description
Download the Slides for Hitting, Pushing and Name-calling: Bully-proofing Your ECE Program
Engaging Outdoor Play: The ECE Administrator’s Role
03/23/2011 - 2.00 pm
The outdoor learning environment has the potential to be a special space for nurturing the minds, bodies, and spirits of all young children and adults. Play that occurs in the outdoor environment is an important part of a high quality early childhood program. What does it take to have a quality outdoor space and engaging outdoor play? It starts with the adults who create those spaces and experiences.Full Description
for Engaging Outdoor Play: The ECE Administrator’s Role
Understanding Play
- The Power of Play by David Elkind
- Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown, M.D.
- Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
- Research Paper: The Benefits of Playgrounds for Children Aged 0-5
Outdoor Play Environments
- Natural Playscapes by Rusty Keeler
- Earthplay: Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul
- Developing An Outdoor Classroom: Blending classroom curriculum and outdoor play space
Outdoor Play: Websites and Blogs
- The InvestiGator Club News, “The Importance of Play”
- NAEYC: Resources for Teaching and Learning about the Natural World
- The National Institute for Play
- Dimensions Educational Research Foundation
- Head Start Body Start Toolbox
Resources mentioned during the session and other great references
- From Bethe Almeras: Play Space Assessment by Head Start Body Start
- From Bethe Almeras: Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center Natural Playspaces
- From Bethe Almeras: Free on demand webinar on Loose Parts
Multilingual ECE Programs: How Preschool Children Learn Languages and How Administrators Can Help
03/09/2011 - 2.00 pm
US classrooms are increasingly more multilingual. We can either ignore our students’ linguistic needs, or we can position ourselves to provide the best possible education for our children’s global future. In this webinar, we will talk about the importance of thematic learning, the tremendous power of bilingual books when used with storytelling techniques, and why play is king of the classroom. Full Description
for Multilingual ECE Programs: How Preschool Children Learn Languages and How Administrators Can Help
Online Learning for Early Childhood? How young children learn online
02/23/2011 - 2.00 pm
This webinar will showcase how children learn and why it is important to provide developmentally appropriate, engaging, and interactive activities for young children. This interactive, innovative presentation will showcase how children learn online. Participate in this session and try out some new Web 2.0 tools that work with young children. Full Description
for Online Learning for Early Childhood? How young children learn online
The Influences Changing Instruction in the Prekindergarten Classroom
02/16/2011 - 2.00 pm
. This session will briefly examine the 2009 releases of the federally funded reports for early literacy and mathematics, and the survey of technology use in the prekindergarten settings to develop a backdrop for understanding the impact and implications for early childhood professionals. Susan will also share practical ideas about how to manage your programs using alignments with the new Pre-K Common Core Standards.Full Description
for The Influences Changing Instruction in the Prekindergarten Classroom
- Links to reports mentioned in the session:
- NELP report - National Research Council Key Math Findings - Common Core Standards
- NIEER Report on English Language Learners
- National Literacy Panel on Language Minority Children and Youth - PBS Annual Technology Study
- NELP report
Developing Early Literacy: The Report of the National Early Literacy Panel
02/09/2011 - 2.00 pm
What literacy skills and abilities should preschools and kindergartens aim to develop? What instructional practices have been proven, by research, to confer literacy learning advantages to young children? This webinar will provide answers to these questions based upon the most comprehensive review yet conducted with research on early literacy. The chair of the National Early Literacy Panel will provide participants with a guided tour of their findings.Full Description
for Developing Early Literacy: The Report of the National Early Literacy Panel
Shanahan on Literacy- Tim’s Blog
Developing Early Literacy: Report of the National Early Literacy Panel
Quality ECE Inclusion Programs for ALL Children: Operating Standards for High Quality Inclusive Child Care
01/19/2011 - 2.00 pm
Join Bob Siegel, National Director of Easter Seals Children’s Services in this 1 hour session devoted to providing you with an overview of the Easter Seals Operating Standards for Quality Inclusive Child Care. Full Description
for Quality ECE Inclusion Programs for ALL Children: Operating Standards for High Quality Inclusive Child Care
- Click to download: Bibliography and Resource pages from the Operating Standards Training by Easter Seals
- Connect to the Easter Seals High-Quality Child Care page
- Contact Bob Siegel at